What's so offensive about dads dancing with their daughters?
What's so offensive about dads dancing with their daughters?
People should be pulling their kids out of these public schools and seeking either home school or private alternatives. Nothing but garbage being taught there.
Because it'll make the fatherless kids and their respective single mothers face the reality of how shitty and depressing their choices are. Once they see something better they'll want it for themselves and that's very bad for the Marxist agenda
Hmm, what’s the demographic that is always loud & offended but never have fathers?
Staten Island secession when?
wow america you have fucking propaganda deep into the bones what the shit
>What's so offensive about dads dancing with their daughters?
We had a 'Dads and donuts' event at my daughters school when she was in elementary. I always wondered what the kids without dads in their lives felt like during these types of things. I know it would hurt, because my dad was never there for me either. Having said that, events like these need to be held to enforce the notion of family.
I fucking hate how much companies, schools, and other organizations take it up the ass with this subjective nonsense. Worse still is how much power these bitching fags exert over them.
My guess is that way too many fathers will show up, while the niggress's will be offended.
>Whites are the racial majority in Staten Island. Of the borough's 491,000 people, over 382,000 are white, which is over three-quarters (75.7%) of the population. Over 323,000 non-Hispanic whites reside in the borough, and they make up 65.8% of the population.
>Because the dads might fuck them.
>Because the black people will be dancing alone.
Stapdads and mom's boyfriends can take the fatherless girls to the dance. They are already fucking them, so taking them dancing is the least they can do.
Fathers are the front line nazis of the patriarchy you fucking cis scum
Technically it's the first because OP posted after himself.
Oh he didnt sorry.
The government persecutes people who try to resist but I'd be removing my children anyway if I had any at a place like that.
Peadophile victim boot camp.
Kill yourself.
People might be. I know a nonChristfag family doing just that. It's hard bc they're not rich, but they want their kids out that bad. I know a guy looking for a new district. His kid knows a lot about oppression but nothing about our founding fathers. But he's center left so he's oblivious to the source of his pain.
My father died when I was three and events like this always made me feel like shit. Glad to see it going away.
Dad's last chance to feel up his daughter?
I didn't have a father, so I danced with my mom instead.
desu I saw a girl cry hard at this dance because her dad died of cancer
I wouldn't get rid of the dance, though. that's gay
>What's so offensive about dads dancing with their daughters?
Nothing so long as the daughter has a penis.
Next thing you know they will be slicing off newborn Dicks since it isn't inclusive
just because you're defective doesn't mean you should bring everyone down to your level
> shrinking paychecks have reduced the number of marriageable men
>marriage =$
not often we get this kind of honesty from the roasties
this is a symptom of a much deeper issue that i'm currently facing when hiring younger people. some people are always going to be left out. you are going to be uncomfortable sometimes. life is not fair. it's amazing to me how many of these kids are coming into job interviews with lists of demands. not sure what went wrong with this snowflake generation, but I was born in 88, so I must have just missed it...thank god.
Oh no! I am just a caste-less waif unable to avoid succumbing to the wiles of the world! Oh poor me!
>Fuckl ur shit nigga I do whut I want
School cancels dance that leaves people out.
While it celebrates BLACK ONLY history month.
Fuck you.
Your “let’s bring everyone else down to my depressed level so it’s ‘fair’” faggotry is pure fucking cancer
Jesus christ, that guy looks like Rob Gronkowski...
It was racist because black girls dont have fathers.
Single mothers BTFO
Dont be a faggot. I am sure you have read a few psychology books in your hay days and maybe you remember how kids react differently than adults?
wtf omg ur an idiot
They can either offend the people with the money and power to sue them, bring up lawsuits, and cost them their jobs quickly
They can offend the docile and weak people who will grumble, complain, and make some silly petition against them. But will eventually settle down and keep sending their kids to the indoctrination centers because they are to broke to afford home school or want the time away from their kids.
> Dad's last chance to feel up his daughter?
> I’m sure you’ve read psychology books
You’re clearly a well-rounded & mentally healthy person there, dumbfuck.
Because your dad died all Dad-Child events and activities need to be canceled, eh? FTFY
It's almost like you have stared into the depths of my comments and saw the point. YES, they should cancel retarded shit like daddy daughter fuck fest, school dances, and possibly computer club.
My tax dollars shouldn't pay for incest, unless I am involved.
Also, who the fuck yses " FTFY " ? Its one of those things that took off a few years ago. So you are either REAAAAALY old, or way to young
1. Urrr durr I Am so old and cool guy oh man thoose 70's
2. Err ugughugh I am like cool guy who is young and have a car and stuff huruhrrrpphhh
3. lol I win ne way fag lolAa111
Gender issue? This sounds all around fucking creepy. Dancing is a mating ritual. You don't simply do mating rituals with your daughter. I guess you americucks can't stop inbreeding so how about you collectively just stop living.
Don't worry, we all think he's a faggot too.
>pull out of public schools
>still need to pay for it
That's how they indoctrinate the middle classes, make it financially impossible to leave.
You need a school voucher system. In fact, every country on Earth needs one. It's the best education financing system.
Since when the fuck society accepted trans fuckers as normal?!
Dancing is haram
>dancing is a mating ritual
What a fucking wizard
Though more importantly; Do you think I am pretty? :3
I think everyone is ugly after we put you in a gas chamber.
What if during the spasms of death I end up striking a stunning pose?
It still won't bring your dad back to life.
As did I