why is 'swedish pride' and 'irish power' not racist but 'white power/pride' is?
Why is 'swedish pride' and 'irish power' not racist but 'white power/pride' is?
because they havn't accomplished anything of note
English Pride and German Pride are considered racist
youd probably be arrested for having swedish pride in Sweden
no but british pride has existed. somewhere, some non racist brits are like "hell yea we brits out here" or something. not necessarily genetic related but mostly because no real civilization has ever thought about it that way. not even japanese or the most homogeneous society in the third world.
One is a national identity the other is racial. You're an idiot.
Why is national identity okay but racial identity not?
no i mean something like pewdiepie. he's proud of being sweden, he's that kind that would proudly or happily sing swedish songs etc etc like those blonde people who dances swedish dances in cultural exchange events, you know what i'm saying? not the radical ones but just the ones who are proud of their country and history and not necessarily autistic genetic things like 'muh superior race stomping nonwhites'.
Its mostly down to everybody knowing when you say English pride you mean the British Empire bringing that shit back. When you think of German pride BOOM you could be thinking about bringing back the Nazis which most people would be against.
Appalachian Pride!
White is a construct of the jew.
Race is a construct of the jew.
Jews are a construct of the jew.
You have no idea what's going on until you experience the world as your authentic self. Nice identity, faggot.
leather boot pride?
>land of free speech is asking a nanny state convict for an excuse to exercise their god given rights.
We should switch.
>You have no idea what's going on until you experience the world as your authentic self. Nice identity, faggot.
but no one relates being swedish with anything but blondness. it's not even a question anymore and no one is attacking that. when everyone thinks of sweden, they think of blond people and it doesn't even have to be debated anymore. just like being chinese, no one talks about it, about how you can't be chinese and not ethnically chinese. but no one gives a damn about it. it's the same with being swedish. there's no problem here and this whole race realism thing only happens among americans. because idk maybe they're still conflicted that their homeland is not their rightful ethnic land. like you still have to call yourself german or irish but not knowing anything about irish culture or not even speaking irish. what a mess.
swedish pride is considered quasi racist because swedes have at least accomplished stuff, but if you say irish pride, or italian pride jews give you a free pass because those cultures have accomplished nothing of worth and do not threaten jews.
if you say something like german pride or english pride, they wont call you racist, but they will be on edge
I'm personally happy for all countries take pride in their nation except Israel
Hyperborean pride
This post is a construct of the jew.
I only take pride in myself. I dont take pride in others accomplishments. I respect and cherish them but I can't take pride in something I did not do.
Minorities say it because they have nothing else. Nothing to cherish.
Does chanting U-S-A trigger SJWs and shitskins ?....
>as your authentic self
explain on this please
what about white pride?
how is accomplishment relevant in how racist or offensive it might be to other people? i think it can only be considered racist if its motivation is hatred or aggression towards other races. which i can see on white pride but not on swedish pride.
racial identity was created to erase national identity, so that European migrants could integrate into American society. it's why we're mutts
Because one makes you protect your country, the other might start ethnic cleansing.
Polish didn't do much, but polish pride is considered one of the worst.
Nation = nat / nasci
Nation is literally the people.
Nation is 100% racial.
Read a dictionary.
>he made sense.^
Nations aren't races.
Because White has become a catch-all term for European. If the children of the Black Sun begin to form a solidarity against their prescribed (((ideologies))), current power establishments risk losing everything. The entire global financial system is built on our backs
I'm sure those would be considered racist in their respective countries. If not now then in the future as they get more blanda'd up. Anything to stop native cohesion against the invading hordes will be called racist. The reason why "white pride" is considered racist in America while those aren't is because Whiteness has a chance of uniting the European diaspora together against the invaders while the individual ethnic pride wouldn't muster a large enough force to resist the invasion.
>hurr durr why is nationalism isn't condired RACISM
because nations aren't races
OP you must be retarded
Just wait
but whiteness isn't a thing in europe. it's only a thing in america. you're insecure that your homeland is not your rightful native land.
but when someone is so proud of being swedish, he doesn't think of nonwhites. he thinks of blond people. and people who see him, also think of blond people. just like china with chinese or vietnam with vietnamese.
Whiteness isn't a thing in Europe (yet) because the ethnic identities are still strong enough for natives to form a cohesive unit. Expect whiteness to become a thing in Europe once invaders are considered "True Germans" or "True Swedes"
no. you know why? it's because it's not motivated by hatred or anger. just celebration. when i hear "white pride" or "white culture", it doesn't signal anything positive
That's because you're applying your own spin on it.
>why is 'swedish pride' and 'irish power' not racist but 'white power/pride' is?
Generally speaking Swedish/Irish/German/English/Spanish/.... pride is associated with celebrating ones own heritage. White pride is primarily associated with trashing other peoples heritage/genes (see /pol for example). Normies don't have a problem with the former, but they do with the latter.
no it's true. it doesn't reek positivity or celebration. you WANT it to be like that, you cover it with such things. but it still reeks of resistance instead of celebration.
Because countries are lines on a map, whilst nations are people. A nigger can be considered 'swedish' or 'irish' based on that country's borders and laws, but they'll never truly be swedish or irish. It's okay to be swedish/irish because that may include niggers. It's not okay to be white because it doesn't.
Because the Irish are the niggers of Europe!
Have you seen half the whites lately? I don't want them to think I take pride in them too.