Lets get a political compass thread going boys
Lets get a political compass thread going boys
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reminder that the political compass is libertarian propaganda
I think we could be friends :0
How? I guess it does associate economic values with being "left wing" more than social values if thats what you mean.
Race war when?
Are you australian or muslim?
Australian. Why do you ask?
>100% Nationalism
This makes up for the Emu War entirely
Your dot
My dot
I went up
Am I the only liberal left around here?
is it possible to get libertarian or ancap on the 8 values test? the last time I did it I got like ultra capitalist or something along those lines.
Is it okay that I got this?
as a homosexual cis male, you guys are idiots
What's up Jerry (;
I score as a fascist for the 8 values test which I feel is pretty accurate. The compass test always says I'm a commie.
fuck you nazi motherfucker
the creator (a known libertarian) does not allow people to collect data on their test or to post results publicly. they claim it's to keep the results unbiased because people would feel pressured to answer differently if their data was collected. that's convenient, but any time data IS collected? pretty much everyone shows up as either libertarian left or libertarian right
there's an agenda behind this thing. why do you think he pushes it into high schools, despite it never being empirically tested? it's to get em while they're young. why do you think every teenager seems to think they're a libertarian before they actually learn what words mean? because of this propaganda test.
there's so much shady shit going on with that test, but no one seems to talk about it
i prefer spekr.org
politicalcompass has crap questions that bait you into thinking about the question in a certain way.
probably average Sup Forumsack result
Most people here are NatSoc. Lurk more newfag
I always thought I was alt right and listen to the TRS podcast allot but when i was doing the survey instead of answering "White" as race i answered black and got Hard Left somewhat authoritarian.
Gud 1
Ancap has to be 90-100% capitalist, 90-100% cosmopolitan, 90-100% anarchism and 90-100% revolution. I assume libertarianism is this to a much lesser extent.
nazi = national socialism dumbass soyboy
This one is better
kill yourself, dipshit
H-how did I do?
Shut the fuck up no one asked for your opinion
.I'm sure that no one would cry if you fucking died
Neocon my ass, its broken
Nice man, almost like mine Are you muslim too?
I'm for liberalism for all ethnicities that aren't mine but for conservatism for my people.
Right off the bat this test forces a dichotomy that I don't agree with.
>If economic globalisation is inevitable, it should primarily serve humanity rather than the interests of trans-national corporations.
Economic treatises should primarily serve the nation represented by the state doing the negotiating. It shouldn't primarily benefit "humanity" or international corporations.
If your purp you're a true American.
Yeah some of the questions annoy me too. The one that asks if it's natural for children to keep secrets from their parents. How can you answer no?
I agree, the test also needs a "neutral" option for its questions
LOL ur a jew
Forgot to cap mine, but it was exactly the same as yours.
No it fucking isn't you dumbass
A lot of people seem to be getting fatherland on this. I wonder why.
Side note: what's the relation between the stuff on the flag and your results?
Nice, I got the exact same but got integral nationalism instead of iron guard.
Fatherland pretty much just means
>muh nationalism
that's the point. it's trying to shove you into a libertarian box to push its agenda
fight me daddy
whats happening to you
>when you take all the pills at once
Wtf is your problem?
Plebbit is more your speed
Checked. Same plot as me too, inside purple.
I would be a libertarian if I didn’t want to DEPORT ALL BROWN PEOPLE
Authoritarian center. Fucking what.
I'm a pinochet kind of gal
more ecology and regulationism
basically ancap
Yeah, thats about right
My negros
I learned to hate the globo homo Jew.
I've been moving into the red recently. A few weeks ago I was at the center, half a year ago I was way into the blue.