Dank new meme hot off the press
It has to be the Guardian?
These fucking Jews going really into these “reconstructions”
It’s their new propaganda machine to take away your history
We Wuz Sherpas
I've seen reconstructions of people from 10.000 years ago before. Why are all they all of a sudden coal black now?
hmmm he went from this pic to that one. weird how he went from a caucasoid to a negroid
and then they evolved, thank God
Telegraph too. Cheddar man ffs. Belongs on The Onion
Actually, the cheddar man's morphology is well within rough cro-magnon Caucasoid metrics.
This nigger skin WHG view is a myth. There's no real evidence to support dark skin for a people who lived in a northerly climate for so long.
I also feel like they might have made his nostrils wider than it should.
>Black man
>DNA test
Fake news: DNA tests are like kryptonite to Black men.
we wuz limeys
*sips tea*
*strokes butter knife license pensively*
*prays to Mecca*
As i said elsewhere
Say that he's the oldest skeleton but that there are earlier fragments that arent DNA matched to him, so he's not the oldest, those earlier fragments are????
I think this story might be porkies, at least i can claim free tickets to Black Panther now.
Alternatively we were all black and this proves that Whites are more evolved than blacks.
>10K years to turn into whitey
No there isn't because there is no evolutionary pressure for it.
I can't believe a fucking single news story that comes out of this country any longer pertaining to history.
Its known tho for some time.
Hunter gatherers had blue eyes and dark skin, then the pale farmers from the middle east moved in, then the indo-euros, modern euros come from these 3 populations in varying mixtures and authochtonous mutations.
that's racist you goy
His facial structure isnt negroid at all tho.
extinct people of unknown properties shouldnt be categorised so fast by modern standarts.
Muh melanin
I guess most people think race is skin deep still
>dark skin
This is a hyperbole. Just because they lacked one allele doesn't automatically go to the opposite extreme.
Like this video shows, there are example of people who are light-skinned today despite not having the allele:
>pale farmers
Another false assumption.
If you look at modern Mediterraneans, they are on average swarthier than modern Northern Europeans. So, this means there are other factors to skin coloration that haven't been taken into account yet.
Not even vaguely negroid. This is more like the "worms of the earth" from Robert E. Howard's speculative prehistory - primitive mongoloid cannibals that were gradually driven underground by the Celts, forming the basis to goblin-tales and faerie lore.
>England gets cucked by nigger caveman
I've never seen this exact idea discussed on Sup Forums, but anywhere here's this:
So one thing that is discussed here is the the intentional flooding of western countries with low iq 3rd world savages, and the encouragement of racemixing with these apes to cause a regression to the mean, and effectively make a rootless, cultureless, and stupid drone class for the elite to rule over.
All of the shit like OP posted, where they try to portray white history as black is being done now because the powers that b feel so confident that thier schemes will work out, they're changing the history now. You see, when thier ideal world with a weird mutt drone class to rule over comes to fruitiion, they will be able to show this new history coming out now. It will overshadow racist mysoginistic old history, the is the (((real))) history now! You see if the mutt race is created, they won't feel any connection with any sort of ancestry if they look back and see that all the important creators of technology and civilization were white. There will be an inherent disconnect there. THAT is why they are doing shit like this now. They are creating a history that the future drone class can relate with. Keep them complacent and quelled, the gasps of the right and the idea of ethnicity long ago went away into the night. If someone tells you about white people, that's a myth! That's HATE history!
Looks just like a limey though, save for the tan. Took a few generations living without the sun to lose it.
This. Yet the Left will jump on it like monkeys.
What's the difference between dog shit and black people?
>Dog shit eventually turns white and blows away
>cheddar man
Your logical error is in how you think the elite plays the game. You think they play a chess move now to profit later down the line but actually they are like woodchippers going 100% on the attack against current problems.
And this nigger washing of history is just a reactionary game move to combat the arguments if the original ih]nhibitants h]of only wanting what they had for millennia. This way the elite can attack that and say that YOU TOO WERE A NIGGER DONCHA KNOW? like they did this shit with the supposed Muslim findings in Sweden or like they tell Americans THEY TOO WERE IMMIGRANTS
How do you recognise a foundation myth? It fulfils three functions. 1)It explains the origin and structure of the world (and society). 2)It defines ultimate good and evil (and from those definitions are derived the values that are used to justify the holding of power). 3)It determines what is held sacred in that society. For modern Westerners the story of WWII has become their foundation myth. It fulfils all three functions. 1)We live in the ‘Post-War World’. The lines on the map, the institutions, the sense of what era we live in, all arise from the starting point of WWII. 2)Ultimate evil is Nazis. Ultimate good is opposing Nazis. The values derived from these definitions are anti-racism, equality, diversity, anti-nationalism and so on. 3)The only thing that is held sacred, that cannot be denied or mocked in the contemporary West, is the Holocaust. The problem is that all three functions are backwards or negative. Instead of the origin event being one of fertility and new life, it was a conflagration of death and destruction. Instead of ultimate good taking the central position in the story that slot is occupied by ultimate evil. Everyone knows that Adolf Hitler, the personification of evil, holds the centre point of the WWII story. Instead of that which is held sacred being something mysterious and sublime it (the Holocaust) is an obscenity. Having a negative foundation myth means the tree of life for Westerners is poisoned.
> Having a negative foundation myth means the tree of life for Westerners is poisoned.
Especially not now, the international community sends them billions in aid.
We're probably regressing them.
I read this in Peterson's voice
why not both?
I can definitely see the "in the moment, elites are just throwing shit at the wall" mindset, but I think its a mistake to take people of this caliber this lightly. Regardless of how much I despise them, there's no calling them stupid. They know what they're doing, its just hubris has taken their belief to them from being a gamble to their future.
But with your mindset you let that reality they want to happen be real, even if iris just in your mind.
Letting them have what they want is certain death for you so even imagining that is bad in my opinion.
it’s more important to understand what happened and what you need to do now to kill them all so that this fantasy that have never becomes reality
even if it's not true, anther 20 years of Marxism and it'll be as true as Hillary's guilt
>A television program that aired in South Africa showed a town meeting somewhere in Southern California where people met to complain about falling standards in the schools. Whites who politely spoke at the meeting clearly resented the influx of Mexican immigrants into their community. When a handful of Chicanos at the back of the hall shouted and waved their hands at them, the whites simply shrunk back into their seats rather than tell the noisemakers to shut up. They didn't want to quarrel.
>In America, the courts are still the final arbiters of society's laws. But what will happen when your future majority refuses to abide by court rulings - as in Zimbabwe. What will happen when the new majority says the judges are racists, and that they refuse to acknowledge "white man's justice"? What will happen when the courts are filled with their people, or their sympathizers? In California, Proposition 187 has already been overturned.
>What will you do when the future non-white majority decides to change the names of streets and cities? What will you do when they no longer want to use money that carries the portraits of old, dead white "racists" and slave owners? Will you cave in, like you did on flying the Confederate flag? What about the national anthem? Your official language?
>Don't laugh. When the "majority" took over in South Africa, the first targets were our national symbols.
More Marxism is no option, it has to stop now.
Imagining this will go on for another 20 years is demoralizing. This stops now
>European nationalism rising
I don't think they will be successful, that said I think there is a chance if I'm going to be real. The way I see it, the in the next 10-15 years if the current system isn't revolted against, its more or less over, and that future becomes the future.
That said, my experiences with people tell me that there will be revolt. Nobody is actually happy with the way things are other than completely zogwashed dykes and soyboys.
I’m tellin” ya.
I’m active in 2 countries political systems and I know what’s around me. It’s over. There are people who lost everything because of the left that would rather die then to let them win. Nobody has motivated people as us. It’s over even if they don’t know it yet.
>Danka people were Blacks user.
>I’m active in 2 countries political systems
I'd report you, but as an EU member there are no treason clauses
Wait a minute.
Are you trying to say that it’s not the jews, the jews already did that destroyed our countries and what we see now with film and media is that the shitskin people are slowly starting to behave like a majority.
Interesting, but I don’t agree.still interesting.
*smacks lips*
>cheddar man
Why is it hard to accept you came from interracial memes.
White of europe slept with chinese of asia and blacks of Aden.
>Rulz out everybody else claiming stuff.
You’re well informed senpai
We aren't even 20% non-white anywhere in Europe yet, but they already show stuff like this on TV.
>Why are all they all of a sudden coal black now?
political correctness, EU and politicians are trying to push the multiculturalism fakery to promote subjugation of all European states so they can keep flooding in niggers.
Is based.
A.A. Rashid "The Kabbalah and African Spirituality"
>yes blue eyes you wuz a nigger now breed with blacks and give away your exclusively white trait of blue eyes
Nah my blue eyes come from my 100% white ancestry
nice meme flag, IDF.
the thing though is that they lacked pretty much all known alleles, the two major known west Eurasian ones, the east Eurasian ones, a couple associated with Indians, and so on
I think some or most of them even lacked the so called "veddoid brown skin" alleles
this is UP hgs and WHGs only though
now they weren't certainly african dark, but still, perhaps some kind of dark bronze native american like look
I don't know. All I know is that there are differences in Europeans today, from "olive" to light skin to pink ginger skin. Hell, in this pic one of the Finns clearly has a different tone to the rest.
>Dr Yoan Dieckmann, from University College London, who took part in the project, said: “The historical perspective that you get just tells you that things change, things are in flux, and what may seem as a cemented truth that people who feel British should have white skin, through time is not at all something that is an immutable truth. “It has always changed and will change.”
So why don't these people exist anywhere else? How did later white skinned humans in warmer climates occur. Why wrre neanderthals white?
How can koisan people be the oldest people and be 'black' but lighter than this dude
This is fucking silly unless tjis guy got to cheddar gorge in a vimana
Also note on the same page the story about the guy who names the elite pedo cult in the UK has had kiddie pornfound on his laptop.
Funny that ay
They are literally using post-modern techniques they used for taking away your women, religion and nationalism to take away your history
But if white skin is not dominant...How does white skin happen at all.
Either separate evolution or genocide of chimps once a small group of recessive whites take over.
Here you have a super light skin blonde from Sweden, who has almost completely white hair. Most blondes actually have orange'ish skin color and it's rare for them to equal gingers in paleness.
In my opinion it hasn't been studied well enough to make the judgment.
>Yoan Dieckmann
t. cryptokike
Every fucking time.
theres normal skin then theres pink pig skin that does fry under the sun. its common in the uk, my irish family all have it (I look classically beady apart from my eyes) but nordic type blondes tan well. I wonder if its because of the low cloud over places like britain? Is there anywhere else that has lots of this skin type?
Or if its a difference between people who lived in the woods vs those from the open or the mountains?
more questions
Are blue eyes an indicator of intelligence then? If the only blue-eyed blacks in the world left africa behind?
If white people didnt evolve in the near east and spread out (Aka Aryans) then how can we be decended from whiter people from the near east?
If the near east was whiter today what was the date it became less white? Were near east and med ancient civs whiter then?
Don't speak reason with Sup Forums dude, they're too autistic to know phenotypes/physical appearances is the weakest way to guess race/genetics.
Btw, the same process that showed how King Tuts mom looked like is the same process they used for this reconstruction. Kek
Receding hairline, curly hair, poor eyesight. Cheek bones form classic Jew W shape.
The Author is a Jew...
Look up pornstar Stoya. She is not a ginger but she still makes most white girls near her look like they are brown.
So whites evolved from a black man, so does that mean current day blacks are unevolved?
The Telegraph article on this says,
"The first Britons were black, Natural History Museum DNA study reveals "
pale but not really what im thinking of. more like classic brit abroad . or like a drunk german.
see what im saying? They overstep their bullshit so far sometimes all it does is prove all the other shit we say correct
It gets increasingly higher pitched & more shouty toward the end of the post.
She easily out-lightskins everybody in lesbian scenes, m8. Most Europeans don't look that distinctively pale.
The study done by (((Yoan Dieckmann)))
Ok so can we wind up Cave Kangz by keep using the word Homo Heidelbergensis but tell them it means scientists think they carry a gay gene?
Also, going with the out of africa totally meme, can we spread pics related , because everyone was black at one point right? Lets be proud of hom heidelbergenis as he was so similar wherever on the earth he be found
>your ancestors had dark skin goy, that means you should let Europe turn into the world's toilet
its the difference in underlying colour not paleness. most of us would use make up with a yellow base, there people would use red.
charlie dimmock is one, but is a darker version of it because shes always outside. its like when little ice white blonde white kids are in a crowd but one has mouse ears and you can see their scalp kind of thing. does this type ot exist in finland?
>missing the vocative comma
Evolution, natural selection, those with lighter skin would've been selected for on the basis that they survived longer & had more offspring than those with darker skin, who would've been less able to process vitamin D effectively & been more prone to dying early as a consequence. And don't forget sexual selection too, women choose to breed with males who's features they find more attractive.
Here he is showing his beautiful culture
It's not wrong.
Is this what a BBC looks like?
that's what the BBC Licence fee is for and why we all have to pay it
Defender of the Faith
(Being ordained as a druid by druids)
Afrocentricist wewuzkangerz are not so different than Nordicist wewuzkangerz.
Suits you well, Anglos.
>lives for thousands of years in one of the less sunny places on earth
>doesn't evolve light skin
>live in a cold climate with little sun
>have dark skin
Something doesn't add up
What if we made Hitler's vision the foundation myth of the 22nd century?