Did Poland start some kind of trend ?
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Oh shit! I'm so fucking scared! What of those poor jews! I know a jew who had all four of his grandparents gassed when they were infants! Sick and bigoted racists in Poland stand down!
So horrible that Poland doesn't want the Nazi German camps being called Polish.
im literally shaking
terrifying! oyy veyyy
I'm already terrified
>Three years in jail for saying "Polish death camps"
>Sup Forums calls this country based
Another EU nation that will jail you for bullshit.
Fucking kikes
And they call republicans fear mongerers. Zomg the earf is warming we all gonna die. Zomg trumps going to kill millions if he makes changes to obamacare. Ahh rethuglicans tax plan will be Armageddon.
What Holocaust?
>journalist telling me how I should feel
THese people should all fucking hang
fuck off kike
If Europe loves free speech it will end all restrictions on speech about the holocaust
Christ journalism is completely dead
>Poland says you cant blame them for the holocaust
Meanwhile, Germany still has a former Stasi agent monitoring their internet activity for wrong think
The camps are in Poland though.
So basically the Poles are saying they killed German civilians in and after WW2 but don't dare you suggest that they killed Jews?
>Like the judge said, "Pornography may be hard to define, but I know it when I see it."
>Poland killed german civilians during WW2
oh god, not this stupid fucking meme again
they were "jewish death camps"
Mutts are with (((them))) since Drumpf is nothing more then jewish pupet but Poland will fight on.
Fuck that was a great thread.
still nothing about holocaust denial laws though...
This is only the begining anons.
Soon they'll be digging up Treblinka and exmining the evidence.
We dont care about kikes. Fuck them, and fuck your kike nation.
How the fuck do normies still read shit like this with such obvious propaganda titles? Just give me the facts and leave it to me to be terrified
Meanwhile Russia stands with Poland
Its big. Many people in Poland are really becoming redpilled. They see that whole US and NATO thing is jewish hoax. Drumpf jewery maybe will give us good fruits.
You guys realize that denying holocaust is penalized in Poland?
Decide if you support free speech or prefer banning what you don't like.
go out to the street and say: "fuck kikes and niggers" see how based your country is.
>he believes in the danzig massacre meme
oh yeah? well my grandfathers were gassed six times each. one of them met his wife in the gas chamber.
Only because they want to try and seize it again.
>It's okay Poland daddy Russia agrees with you
>Rubs hands together
>Now join us..
>he belives jewish and NATO propaganda
Fuck off kike.
boomer posting always makes me laugh
Depends where I said it.
Regardless, I wouldn't be arrested for it, no matter where I publicly said it in the United States.
It wasnt meant to be poland at the time tho and they didnt design them,
>jews defending freedom of speech
wtf is happening
6 gorillion were killed, you should all listen to the
>being this much of a shill
lol I didnt catch it with the fuck america comment, but now its obvious with the pro russian one as well.
Why does that remind me of a Prussian Flag?
But the greenones could also be called deathcamps, albeit with an utilisation of the more healthy prisoners in mind.
Natzweiler was a workcamp, but had a very high deathrate by design. It is questionable they had gotten out there if the Ns-state had won.
Is CNN advocating for free speech or saying its bad, I'm gonfused
>this should terrify you
>holohoax meme
>gibs schekles
Why? Im a white christian male
>leave it to me to be terrified
LOST, kek
Dude this is America. You can say whatever the fuck you want lol.
>CNN/us/eu/germany literally support modern nazi states like israel and saudi arabia, and swastika waving neo nazis like post coup ukraine
>no one gives a shit
fuck I'm trembling from ideas, hold me Sup Forums fuck fuck fuck, 9 gazillion
three years is appropriate for calling polish labour camps polish death camps
Seeing as the holohoax didn't happen, I say it's nothing new since the kikes already want to ban questioning the """"""genocide""""
I'm getting pretty fed up with headlines and media telling me what to think
>And that's a good thing
>Here's why
>Such and such should effect you in this way
How these media fucks spell out the facts so I can make my own judgements without passively aggressively inserting their own fucking agenda on something and then jerking off about how clever they are about it afterwards.
Fucking hell has the media always been this bad or has the internet really ruined any sense of decent journalistic integrity that exists
What happens in leaf land for saying that?
I thought it's illegal to say that you want to kill the president in the US of A
besides that, just because something isn't illegal doesn't mean it's whitout consequence.
I'm not talking about getting punched in the face, but fired or imprisoned.
the whole PC culture is one big pandora's box, which should've never been opened
>Did Poland start some kind of trend ?
Yes, of kikes getting eternally BTFO
They should fucking force the Germans to take them apart and erect them in Germany.
How in the fuck is this anything to do with Poland?
you get fed to the caterpillars
what evidence?
but it would be super embarrassing if they dig up the graves and there's nothing there
Direct threats are haram.
'I'm gonna kill x' - illegal
'x should be killed' - opinion = legal
I sincerely hope so.
pretty hypocritical considering holocaust denial is a constitutional right here
nevermind, read the tweet. they're critisizing the law for restricting speech, not because they are against people saying poland isn't responsible
that would be consistent though.
Crazy how if the jews lose any political ground any way any where it becomes a new holocaust and everyone responsible is an evil nazi.
>Be very afraid goy, otherwise we are finished!
Jews don't believe in equality. They want a set of rules that only favors their tribe at your tribe's expense.
Thank you Poland for standing up against jewish demands. You know, if they were allowed to slander your race, like they are allowed to slander Germany, they'd guilt-trip you to the point of national suicide. Jews are a cancer.
Literally won’t be arrested.
>This is how you must react to what I'm about to inform you.
What's with articles telling me how I should feel about what I'm about to read. I would make some 1984 comparison but those takes have been done to death already.
Wow, Jews shopping around for their reparations. Who could have saw it coming?
Sure is a strange coincidence that they waited all this time to accuse Poland right as Germany reparations are drying up.
Guys, let's start a new trend:
There were American death camps.
Every tiem, I swear.
Making Holocaust denial a crime isn't a restriction? Think a little bit before you post. Kikes pushed for, and got Holocaust denial laws passed throughout Europe. They don't believe in free speech, and really, the Zionist entity isn't even in Europe, but is actually in Asia, so why should Poland give a fuck when an Asian country tells them what should be legal or illegal in Poland? Kikes are very presumptuous, and think they can tell someone else how to sail their ship.
Europe has had its free speech erased for decades because of Jews and their insistence nobody can ever question any aspect of this event. I don't give a fuck anymore, and I used to be a liberal, good for Poland, I hope they shit on their enemies.
This retarded pic again.
#EisenhowerDeathCamps actually existed
Yah, they all should be green
Poland is getting targeted by the US and its greatest Ally:
Act S 447: congress.gov
renamed to Act H.R. 1226 (which is a reference to the 1226 introduction of the Teutonic Order in the lands of Poland): congress.gov
Now, why are these acts important? There's been a shitstorm brewing for the last few years around the phrase ,,Polish Death Camps'' and supposed Polish complicity in the killings of Jews. This is now used to push a narrative that Poles should be paying reparations to Israel (for, according to (((official history))), dying in the very same camps and saving Jews throughout the war?). Soon we will be forced to pay 65 billion USD to Israel as "reparations" and if we refuse the US will have a reason for some sort of intervention (thanks to the acts).
Saying yes to the demands will result in the Jews basically enslaving us and stealing whatever properties we have (since there's no other way for us to pay) effectively turning us into toilet cleaners in our own country.
Saying no will result in an intervention from the US, military or not.
Our senate has banned the phrase ,,Polish Death Camps'' by law on the territory of our country:
which has resulted in Israel and leftist media outlets accusing us of Holocaust denial:
which is, of course, not at all what this law meant to achieve. This reaction only proves Israel's greedy goal.
Israeli attack on Polish tourists (kike screaming ,,a good Pole is a dead Pole'' and throwing rocks):
This. But millenial cucks love this, otherwise they wouldn't know what to think or feel. AI is already here, and CNN programs it.
The kike kvetching about "Polish death camps" has probably made the Poles wish they helped the krauts gas more of the fuckers while they still could.
No, but the mysterious "claims" should go unless the author of the pic wants to just take advantage of people's ignorance of the subject.
> Christians/catholics worship a Jew
> hates Jews
Makes me smile everyday (((not a Jew)))
They don't want to be guilty of Polish genocide because then they can't get reparation gibs.
not by any legal system, maybe Jamal and Tyrone might "step up", but I don't live near them. we're free here.
Mildly upset.
I thought the same thing you did, but apparently the us state department has no problem with the Holocaust denial laws in Poland. Hence the hypocrisy
That is a shame you guys deserve your independence. You losing yours is the final sign that we have all lost our countries.
literary shaking right now
Depending on where I said it I'd either get mean looks, get high fives, or get attacked by nogs. Under no circumstances would I be subject to legal recourse.
Polish death camps for Bolshevik Jews.
Wait, are you telling that Poland is now "literally" Hitler because people fell for this meme?
More tales of the holocaust.
Poland's Holocaust law should terrify Jews