Watching the SpaceX Falcon Heavy launch LIVE
>hes 3 hours late
wtf wh is YouTube telling me it's live and delayed then?
lol, whatever, it was worth posting the Dr Evil rocket
Sam Hyde is in there
Yeah because governments just created all those susidies and laws and gibs for Elon and wanted nothing in return.
Wake up. Fucking idiots don't know they're getting played.
Watched it Live at Cape Canaveral. BTFO
Did they say the center booster fubared yet?
17mins to go!
I swear someone posted a cap of facebook posts about elon getting bullied by african gangs in this thread
wtf was that glowing alien then cut feed?
Yes. It ran out of fuel and hit the water at something like 300mph.
freaking shark with freaking laser beam
so lads, are we all going insane?
or involved in the biggest conspiracy since satan invented the jews?
oh damn. and here I am with these useless AR's when I should have harpoons
Fake stream.
>No stars because it would be too easy to call them out over the position of the stars
>Horizon was all kinds of wrong on the way up
>Shutting down the stream because 12 hours was the best they could do despite solar
stream down
It's a 3rd party channel that recorded and is replaying it.
>>look at 41:26
Go stare at the sun and tell me how many stars you see. Friggin tard-ass.
Are you a Christian? SO Satan invented that Yahowsha(Jesus) and all his friends and family were also jews and that he said he didn't come to annul any of the Towrah or Prophets.
Actual God BTFO the jews on the regular btw and they are still the ones he founded the Covenant with despite all this. DESU Yahowah(God) probably hates jews a lot more than anyone on here does
Half of them get rapekilled in the next 10-15 years if it makes you feel any better. Same goes with everyone else though
You're a bit late to the party Justin.
the car is a test payload, that's the bay opening up and releasing the car you dumb shit
This isn't usually looking at the sun, and there's no sky to block our view otherwise.
that's the faring on the top of the rocket being shed you moron
Sup Forums btfo
>you have been placed on time out by the moderator
How high is it supposed to go up?
250 miles, perhaps?
You don't have to be looking directly at the sun, you just need need a largely contrasting level of light. Go shine a floodlight on your car tonight and try to take a picture of the stars with your car in view as seen on this livestream. Cameras just can't show the dim starlight in contrast to the brightly sun-lit car without some serious HDR and long-exposure tricks. Long exposure on a rotating car will not work, by the way.
Will they stream from the car, when it's in the outer space (is it even possible?), because it will have it's own orbit around the sun that croses mars orbit (at least that's what they said in the stream)?
They are live streaming from the car and change camera angles whenever they want to cut the feed when it rotates around- lots of lights shooting in the background at certain times.theverge.com
A few hours later ayyys grab it.
The batteries powering the streaming cameras will die after ~12 hours of streaming. No more footage after that.
Only 1 land mass and the other shot was allll water...
Well boys... we’re going to mars.
At least it finally provided conclusive proof that the world is flat!
Anyone know exactly when the final burn will take place?
That sucks, would be cool streaming from outer space, missed oportunity.
Carter page FBI agent all along
Deep state pants on head retarded
Media blackout including Reddit and this fucking place thanks hiroshijew
Launch a rocket at quantico
RIP stream.
Probably in prep for final burn.
One final shot of Earth before he flies away forever.
Seal of approval.
Notice how in the official launch footage not only does The Horizon change from round to flat in the span of 10 seconds, but also they literally didn't have enough stock footage for the views on the way down.
They wanted to make sure that they included enough fisheye footage to make people see the (((globe))).
Yet it looks like they forgot to add a fisheye lens to the actual live stream footage when they switched to the camera on the way down.
However the Smoking Gun was when they were supposedly miles high above Cape Canaveral and they went to show the booster footage that apparently they claim are completely on different sides of the rocket, they are the same exact video stream.
If elon musk spend as much money on his stock footage for his fake rocket launches as he does on fooling and scamming his investors, this may have been close to believable.