Damn, 14yo Norwegian boys look like THAT?
Damn, 14yo Norwegian boys look like THAT?
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What is parenting?
wtf I love Norway now
thats a grill. the hands never lie
So this meme wasn't an exaggeration
i would bang the shit out of that.
if hand is high as head,
your dick then damn be dead.
>tfw my city is full of 14-16 year olds like that in the middle pic
what happened to girls?
hormones in everything, user...
What happened to your libido you depressed little cuck?
Used to know a girl dressed modestly in the left, and actually was moral.
the absolute state of nordic men
it's weird man they growing up so fast nowadays
fuck off pedo
No wonder Trump wants em!
16 is aoc you cuck. Stop copying Americucks
He'd grab em by the boipucci
he's going to have a black bf
not here pedlord, if you are 18+ fucking a 16 year old it's illegal only 16-17 year olds can fuck other 16-17 year olds.
Why do you post a Reddit gift you autistic fuck
that's not even true in Australia. It's only a crime if you're in a supervisory role.
post yfw AOC is 15 in Scandivikangzland.
>telling me about my countries laws
please don't I looked into this because some 17 year old wanted my cock so badly and I had to decline her cause I was 19.
kill yourself ped
Wow. Can’t wait. The future looks sexier every minute.
>some 17 year old wanted my cock so badly and I had to decline
Sounds more like you were afraid and wanted an excuse, an out. LMAO at your life.
>risking some underage poon who could tattle considering the culture we live in today
yeah no I'm happy just fucking an 18+ year olds
Ah so you're a scared pussy and about it. Because there is no moral issue because there is no fucking magical difference between the same person at 17 and at 18.
Go be a fagget elsewhere. Be happy she didn't find out what kind of a pussy you are.
As a man who got into the same situation and went through with it, I say it was not worth at all.
No american pussy is worth anything.
Stop feeding the kanker homo trol pls, Joep van Janssen here has problems needing venting
Ya I agree it's a sad state of affairs here in the USA. One that won't change for me. Only can help the next generation.
imagining the choice would ever present itself to lowland degenerate filth.
>spoken like the eternal Neet virgin
Oh look, that ironing board that constantly is around degenerate niggers. Oh I'm jealous of the blacked mutt girls not living here
I heard she not really trans just doing it for extra fame
All trannies are attention whoring degenerate mentally ill cucks.
Where did this “damn I didn’t know X looked like THAT” meme come from?
Ha good joke, I bet you never were in a situation like that. She was fucking crazy. Vindictive, I don't know where young girls get this superiority complex, probably feminism. I have no doubt in my mind she would of tried to ruin my life if she felt she had a good reason to.
It's about time you drown in your homo filled kanker swamp, It's getting late Joep
Why is this african country even on the internet lmao. Go eat dirt cookies and be irrelevant elsewhere.
tfw you are not a pedophile and despise pedophiles, but it's impossible not to be attracted to the artificial estrogen-pumped 14y/os of today
reread your own country's laws you pretentious faggot.
this was almost a decade ago, things have changed since then.
some of those 16 year olds look 18+ it's fucking ridiculous nowadays.