I bet he's smarter and more of value than the average, asskissing Trump-supporting retards in this county
ICE arrests Kansas professor and father of three who has been in the U.S. for 30 years
If he's been here for 30 years why hasn't he tried becoming a citizen? Fuck off.
If he was so smart he would've became a citizen within those 30 years.
If he's so smart why didn't he become a citizen?
they should have deported his goblino subhuman spawn as well
It's interesting how people will defend you if you are of a certain status. You don't know a damn thing about this person, certainly not as much as the ICE officers responsible for this case at least.
Not smart enough to get US citizenship though
Now i really dont care.
Bye have a beautiful time.
si jefe pero I hab familia in unite stays
>thirty years worth of criminal behavior
Bye bye.
I studies criminal justice. Juries are completely bias in this reguard. They will let off people who have commited crimes if they are very attractive.
Often judges have to interject and correct the rullings.
Not suggesting in this instance. However bias does exist. And the mental gymnastics people go through to justify it.
>30 years
can't be bothered to apply for green card
>break into OP's home
>OP is out of town, probably sucking dick on a business trip or something
>live in OP's house for a week or two
>OP comes back
>"Listen OP I've been here for two weeks, you might as well let me stay forever, look at how much laundry and dusting I did"
They all got super comfy during Obamas 8 year reign.
>used up OPs health insurrance and got a hundred dwi's.
Dumb enough to not apply properly after 30 years.
have you put any thought into the process of becoming a citizen? it's not just filing some papers. it's literally impossible for some one who is in the country illegally.
not defending illegal immigration, just tired of seeing brainlets who have no idea how their own immigration law works repeating this line
Well as long as pays rent I'm fine
Illegals gonna Illegal.
You guys have no idea the amount of poo’s who are here illegally, not to mention the amount of Chinese, Europeans and Canadians. Sure there’s a lot of Mexicans and people from Latin America but all of the other go under the radar.
I know a neighbor whose wife (Canadian) got deported for overstaying in the US, now she’s banned from entry for 10 yrs. lel
at this rate trump is gonna drive the street value of meth up to UK levels (£260 a gram)
How the fuck is he a professor? They should deport the whole college staff too
So explain yourself burgers...
We occasionally have amnesty where people can apply to become citizens.
Did he really have to remain illegal for 30 years?
Nice bait faggot. No one is this retarded
Really makes you wonder how many illegal non-spics are in the US.
Not smart enough to follow the law.
you didn't put much thought into your argument
the guy shouldn't be here, I just made it simple for you kiddo
>not smart enough to become a citizen
Wow, so fucking tragic. If only there was some way to legally migrate to America. Fuck Drumph, I'm with her now.
>if he was smart he would of applied for a green card at the ten year mark
So did they ask who's identity he stole?
>some disgusting poo gives you an F
>deport him and leave his kids fatherless
Feels good
i agree with you. i am just saying it's nonsense to take the position of "why didn't he just get citizenship?"
he had 30 fucking years to become a citizen dude. 30 fucking years. what these papers never admit is that they ALWAYS send money back to their home countries, and dodge paying proper taxes to the benefit of their "liberal" employers (who could give a shit about non-whites, but like paying them less and dodging taxes)
>kobach elected governor
>illegals flee to other states
>those that don't are put in camps to wait for deportation
Can't wait.
>it's literally impossible for some one who is in the country illegally
then leave the fucking country and go through the same process most immigrants go through.
Content locked, you need to prove you are over 18 to view it.
The same as a story I tried to read about Zimbabwe which murdered its white farmers and is now asking for whites to go there and do its farming because they are dying of starvation IN THE OBSERVER... an msm production that doesn't fit the brainwashing narrative.
It's all so blatant
Not smart enough to evade ICE. Millions of illegals do it every day for years on end.....
>tfw lawrence kansas is my hometown
It's a liberal paradise, KU campus is a degenerate HQ. I can imagine all the butt hurt going on in that community right now, wish I could see it but I'm so glad I'm gone
Don't you guys vet your immigrants and hold them on some island for awhile?
>Amerimutts not fair to illegals.
Fuck off joey.
you FUCKING IDIOT. it is EXACTLY that easy. I helped a Flip woman who house sits my grandmother get a greencard and extend it legit every 1 or 2 years (whatever it is). if you know how to read and write english, its fucking ridiculously easy. shitskins just don't want to register as citizens because its more lucrative for them that way. yeah, i'm guilty of enabling it, but at least the lady who helps my gma pays taxes and is here legitimately.
>implying you need to be smart to brainwash amerimutts
>I bet he's smarter and more of value than the average, asskissing Trump-supporting retards in this county
he will be an asset to his own country, he has to go back
Now he can go make his country a better place.
Okay he can stay if he files the backpay of all the taxes he owes, does any time for stealing an SSN from someone, and applies for citizen ship.
Or, he can be sent back to his own country with what is probably tons of money to live well off of.
>live for 30 fucking years
surely at one point you must stop and think
It’s a feel good story to be honest.
*frothing mutt noises*
then she wasn't an illegal. if you are in america illegal you cannot get a green card or apply for adjustment of status PERIOD. this is a fact. why do i know your own laws better than you?
never said that, don't put words in my mouth
I'm an ICE officer and am 100% against illegal immigration.
But you guys have to realize that there are generally no avenues for an illegal alien to "apply" for legal status. Don't believe me? Go sit in on your nearest immigration court and watch all the wetbacks in removal proceedings try to claim that their situation requires legalization; 99 out of 100 get their requests shot down.
Not smart enough to get citizenship.
literal retards. all of you. parroting asinine bullshit. if you come into the country illegally, your avenues to citizenship are slim to none- as they should be. if you don't, guess what bullshitters, ITS NOT FUCKING HARD. Please kill yourselves and stop the cycle of whites apologizing for people who are undeniably fucking us over in the long run.
>99 out of 100 get their requests shot down.
Isn't that because the whole immigration thing supposed to be accepting actually good people, not every single one?
you are so blinded by autistic rage that you completely ignored both of us saying we are anti illegal. congratulations.
If he was here for 30 years, he could have qualified for Amnesty under Clinton
>So smart he couldn't prevent his deportation.
Really make ya think.
If he's so fucking smart, OP, why didn't he get off his lazy ass somewhere in the last 3 decades to become a legal citizen?
Reality proves he's a dumb fucking sandnigger who needs to go back ASAP.
then they shouldnt apply at all.
USCIS officer here. Can verify.
>99 out of 100
it should be 100 out of 100. i don't give two fucks about illegals. i care about the people that try to immigrate here legally (like my family did).
Good bye poo nigger
i see through your argument. agreeing with my undeniable moral high ground on illegals doesn't negate that you're spewing nonsense about the immigration system restricting everyone. If border control can't tie you to terrorism, and you have enough money that the US can be confident you won't show up and start stealing to survive- you're basically g2g. The system is too lax as it is. You have your life experience, I have mine. I don't think all illegals are bad people, and honestly i feel bad for most of them as (in my experience) they just want to fit in and work. that doesn't negate the reality of our situation bros. sorry if i'm getting too tied up in Sup Forums bully tactics in my arguments but I do care about this...
Not smart enough to become a citizen. Also, being a father or a professor doesn’t mean that the law doesn’t apply to you. Why do leftists always try to pull stuff like this? He’s going back and staying there.
Did you mean to reply to someone else?
In the instance I was referring to it's called "Cancellation of Removal". Being a good person is only one of many factors taken into considerations. The main thing is that a deportation would cause “exceptional and extremely unusual hardship” to family.
>Amnesty under Clinton
No such thing. There was IRCA of 1986 that gave amnesty to illegals here before 1982.
On average, nacho niggers are much dumber than whites. The average nacho nigger is a tax leech.
If he's so smart he'd find a way.
Also, If he's so smart he could find a way to live like a white man in his own goddamned, shit hole country.
Read Hey brother. Is CIS filled with as much bleeding heart leftists as I think they are? I really wish that the INS was reconstituted so that CIS, ICE< and CBP wouldn't always be pitted against each other.
YES! God damn, I love my state!
Thankfully our immigration courts operate under the law, not the whim of KiaJSY5n.
You are either mentally unbalanced or shitposting.
He would have to file a 601 waiver, which theres no way he would qualify, because it more than likely hos OOD exosted before his kids. Maybe even his marriage.
I get cases like this all the time for people trying to adjust and their shitbag lawyers giving me an attitude thinking they can tough guy talk their way into getting their client a greencard.
He stole from hardworking Americans for 30 years. He should be forced into hard labor to pay off his debts.
Look, my cousin, who is white but is a fat whale who is liberal and plays vidya all day when shes not working at big lots!, met and married a beaner she met on an online gaming forum. This guy is like her, real neetish, but, but, BUT, he taught himself english and speaks it very well and applied for citizenship and came here legally. And you know what? It took a year at the most from start to finish. He has a SSN and isnt eligible for any type of state aid, but he got a job and wasnt worried about welfare in the first place.
So dont sit there and tell me its impossible or it takes too long. Its extremely possible for you to come here LEGALLY and get a job and learn english and assimilate!
Im honestly embarrassed by my cousin and her husband, their health and lifestyle choices, but I do admire that about them. They did it right.
>Federal, not state authorize remove illegal alien
>tens-of-thousands of community members (cucks) sign petition in support of the illegal alien
>I love my state!
By the very act of being here, he's demonstrated a complete disregard for the country and its laws.
It couldn't be more apparent that he isn't here to contribute something to our country; he's here because he feels entitled to take the things that we have for his own and would gladly stand idly by while America dies and the roads fill up with feces.
No we are not the libs, its thebjudges in NYC and LA. We’ve all been super frustrated at our hands being tied.
But you also have all the legacy INS rubber stampers that dont give two shits and coast by. We have to unfuck all their adjustment cases when they come to natz.
This from my hometown
According to this article he was arrested in 2011 for a misdemeanor, but was not deported
i was replying to the other post but i don't buy into your ICE larp. Trump and ICE have really turned things around, yes, but i can tell you straight up as someone from a town that has been utterly taken over by immigrant africans, spics, and arabs- they are doing too little too late. some areas are so infested that they would basically become ghost towns if the legal shitskins left
>getting called unbalanced or shitposting from a teenager larping as ICE
yea ok kid. you know me.
>useless professor part of the higher education pyramid scheme
good riddance
>its ok to commit a crime when the alternative is hard
this is literally what every stupid nigger kike is saying in this thread
>am smart
>am breaking law
fucking retard
Is it just me or are private immigration attorneys the lowest of the lawyer caste?
They are so fucking stupid that if they were criminal trial lawyers, their client would get their case appealed due to bad representation.
Are you that same DemocRAT who baited in that last thread? Sage.
>literally Jamal and them
>Overstays welcome
I support him being removed until he follows the rules like everyone else.
Honestly, the most alarming thing about this story is how the fuck did this illegal spic manage to get a college professor job, when it's against the law to hire illegals. This only hardens my stance on a need for mandatory e-verify.
>MFW I want pasty-pink neckbeard neets with no skills to take my low paying public education jobs from pajeets
Theyre ambulance chaser tier. I swear to god, this one tells me her client, who got a dui with an unbuckled child in the front seat, meets the GMC requirements to natz because “shes been an attorney a long time and her client was able to adjust”.
I asked her how she’d articulate that to the IJ and I got some stammering and a blank stare in return
One word:
in a word: democrats
Jew here, can verify that this is true. Also, Poland should be paying Israel WWII reparations.
couldn't they get married to an american national and apply for citizenship through that?
i'm sure there's no end of lefties wanting to do whatever they can to help illegals stay here
this. also, i really want to believe some pissed off student found out he was illegal
>fuckin B-? you didnt even teach a portion of the test
>Yes, ICE? I have a tip for ya
They gotta go back