Notice anything?
Notice anything?
dat soiboi jaw gape?
2% nig
Soyboys don't send a rocket to space user.
I know one of those guys. Yes hes a soyboy.
Married a fat girl that used to be hot, but gained 80lbs after she was done stuffing cocks in her holes
Ohhh yes they do.
No women (a good thing).
A bunch of soyim manchildren? Yes.
>no niggers and women
>colonizing Mars
>niggers and women
>wasting tax money and achieving absolutely nothing since the 70s
>Notice anything?
>mfw Mars will be the 51st state
I personally think there is a fine line between soycunts & nerds.... im not sure what the defining characteristics of that line is.... but i'm sure it exists
no genuses
No, I've got it.
Nerds & Soycunts look the same.... BUT Nerds are CHADS and Soycunts are VIRGINS.
....... that makes sense right ?
Spacex has actual standards and everyone needs to carry their weight. Hence no niggers and women. My industry is the same (IC design)
at least half of those people look like immigrants, or at least non-whites
thats what i noticed
that capsule thing is orbiting VERY low, what are they proud of?
That place must reek of soy.
Just watch.
feminist groups and the left are going to start attacking musk. Unless (((they))) are keeping him off limits.
Its so beautiful
>b-but there are only white people
Yes. Like I said. Its soo beautiful
>cannot tell the difference between cheering and soyboi gapes
And I assume you're all attractive chads? This place has to be the most accurate example of people in glass houses throwing tactical nukes.
These "soyboys" have a successful career as rocket scientists. Sure, they aren't attractive, but are you? What exactly do you guys do for a living?
>no women
Musk done good.
i'm pretty sure most of the literal rocket scientists pictured don't know and dont give a shit about social justice or internet memes.
Nobody is bringing their attractiveness to the table but you, you faggot leaf.
We're saying they look like numale soyboys.
But they're not doing bugmouth, they're cheering, having successfully achieved a milestone in human space technology
low melanin content MEN
>we don't care about attractiveness
I'm a doctor... what do you do?
Successful career as software developer
Also i work out so i dont look like a faggot like those guys
Um... none of the people in this picture are on the team. This is the crowd of onlookers that came to cheer.
That said, it's strongly indicative of those that give a shit about important things.
I'm still a student but I don't take it very seriously. Successful careers LMAO, it's just how incels COPE. As if it somehow justifies their pathetic existence. No one ever needed rocket science.
That's barely decent shitposting. You'll have to improve.
Oh now you fucked up soyboy, because i'm going to btfo you so hard in the name of our Emperor Trump that the only thing you'll be muttering from that pathetic mouth of yours will be "I fear the Kekistani".
I work as a carpenter for $18/h (the most alpha job ever, electricity soyboys can't compete), I have 6 pure white kids from my wife from Korea (and 3 more are under way MAGA), I'm a political activist and I win arguments always on the internet.
I suggest you don't reply to me or anyone ever again, soyboy.
God bless our diverse nation of white men.
No nigs.
Elon Musk is a fucking racist
>6 pure white kids
>wife from Korea
>not listing medical profession, but instead using blanket term like "doctor"
not doctor confirmed
They are all smarter than OP?
No Rosties
>no nigs
>no thots
>maybe some asians
>maybe some spics
>a test appears to be successful
did I missed anything ?
They put the custodians and housekeepers up front?
Heavens to betsy a smart ass. Sorry bro, I dumb it down for the mongoloids, I wouldn't want to confuse you with jargon like gastroenterologist because the step after confusion is anger and then violence. Regardless, ultimately my job consists of shoving things up your ass, and like every other sub-specialty, breaking down complex concepts for dipshits like you because you can barely take a pill once a day, much less understand the idiosyncrasies of your own disease. What was it you said did again grub?
Age discrimination
At least 50% of them look like they have the spergers.
This guy.
They send meat rockets to the cavernous space in between your butt cheeks.
This and more of this until you have this
Only US citizens could be hired; else, at least half would be east Asian or Indian. white male engineers can only get hired in military industrial complex because they are niggers compared to the Asian male.
>i'm pretty sure most of the literal rocket scientists pictured don't know and dont give a shit about social justice or internet memes.
I guarantee half of them have fat girlfriends/wives wearing "THE FUTURE IS FEMALE" t-shirts
All fat soybois
>Mission control vs the engineers
Big difference. Most Apollo engineers aren't even credited anywhere.
I enjoyed watching the launch, but fuck their cheering whooping and hollering like fucking losers really took me out of it, just applause will do guys, be a man for fucks sake.
Mission control is filled with engineers you faggot
soyboys put a car into space
what a fucking achievement
My point was the pic of Houston mission control is not appropriate comparison for a packed room of engineers behind SpaceX
I can see the soy
But i can't see the boy
Did you miss the part where all three sections of the rocket managed to return to Earth and land themselves vertically nozzle to tip like something out of Buck Rodgers? That's the real achievement.
>No women
that tesla hires for skill, not liberal diversity points? musk is aware of the risk, hes saw what affirmative action did to the now failing vidya industry and he aint bringing that shit to space.
>Group of Autistic Engineers
>Group of soyboy engineers
Din't see how it's not related.
Oh never mind, the middle booster failed to land on the drone ship. Regardless, the successful landings of the two other boosters was very good and is a huge step towards establishing commercial orbital logistics and making space flight cheaper.
It's the soy
They’re all nerds?
Space kangs
I'm sure the nerds will find a high R^2 value between the two
Fake and really gay.
There's actually a black guy in the back.
And that's right in front of the camera, so you can be sure that SpaceX PR people put as much diversity as they could.
Honestly, why is anyone convinced of this? The pictures of the car were green-screened for sure. It makes me sad that this is the level humanity has suck to, pretending to lift something lighter than many previous vehicles into space. Pathetic.
*sunk Damnit, why is this being believed? Dumb pills all around, huh?
theres only 4-6 white guys and 1-2 women?
Nerds are intelligent, want to fuck their computer over a real girl and are hated by the pro soy groups for having the wrong correct ideas.
soy boys are what used to be called "faggots".
They are in fact faggots, but they evolved in this weird creepy leech that can larp as a nerd but is in fact a feminist sleeper agent kinda like the russians had but worse
I just can't resist.
Can I have my daily dose Doc?
>you are retard?
Yes, but he doesn't get a tie and he's based.
probably the dark skinned mexican janitor
You finally discovered the secret of Sup Forums.
Everybody here is an insecure faggot autist who doesn't have social skills and is desperately unhappy with their life. Happy people engage with the world. And in fact engaging with the world is the only thing that can make you happy. Being on here means you are unhappy.
And everyone here will tell you "I'm a successful X!" or "yeah, I've fucked OVER 9000 girls", because it's easy to lie on the internet when nobody knows who you are and there's no way to disprove you.
This place is cancer. I'm just here out of boredom, but just remember, don't take this place too seriously, don't give in to the white supremacists (unless you want to - I don't give a shit), and if somebody makes a questionable claim on here, it's probably bullshit.
a lot of poos
These guys, even with the black guy, look like men, nerdy men, but men. Those Tesla guys look like squealing fags.
The black worker got locked in the trunk of Elon s car.
You are wrong. People that post here have lives, like you, and are here because it's fun and informative. Sup Forums is frosting on the cake, not the cake itself.
Sure, there are a handful of total autists on this site, but most of us are employed, have friends, family and spouse.
Shut up.
On behalf of everyone here:
White males get you in space.
Oh dear did I ruin your little hug box? There there, don't cry about it.