Seems we verified that Carter Page was actually an FBI asset. Therefore, they planted him in the Trump campaign, and then spied on their own guy. When will this hit MSM? What are the implications?
So what's going to happen here?
Frog bump
This is the MSM spin to ignore the contents of the memo. You're running out of distractions kikes. You have nowhere to run and nowhere to hide.
... Isn't this proving that the defense "Page was being investigated BEFORE the campaign hurp derp!!!" Still makes them guilty? I feel like either I'm not getting what you're saying or you're not getting what's being said here
The only defense I feel they have in this case is saying that their undercover FBI guy was not Page in 2013, but was with him and that they had known about Page from before... Which I feel is reaching honestly
>be witness that helps fbi catch russian spies
>be accused of being a spy years later
Get it to Limbaugh.
There's a different between being a cooperating witness and an undercover FBI employee
Any more infographs on parallel construction?
Carter Page killed by Russian mafia; GOP politicians who facilitated this info being known will be forced to retire in shame.
>when will this hit MSM
On the day that Comey and Rosenstein are arrested, the MSM will be talking about Demi Lovato.
Fast moving board, amirite folks?
Yea they don't have to pay a witness.
MSM is a mouthpiece of operation mockingbird, so never, normies will never be spoonfed the truth
Carpter Page?
Now I know you're just fishing.
I don't get it.
I'd explain why it's fishing, but I don't want to carp on it too long.
i actually think he's CIA
Papadopoulos too
check out their history, it's got CIA spook written all over
i think the CIA planted them into the Trump campaign
I don't get where you got "Carpter" from. Is there a misspelling somewhere? Are we talking about two different people?
No, he was FBI counterintelligence working domestically.
> Carter went to Georgetown University
this is a CIA recruiting school
he reeks of CIA
i dont believe he was a GENUINE FBI asset at all
i dont know if they were working together or if the CIA is trying to embarrass the FBI
but i do not believe the narrative that CARTER is FBI
this is still very fucked up either way
I'm not seeing any evidence of that.
Georgetown University is a big for CIA spook recruitment
Carter went there
and George Papadopoulos' recruiter into Trump's campaign, Sam Clovis, also went there
Still no proofs
Reposting from the Ben Swann thread:
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One more bump for good measure
Makes sense. Lots of creepy gov/IC people went to Georgetown. I think Podesta did?
We never get the full story anyway, so I wouldn't be surprised if he is a CIA plant double agent working for FBI/Russians/other orgs like Fusion
It's like you people don't even read OP's image. The VERY BEGINNING of it. At the top even!
oh you mean this?
I don't even read the threads 2bh
Yeah, that