Mexico hate thread

What kind of vile monstrosity Frankenstein people are Mexicans?
>shit language
>shit genetics 65% indian 30% nigger 5% spanish
>shit history
>nothing says unemployed like face tats
>cartel runs the country
>10 kids before 30 per woman
>infested and ruined California my home state

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Sorry I thought you were talking about America

I think the main reason why I don't like Mexicans is that they kind of ruined the word hispanic for spanish people


When are we going to aushwitz the illegals? Im tired of bean-beans speaking spanish in public and im tired of them blasting spanish polka at the stoplights. OUT OUT OUT

I thought you Americans were pretty much the same as Mexicans.

Same skin/hair colour and all.


Mexicans are the lowest life form on earth, Americans are in no way shape or form like them.


We need more anti spic memes

What are you talking about, USA has become pretty much Mexico 2.0
You're just deluding yourself.

Not to mention they are violent sub humans, but yeah, that too.


>average Texan woman.jpg

In a decade, we'll have more mestizos than Mexico.

>30% nigger
we are not boricuas

Joe's literally in GenX.

The Tide Pod Eaters are millenials, if you are a follower of pic related.

funny, I guess you already has some mexican genes inside you

Whatever you say, juan.

The avg mexinigger has substantial bantu blood, thats why you have that dark phenotype that even Indian Americans dont have..


Spanish people deserve to be humiliated for creating these monstrosities in the first place.

They should've killed all of the Indians instead of sticking their dicks in them.

>le 5.6% face

Mexicans don’t have nigger DNA you piece of dog shit.

They are not human they are animals ment to serve man like beasts of burden, donkey in human form, they stand around at homedepot for a few bucks and a chance to cut grass, and then spend the wad on beer to get intoxicated.

Conquered shitty Aztec Spanish rape babies.

>lives in California
>thinks taco bell is mexican

Would any of you fuck a beaner girl tho?

Fuck off wide bantu nose beaner cunt.

America helped further whiten my families genes. Our niggers have more white DNA than any other, they're still niggers of course. The USA's whites are some of the most pure around today, you vile leaf :D

pic related, USA washing the remaining bit of nigger out of my European grandpa's DNA

>They are not human they are animals ment to serve man like beasts of burden
Funny, that's what the Jews say about you

Jews are literally inbred sand niggers and eastern Euro slavs

That woman is Asian.

and wh*Te "people" are inbred rape babies of ancient niggers and neanderthals

>Mexican and Flip

Beans btfo.

K den


Jesus, dude. Which Mexican pissed in your cereal this morning?

>no Hispanic
lmao at you they're brown spics that act like niggers

Why do so many of you spics flock to Sup Forums? Did you think it was just a joke or something?

Come home to Idaho, White Man.

I used to live in southern Mexifornia before I committed the sacred sacrament of white flight.

It's awesome living in a nice white city that isn't infested with degenerate mexicans.

Wowo only 30% nigger? That's an improvement to the le 56% race. Better than important any other kids and of non white imo

Why doesn't the government just stop it? I moved from Iowa to Washington to Arizona. Phoenix looks like a different country. Trashy and brown and that includes the people.

If I was üntermensch beaner I would hate the übermensch Europeans as well.


not an argument. Face the facts. Even Somalis look at Mexicans as a lower species.

>flock to Sup Forums
This isn't a safe-space, bruh. This is a meme website. A good chunk of the shit posted here is a joke

Your entire country consists of leftist Americans that have fled the draft and French people. Hell, our traitors have been flooding Canada en mass since the Revolutionary War (the loyalists fled the USA for Canada). If we're all Mexicans, what does that make you? A nation of half-faggot SJW Mexicans?

>not an argument
Why do you guys always want to argue? Why can't can't we just meme in peace?

>Why doesn't the government just stop it?

California is run by anti-American communists.

This degenerate shitskin California politician even bragged about it:

That state is also infested with millions of self-hating liberal whites who live in super rich areas....they get "white guilt" and vote for democrat politicians who import the shitskins so they live in areas where non-rich whites live. The spics destroy any quality of life in any area they move en masse into.

California needs an Adolf Hitler to save that state from the brown skinned infestation


>It's official: Latinos now outnumber whites in California


>pol is satire

Make him or her a few shades of brown and you got a Mexican couple

>its all a joke bruh
Easy way to spot a rebbitor and a non white

Lol wrong

>this whole thread

We need more cockroach hate memes on this thread.

>our traitors have been flooding Canada en mass since the Revolutionary War (the loyalists fled the USA for Canada)
user, we were the traitors. We were the ones rebelling against our monarch, when we didn't even have a really good reason. He wasn't a tyrant. But he was upping taxes to pay for the 7 Years War, in which we won tons of territory. Territory that went to the old Americans, my ancestors, and maybe yours(I don't know if you're some German cunt whose ancestors only left Germany a hundred years ago, though you probably are).
Besides, the draft is unconstitutional and immoral.


How many American flag posters are spics that think Sup Forums is satire?

>A muttshart LARPing as a Brit without knowing a thing about their culture

You're fucking pathetic. I bet you paint your face green during St. Patrick's Day and pretend to be Irish, too.

>tfw I'm mestizo and all the memes about mexicans are true
>inb4 flag memes




Mexican intellectuals

retweet i u think mexicans are cute


Not really, if you have at the very least half white half indian that's exactly how it would look like

I'm not pretending to be British, you retard. I'm just correcting you. Are you that assblasted to be wrong?
Besides, if I thought of myself as British(And I am English, in a way, as I'm descended nearly-entirely from true Yankees, only my Swedish great-grandmother came here after 1800), I'd certainly never LARP as an Irish subhuman.

Holy shit, it’s La Creatura itself.


You're retarded

End yourself. Take the American off and go rape the women in Sweden.

usa fought for the jews
usa LOVES the jews so much
they went to die en-masse in ww2 and massacred millions of innocent and unarmed Europeans so you could go to the usa

so dont make all that sacrifice go to waste and impregnate at least a white american girl, or more if you can, spread your mestizo genes all over the jew-sa. If you encounter some "white" nationalist giving you shit, kindly reply that they died for this in ww2, this is what their beloved leaders -the jews- want.
americans will surely shut up after knowing its their master's wishes

americans lost their right to be white after allowing the jewening and arabization of Europe, so serve yourself!

dont let this distract you from the worse of two evils: niggers (video very related)

>I'm not pretending to be British, you retard.

Yes you are, you Euromutt. You aren't fucking British, you don't have a king or queen, and if you went to England roleplaying as an Englishman with your stupid American accent and rudimentary knowledge of American colonial history they would banter and insult you into oblivion.

Is that Remy Lacroix?

You're too, seems to me like you've never seen a half white half indian person in your entire pathetic life

I don't know, but it's looking like enough that I'm starting to forgive the mutt meme

I'm in Arizona and spics look nothing like that. They aren't tan white people you absolute idiot.



oye, ¡vamos a bailar!

We may be swarming with kebab, but at least these cunts are one problem England doesn't have.

Correcting you on Canadians being "our" traitors is LARPing as British?
Am I wrong? Were "we" not traitors against our government, the United Kingdom?
And I say "we" because I doubt I can include you in the same group as the founders of my nation, you kraut faggot.

You can clearly see his location is in Mexico


bean suckers can go fuck off! Its amazing how they think they can act like niggers when even nigger Ire is false!





Well of course, low class Mexicans found in the southwest are at best 1/3 white. Of course they're going to have a 56% face

True 50/50 literally look like tanned white people. Albeit, injun colored looking one.

Ha! I knew you mutts were projecting

Don't take me for a spic you retarded mutt.


The master race at max expression


>Am I wrong? Were "we" not traitors against our government, the United Kingdom?

We were forming a new country with the enlightenment ideals espoused by John Locke. We were his wet dream and at this point, attempting to claim that the USA should have recognized the British crown in current year is fucking silly and pathetic. If you hate the USA so much, get the fuck out of my country and flee to Canada like the rest of the weak traitors.

You momma!