Have MAGA hats officially replaced tin foils?
Have MAGA hats officially replaced tin foils?
Blampf supporters BTFO!
>I am loud and stupid!
>And I represent the narrator, I am calm and have a point.
i dont follow
But conspiracy theorists are loud and stupid
>see Alex Jones
2 words
"muh russia"
wtf is going on here?
Thank God Sup Forums is around to teach you guys reason. Who knows what we'd do without memes?
>the media never manipulates the public
Eat a bag of dicks Shareblue shill fagot
For comic to be accurate, she should point on an election hacking, piss dossier, 1000 Russian commenters who can speak English and understand US politics, pro-BLM ads that were bought in Russia and somehow benefit Trump, Kisliak and a imperial shit ton of other things they were building up
Does anyone get the feeling that huffpo and NYT journalists who cover us in stories post troll threads like this to waste our time?
>he doesn't believe in the military industrial complex and the cartel of international bankers, businessmen and pharmaceutical companies manipulating both public perception through corporation-owned media to distract from real societal issues with divisive "news" and inane sports and celebrity bullshit on top of using cash to lubricate the political system of government into passing laws and bills that directly increase the amount of money and power they can create and exert on the populous
If you spend your free time posting on Sup Forums your time is already being wasted lol
TWO CARDS!!!!!!!!!!!!
Have fun guys.
I'd like to see one where they're debating what to do about the whole thing and the girl's cards say GAS THE KIKES, RACE WAR NOW
never ever
Image unrelated....
Oh, I like this one
someone edit the hat to be "im with her" and the text to be a crazy soyboy complaining about the russia collusion theory.
is lying
So you mean like pro-Trump propaganda bubbles?
I'd normally get behind a theory like this, but I really can't imagine a big corporation saying 'yeah, let's give a college kid $50K a year to post shit on the internet', when idiot liberals do it for free.
Conservatives own this place, so most liberal ideas get shot down pretty quick. But I do like where you're going with this though.
I'm sure there's quite a few libtard trolls on here
Truth is just a bubble with no lies in it.
Ignore the evidence, things are incredibly simple and everything else is a coincidence!
People don't make plans or speak differently in private than public, jesus such a tinfoiler
>Its not rigged you're just losing
twitter samples are irrelevent to reality you smug cunt. you prove hillary supporters spend more time on social media and are therefor more influenced by media.
No because MagaKikes Believe in A Global War on terror and TinFoilHatters Haven't forgot it was and still is based on a Lie.
your pic shows Clinton Supporters also in their own bubble, what's your point?
le drumpf is not the only person with power in the world
>All that purple
>All that grey
The only thing I see when I look at this is a lot of people to win over for Trump.
>I think Trump, his cabinet and the entire GOP are traitors working on behalf of Putin
>lol you dumbass conspiracy theorists really think the fbi would abuse it's power to spy on a political opponent?
As much as I hate leftists this comic is somewhat accurate, no matter what happens T_D plebbitors always see a connection to muh Soros, muh deep state, le based God emperor 4D chess etc. nu-Sup Forums has killed this place.
>Have MAGA hats officially replaced tin foils?
i hope so.its like 30% of the population so it would be a good redpill if (((they))) started throwing this kind of slander
>is lying
And nunes, and assange, and most of the FBI underlings, and the NSA, and mueller.
and just about everyone in every position of power everywhere.
opinion discarded
also OP is a faggot and this thread is cancer
Which would be worse? Trump's lies or deep-state? Always prepare for the worst possible outcome.
Also that strawman comic is cancer.
And all the obama appointees have 100% zero bias.
Do we have to extend that to the clinton/obama controversies? Yeah, it's normal to deny reinforcement to an american embassy when it's about to get overuned by jihadist goatfuckers, or have your (politically/legally relevant) opponents be victim of a comparable murder rate to some south american shithole, statistical coincidence! I am sure podesta finally found his pizza related map on the handkerchief.
5 more
the left can't meme sage