my history teacher is having me write a report on Buddahism, got any ideas
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Muslim holocaust of the peaceful Buddhist people
Talk about /ourguy/ Wirathu
moderation is an opinion ..
He was a Kshatriyan prince of noble blood who was sheltered by his father his whole life. Upon learning of the depressing realities of life such as old age he had a spiritual awakening and decided to become Gautama Buddha, the first incarnation of Buddha, an ascetic sage.
talk about Kalachakra, it basically calls muslims barbarians that must be destroyed
Supposedly Buddhist monks in Tibet can turn into light beings. I don't know the full history behind it, but SUPPOSEDLY there have been over 160,000 reports over the past 1200 years or so that claim these people can turn into light beings.
He was black
No he was white.
This. Write about how Pakistan was a Buddhist country before muzz wiped em out and that the same thing is about to happen in Myanmar
Oh shit and now there's a fifty foot tall stone Buddha out looking for revenge
done with my report, it was about the downfall, rise,buddhist missionaries, buddhist brain washed children, tge legacy, and all the sculptures
There you go OP.
You could write about Buddhist Psychology and the nature of suffering aka wishing things (internal/out) were different. That’s what I mainly use in my psychotherapy practice with clients (and in my own life) because parts of life suck and it’s about not making it suck worse, and rolling with the punches, man.
Sorry, didn’t see this. Only took less than an hour??
Good website for primary source materials concerning Therevada Buddhism.
>American education
Radical Islamists tore down the sight, not regular Pakistanis. Al-Qaeda and the Haqqani network in particular. Regular Muslims had been helping archeologists in the area for years, and Pakistan is currently raising funds to restore the site. It's like you people don't even know what Salafism is.
Post it
>Steve Anderson.
I doubt this man has actual insight into Buddhism. He's a radical extremist that can't keep his head on straight long enough not to call for violence, let alone sit down and read an actual scholarly source on the subject.
Greco buddhism.
If you want good source material in video format, Bhikku Boddhi has a good series on the basic tenements of the original format of Buddhism.
Gautama Siddhartha
94:7.1.Contemporary with Lao-tse and Confucius in China, another great teacher of truth arose in India. Gautama Siddhartha was born in the sixth century before Christ in the north Indian province of Nepal. His followers later made it appear that he was the son of a fabulously wealthy ruler, but, in truth, he was the heir apparent to the throne of a petty chieftain who ruled by sufferance over a small and secluded mountain valley in the southern Himalayas.
94:7.2.Gautama formulated those theories which grew into the philosophy of Buddhism after six years of the futile practice of Yoga. Siddhartha made a determined but unavailing fight against the growing caste system. There was a lofty sincerity and a unique unselfishness about this young prophet prince that greatly appealed to the men of those days. He detracted from the practice of seeking individual salvation through physical affliction and personal pain. And he exhorted his followers to carry his gospel to all the world.
94:7.3.Amid the confusion and extreme cult practices of India, the saner and more moderate teachings of Gautama came as a refreshing relief. He denounced gods, priests, and their sacrifices, but he too failed to perceive the personality of the One Universal. Not believing in the existence of individual human souls, Gautama, of course, made a valiant fight against the time-honored belief in transmigration of the soul. He made a noble effort to deliver men from fear, to make them feel at ease and at home in the great universe, but he failed to show them the pathway to that real and supernal home of ascending mortals—Paradise—and to the expanding service of eternal existence.
94:7.4.Gautama was a real prophet, and had he heeded the instruction of the hermit Godad, he might have aroused all India by the inspiration of the revival of the Salem gospel of salvation by faith. Godad was descended through a family that had never lost the traditions of the Melchizedek missionaries.
94:7.5.At Benares Gautama founded his school, and it was during its second year that a pupil, Bautan, imparted to his teacher the traditions of the Salem missionaries about the Melchizedek covenant with Abraham; and while Siddhartha did not have a very clear concept of the Universal Father, he took an advanced stand on salvation through faith—simple belief. He so declared himself before his followers and began sending his students out in groups of sixty to proclaim to the people of India "the glad tidings of free salvation; that all men, high and low, can attain bliss by faith in righteousness and justice."
94:7.6.Gautama's wife believed her husband's gospel and was the founder of an order of nuns. His son became his successor and greatly extended the cult; he grasped the new idea of salvation through faith but in his later years wavered regarding the Salem gospel of divine favor through faith alone, and in his old age his dying words were, "Work out your own salvation."
94:7.7.When proclaimed at its best, Gautama's gospel of universal salvation, free from sacrifice, torture, ritual, and priests, was a revolutionary and amazing doctrine for its time. And it came surprisingly near to being a revival of the Salem gospel. It brought succor to millions of despairing souls, and notwithstanding its grotesque perversion during later centuries, it still persists as the hope of millions of human beings.
94:7.8.Siddhartha taught far more truth than has survived in the modern cults bearing his name. Modern Buddhism is no more the teachings of Gautama Siddhartha than is Christianity the teachings of Jesus of Nazareth.
Quit white washing history
Gautama didn't oppose the gods, he saw them as simply part of the whole of the round of existence, and thus, not fully transcendent. He didn't oppose traditional Brahmanic teachings, but rather opposed their doctrines which clung to the idea of a Self, as well as rewards for good practice, which he saw as antithetical to true liberation.
Thats the real good stuff right there.
He was literally white though.
He was Indian. Three centuries ago, Americans wouldn't have even called Irishmen white, so why would you call the Buddha white if he was Indian?
He had blue eyes.
Blue eyes and black hair.
Write about Myanmar.
Say how great it is so you get an A.
this, and be staunch
>lol just like don’t desire things
>why procreate
>just like be and observe everything like it’s the first time you’re seeing it
Worse than Catholics
But he had white skin
>not taking any opportunity to shit on Le Evil Other at every opportunity
Salafism is bad though.
Tell them about how st peter was a buddhist.
gas your teacher
The Buddha was not a poo, he was an Aryan from the Shakya (likely Scythian descent) clan of the Kshatriya (Chhetri) caste of today’s day Newari area. These are an ancient Indo-Iranian peoples. He was described as having golden skin, blue eyes, and curly black hair.
Buddhism and Hinduism are death worship. Followers of Buddhism pray to statues of literal demons for death.
You know nothing about either.
>trapped in eternal reincarnation cycle
>seek the middle way, gain enlightenment, enter a state of nothingness so you don't have to reincarnate again
>achieve this by bowing before demonic statues
Satanic as fuck.
No wonder it's so popular with kikes.
Well, lighting yourself on fire with gas turn you into a light beings for a short time.
He was born in Nepal. Nepal is not, and never was, a province of India.
You realize it’s all literally symbolic. Traditionally people would focus on the deities in their heads, and to help focus and induce meditation they began to create artistic representations and idols.
fuck i hate this brainlet nigger
i would curb stomp the SHIT out of him
Not thinking about anything is the road to paradise.
Do it yourself salvation.
Fucking ATF Dino-division
His skin was described as "golden." He was obviously high-caste, but even the whitest Indian isn't exactly white.
Whatever m8.
Found the cowering Christfag clinging to his kike god-demon.
*Nepali. And yeah they are, especially during that time, but I agree, not white in the European sense.
Do something about the divergences between Hinduism and the Buddha's teachings. That should be easy. Also, wrong board.
Shave your head wear a robe and sit like a buddah in front of her and meditate. A+
Om ani pa me hung, an shiet.
It literally means 'clean your room, Tibetan faggot'.
gondola ebin
Talk about how Buddha was a black man. If he gives you anything less than an A+ then you can call him a racist.
Not Pakistan, India before it was split. Before the Muslim invasions, Buddhism was the predominant religion.
I'll bet your parents also think you're a MAJOR disappointment as well!
Don’t forget to mention how faggot Muslims destroyed the Buddhas of Bamyan. Good luck finding a so-called moderate Muslim on record objecting to it.
My first idea is maybe learn to spell it.
Did you learn that in your Bible class?
I love you brother.
There has got to be someway to link Buddhism to white supremacy. Figure that out and then write a hit piece on white men.
I thought the same thing bro
who me?!?!
>"Buddhism in Light of the Bible" Baptist sermon preaching against Eastern Religion
yes, talk about aryan influence on buhdism
Afghanistan too.
it is just another delusional and violent ideology used to procure and enslave children for the pedopriests - historically and anecdotally, buddhism is a massive faggot orgy with young boipussy everywhere
but don't worry, they'll do their best to pretend they are a peaceful religion and kick your ass with dung fu if you dare disrespect their faggoty authoritah
You’re very wrong.
omg i am so correct tho
it is you who are wrong
Do a whole paper virtue signalling about the Dalai Lama, and end it with "therefore we need to heed his warning about importing millions of Arabs to Europe"
Yeah, none of that is what it is at all. You should read more.
>There has got to be someway to link Buddhism to white supremacy. Figure that out and then write a hit piece on white men.
The Buddha insisting upon corpse meditation during his travels leading to the mass suicide of a whole village along with the occupation of suicide assistant being created to facilitate it
Red pill your class that even Buddhists can't live peacably with Muslim neighbors.
Bonus points if you cite why, and mention the numerous overt attempts to make peace that only resulted in their wholesale slaughter by hooting Muslim invaders. It happened for centuries, literally centuries, but suddenly because the roles are reversed NOW it's a problem.
Obama hated Buddhists.