How can I help my half-Asian Hapa son be proud of his Dutch American heritage and be happy? Not trolling, well... just a bit, but still lol. I don’t want to raise an Elliot Rodgers or Tender Spencer
Proud of the White side
Other urls found in this thread:
Elliot Rodgers and the likes of him hated his asian side.
if whiteness was so great his father wouldnt have seeded up an asian woman.
Tell him he's not a part of either group, but that isn't cause for being depressed or some gay shit. He'll have endless opportunities to troll either side as long as he isn't a social retard.
Expanding on my point. What made people like Elliot Rodgers so autistic and batshit crazy was his insecurities with issues of race.
Your hapa son needs to be proud of his Dutch American side and his asian side. You shouldn't preach either as superior to the other
I personally think that most hapas deep down hate their Asian side I mean they prise a Hapa's that are white passing whille the Asian looking ones are seen as failures.
The problem with this is that all too frequently WMAF involves a racist white male and self-hating, white-worshipping asian female.
Let me ask a few questions regarding your wife:
1) Has she exclusively dated white men before you?
2) Does she complain about her culture?
3) Does she talk shit on asian men?
Answer yes to any of those questions and you might have a problem especially if your son comes out looking more asian. Someone who has spent her entire life hating on asian men, avoiding asian men, perpetrating stereotypes of asian men, and worshipping whites CAN NOT possibly come to terms with having an asian-looking son.
As the father, if you want your son to be normal, then you have to help your son come to terms with his asian side (since his mom will refuse to do it).
And if you're racist yourself and think asian men are inferior (i.e. small dick, no-soul, insect hive mind), then your son is FUCKED and there's no saving him
What if he grows up one day and reads something similar to Sup Forums or whatever social media site evolve from it
> pic related lol
How can I steer him into a Chad Thundercock path and ignore the self-hate?
Actually genuine now in my question
We do.
is he gay
Elliot Rogers was Jewish and Asian. That's the crazy mix you need to worry about.
>most hapas deep down hate their Asian side
Not from my personal experience. The ones I knew liked it (took Chinese class in high school, had asian friends, liked asian culture, etc.)
Disclaimer though they came from AMWF.
If you are talking about hapas from r/hapas, that's correct.
They are so White-worshiping and self-hating exactly like their mothers they despise so much.
Kids fucked
We Asians don't want him and yt doesn't want him either.
Get him ready to hang out with the other rejects in school.
Funny because I have all white and all Asian friend groups but they don't like hapas, but other tokens are okay
which is moronic since its evident in the current year that the asian race is far superior.
The well adjusted hapas don't go on /pol or reddit to cry about their fucked up lives.
If your exposure to hapas is only through reddit or Sup Forums, then your view of them is obviously skewed.
Now I have noticed that the majority of the autistic hapas come from WMAF and not AMWF.
>If you are talking about hapas from r/hapas, that's correct.
>They are so White-worshiping and self-hating
Self-hating YES
White-worshipping NO
I thought the point of r/hapas was to whine and cry about white-worshiping behavior
She’s only dated white males in the past. She does complain about Americans but we’re both in the STEM field. No she likes Asian guys and our son was planned for the joint family tax credits.
11mos too early to tell.
Both stem lmao enjoy raising Elliot Jr
2 beta genes don't cancel out
Better abort it now
dude you got with this pic, whey are asian remakes so funny, i'm dying laughing
is he a mongol (as in mongolian, not a gook or chink)?
Cool, take him to any Turkic country and he'll fit right in and feel at home
is he anything else?
you fucked up
Mongols and Siberians (and turks) are literally the only good asians, all the other ones are shit, and there's too damn many shit ones.
>and turks
huh, what are you on?
or do you mean turkmen as in the central asian variant?
Yeah, they definitely are White worshipers which is quite ironic desu, probably not all of them though.
They throw Asian-passing as insults, and they put White girls on pedestal too.
I am a father of a Hapa (I'm an Asian guy) so I was concerned about our son's possible identity crisis inthe future, so I was lurking on r/hapas.
Within 10mins, I could tell that Eurasiantiger is the biggest White worshiper, and he is just fucking insane.
I don't understand why people on that sub could tolerate him.
because they are just like him
Jewish and Indonesian, meaning he had jew and arab semetic-rape-genes on either side of his family tree.
But apparently pol says Jews are white when suicidal hapas are involved.
Is his mom asian or white?
This makes a HUGE differences in X-chromosomes growth towards and after puberty (genetic hormones expressions) and the melanin receptor genes. Plus depending on the mom’s you gonna get either a high-soy phytoestrogens diet for your son (Asian mom) or high fructose corn syrup diet (White mom)
So what’s his mom’s race?
>being proud of race
lol it's like you bring e slang into your real world conversation or something
what's bts?
I searched what's bts and it looks like it's some gay Asian boy band
how do you tell? even the most womenly man in south korea is straight. south korea is a lot more homophobic than the west, despite the atheism. they're just more heterosexual that you could ever be.
They look gay,they dress gay and I just watched a song video off them and they act pretty gay aswell,but that's all fan service for teenage girls.
Also you say that Korea is homophobic whille Japan and Korea are the most pro gay Asian countries in East Asia even Taiwan allowed same sex marrieges
He said Turkic.
>Also you say that Korea is homophobic whille Japan and Korea are the most pro gay Asian countries in East Asia
this is so wrong. just because they're not irrationally paranoid about homosexuality, doesn't mean intrinsically they see it as okay. koreans and japanese are naturally unconfrontational, doesn't mean they don't have solid values. yes the boybands might look gay but that's only because they romanticize american culture so much. don't tell me you'd prefer a gay masculine carpenter than a perfectly straight little man with womenly voice and gesture. you're a shallow person and if you raise kids, your kids are gonna be liberals.
You should actually show him role models that are Asian and white. Preferably of his own ethnicity like Chinese and Irish or whatever. And give him soft red pills about how Asian men are treated by the left wing media. Don't tell him one side is superior to another, that'll fuck with his head.
His mom is Dutch-American, so yea, I could certainly see the hfcs diet thing. Definitely going to cut carbs, rice and refined sugars out!
Well of all the mixed race options he got the best one. So there's that. Remind him it could have been worse: half-African and half-Canadian.
How the fuck does me saying that this Korean boy band looks and acts gay makes me a shallow person and that my future kid will be a liberal??
The music in this country is not so gay like in the West and East and there is a strong culture here where men need to be manly because we are men and we need to provide for our future familly because that is our duty.
I have a half-english, half-chinese son on the way. WMAF, although I speak Chinese/lived there and we may well just move back there or to Singapore at some point.
What are you? Chinese?
Could have sworn I saw this exact thread yesterday.
>WMAF involves a racist white male and self-hating, white-worshipping asian female.
martial arts makes kids into men
make him take that even if he hates it
>asking Sup Forums for advice
you've already lost my friend. the kid's father is an idiot.
You shouldn't have had kids with an Asian duh
He unironically needs to be taught japanese, or whatever his asian half is.
I have scientific proof on this: there are plenty of highly successful HAPA youtubers that are able to leverage their half white side (this makes them EXOTIC) and their half asian side (this makes them safe and trustworthy).
Historically, asian countries despise halfbreeds but today that's an old chest nut; only old people feel that way, young people and those wanting to appeal to young people (for their money) will perceive a HAPA as cool, hip, rebellious but not a full on outsider, BUT ONLY IF THEY SPEAK THE NATIVE LANGUAGE
South East Asian, not east. But son does have natural double eyelids and slight epicanthic fold, but could change completely after puberty
They're also less likely to feel emasculated in Asian countries, Japan wouldn't be terrible considering Anime has normalized Eurasian aesthetics
That's also true, if they've been raised with say American exceptionalism values, even a beta male american seems like a confident, gregarious go-getter when compared to the state of most japanese males as a result of their cultural upbringing of non-confrontation, extreme conformity, and sublimation of the self in service of the greater whole.
If south korean, it's not quite as applicable although in SK there is an extreme social caste system that revolves around your family connections, how you dress, where you live and go to school, etc etc and foreigners are completely un-classifiable in this system which results in them being regarded as highly desirable (because they're exotic and don't trip any of the "low class" indicators)
You need to emphasize his AMERICAN roots. Totally steer clear of both asian and european sides.
In this country neither ulitimately matter, so just be supportive if he asks, but don' t make a point of it.
Look at it this way:
Both sides of his family thought they were living were shitholes, so both sides emigrated to a better shinning city on the hill--this land of opportunity. Make him feel good about the dirt under his feet and his part in the direction that dirt goes. Don't focus on his past and the things that can't be changed.
Don't teach him shit about his asian side unless you want an asian son. Give him a taste and he'll flock back to buttfuck gookland like the swallows of capastrano
>our son was planned for the joint family tax credits
lol kys
>In this country neither ulitimately matter, so just be supportive if he asks, but don' t make a point of it.
Sup Forums proved you wrong
This comic is wrong, Turks are white.
God almighty, the OP wants a son that's interested in his side. What's all this shit about exposing him fucking asian cultures. Fucking loser advice.
When your son is young and impressionable (3-4) take him to the Smithsonian Air and Space museum. Sit him in front of the moon lander and tell him his people built that. Let him stare up at the Wright flyer and remind him that anyone can invent something great in this nation. Remind him as he grows up that he has deep roots in this country, and that he has all the tools he needs here to be successful regardless of where his ethnicity springs from.
Fuck, make him proud to be an American and he'll turn out okay and naturally curious about his ethnicity. Tell him to learn some dumb fucking bedwetting language and you can be damn sure he'll hurp-de-durp through life.
Happily married to an American girl of korean decent for 10 fucking years
Yeah, you're right. A bunch of guys shitposting about all manner of things in the anonymous internet void must make my personal reality wrong.
Ya got me there genius.
Go wet the bed somewhere else
is it only because they're the most attractive amongst other middle easterns?
you must be pretty unpopular here. most polacks here might see you as anti-white. maybe you yourself aren't white?
shit advice unless you want a fucking mongrel looking kid speaking broken accent stained jap.
The OP is looking for advice on how to raise a son interested in his background. Did you not read the fucking question.
Get the fuck out of here with that incel advice.
OP, raise an American kid, and make him proud to be an American. Remind him that his traditions spring from europe, but that those traditions, like everything else in this country, are shaped and molded by what this country is. Everything that has come, and will come to the USA will be changed to suit the country's needs.
We don't need japs, chinks, clog heads, wops, gooks, micks, niggers, greazers, or spics. We need Americans
civic nationalism for the mutts, how fitting
>The Great White Roach
T-that's just a fairy tale, user.
100% northern european dna according to the test. Doesn't matter though.
I am 100 fucking percent American. Anyone who doesn't identify first as American and second as whatever their ethnaticy says they are, is a fucking traitor.
I'm not on here to make fucking polack friends, I'm in here to help the OP see the light and avoid another Elliot Rodgers tragedy. Why the fuck did you post?
Richard Spencer is CIA mind controlled he admitted to being a part of a "modern day Bolshevik revolution" he did look it up
He also has a jew mother and comes from a wealthy jewish family which im sure you're all aware of. There is alot of controlled opposition out there red ice, Lauren Southern, just to name a few
Be a watch dog!!
Says the butt hurt bedwetter giving his country away to shitskins
>How can I help my half-Asian Hapa son be proud of his Dutch American heritage and be happy?
you can't. there's nothing to be proud of
bad advice. son needs to be comfortable with being asian, or nonwhite if you will. ignoring his non white side will only cause a crises when you raise him up like that. he will have one hell of a wake up call when he gets treated like a gook that he is.
>country away to shitskins
as long as they see themselves as germans, what's the problem?
this was your logic, but now you backpedaled in this post.
>I am a father of a Hapa (I'm an Asian guy)
so... just like you?
except for you it's ok, if they say they are "americans", right?
Whats intresting is that east "asians" have 20% more Neanderthal DNA than euro fags and lots of genetic similarities between the two
>op btfo
Well done, Amerilard.
Which Asian country is your wife from? If its not third world learn the language and move there. Your hapa son will be treated as special and not special needs like they are in the west especially America. You may even end up rich if you get him into acting or modelling over there.
Wow great job user
For the single fellas what's marriage really like
this is the only sensible advice in the thread. the WORST thing you can possibly to do your fucked up child thanks to your selfish whims is cause an internal battle between east and west at the core of his identity. you must make it clear that BOTH cultures have strengths and weaknesses and are imperfect. the best thing for your son is to take the good aspects from both cultures and reject the rest
They've literally admitted to banning users who had a preference for Asian women over white women. Might as well be r/whitewomenaregod thanks to Tenda and his autism.
convince him to transition so he can find a strong white man like you to love him
>or maybe you
You totally missed the point.
Don't favor or support either side. ONLY support the American way.
Insults, bullying, racist remarks have to be dealt with on an individual basis. The kid is going to look in the mirror everyday and know he's different, so why the fuck would you emphasize TWO different ethnic backgrounds when all both parents want is for the kid to grow up in a typical American fashion.
Godalmighty no one said not to be comfortable being part asian, but at the end of the day the kid is American, born in America, to two American parents. Leave the old country behind like his fucking ancestors did.
It's like I'm talking to a child here, I mean, a real toddler.
>What's all this shit about exposing him fucking asian cultures.
because despite your bullshit advice, he KNOWS that deep down inside he's not fully white nor asian
Are you talking about reddit? Lol who cares people should only go to R/Conspiracy
The best forum for me is God like productions if you dont know about it
source please? (this is related to the topic?)
They don't think they're german. Their actions aren't german, their behavior definitely isn't german, and they have no desire to assimilate in germany.
That has got to be one of the dumbest statements you could have said---unless you like watching your women get raped by those shitskins.
>basing your identity on the color of your skin
I think everyone can agree that's a terrible idea
> my name is richardu spenceru
Beacuse these retards fallow Richard Spencer and wanna clime up the chaos ladder
That's my whole point you dumb piece of shit. Don't come and immigrate to my country if you don't want to be an American.
American first, ethnicity second. Why are you making this more complicated than it needs to be.
wait, red ice? why?
Nice and riced
because it's NOT about the color of his skin. east-asians are probably more white than most whites. it's a cultural battle. when people think of "white" or "yellow", there's a WHOLE HOST of shit that goes beyond how much melanin his skin has
>The kid is going to look in the mirror everyday and know he's different
sure, and it's possible he will hate himself for being asian. don't say i didn't warn you.
Best decision I've ever made. American born girl with strong traditional values.
No regrets, should have done it sooner.
Happy to answer any other questions.
because america doesn't stand for anything. the whole reason your country is so fucked up is because no one can decide on what america means or stands for
encourage them to be german. give it a few generations
I made a thread showing my sources here
But whites are the most feminine!