Be boomer

>be boomer
>buy property in the 60s
>get job easily
>enjoy prosperity
>need to inflate assets (home prices)
>increase demand, reduce supply
>give amnesty for illegals
>increase immigration
>home price now high
>reverse mortgage to pay for vacations and boats
>kick out kids
>no inheritance

Other urls found in this thread:

Many of the people here who allow anger to inspire their proposed solutions to fixing this country don't honestly take into account that this reality, one that is fluid and multi-faceted, is one caused by an entire culture, not one race, or only immigration or feminists. There's a lot more to do to get this country back on track than just hate the right people.

Thank fuck these old fucks will be all dead in 10 years or so.

I just put my parents in the worst state-funded nursing home I could find. They are being abused by violent niggers and spics at this very moment. They are begging me to move them out of there. I won't. I told them:

>This is their diverse culture and you need to stop being so racist and learn to appreciate it. These are the people which you brought in over the last 60 years; you helped them every step of the way, along with your progressive Christian church to come here. I'm giving you what you wanted, not to mention it's all you can afford because you never invested any of your money. And yes, DAD, the fishing boat and Harley's were sold and that money is gone.

Ok, rabbi. Whatever you say.

If every non-white group votes >> super-majority one way, which they have since 1965, where would you expect most of the “anger” to be directed?

Hate to break it to you, rabbi - the experiment is over.

It's not caused directly by them but they have a huge amount of power and money right now and many of us have direct contact. They also were the people to buy into the 60s propaganda and shut up their parents who wouldn't tolerate this crap. Thus they are the best people to shut it down.

It's not a matter of hate but fact.

You didn't do this, but I am going to pretend that you did.

Along with their voting power.

I want them to come over to our side and stop pretending they are 20 years old again or deserve any right to call us racist.

Super clever, user. You simply stated that the "opposition" is angry, so you need to be, too. That mentality starts wars, user. That mentality is a remnant of our primate lives that needs to go. Peace is the direction of social evolution, not hatred. Accepting human behavior isn't the same as moving past it and doing things differently than our suspicious, paranoid forefathers did it. It'd be awesome to be able to genuinely blame the world's problems on the jews or the niggers, but it's not truth. It's counterintuitive to progress towards an acceptable future for all.

Are you talking about baby boomers only? I'm not sure what your argument is specifically.

Honestly it wasn't premeditated, it's really all they can afford on gov't GIBS, but I did give them that speech. They were disgusting liberals their whole life and did NOTHING for me or my brothers. No college, no inheritence, nothing. That little speech was my tiny revenge for nearly three decades of neglect by them.

I have zero sympathy and I hope more people will go out of their way to punish the Boomers when they are old.

The argument is they have a bias or ulterior motive for mass immigration/amnesty. A huge amount of wealth is in their home prices and by bringing in large numbers of people they inflate their own net worth by increasing demand.

No inheritance anyway because all money will be liquidated to cover the 20% Medicare does not cover. All assests must go before Medicaid covers geriatric care. I get the natural will to live, but we should have a culture that says, "Go, go dance with Jesus." But old people who don't know Salvation would fritter away their bequeathments to posterity for another bitter second avoiding their Creator, cause they know what is due.

>Be boomers kid
>Kicked out at 18
>Go to find a decent job
>Spend 4 years in college racking up tremendous amounts of debt
>All my extra money goes to rent which is 3 times that of mortgage
>Have to buy a used craigslist car
>Finally get out of college
>Find a decent job
>Spends years paying back the debt you racked up getting the decent job


>Be my dad
>Drop out of school at 16
>Apply to an auto repair shop
>We'll teach you on spot welcome aboard
>"Hey anons dad you worked here for 2 years and are 18 so you are manager now"
>Owns his own home, 3 cars and a boat by age 21.

I didnt even finish school at that age and I tried applying to auto repair shops and they said "yeah after you complete the trainers class you can come back and apply but we have a lot of other applicants who are currently waiting" I asked him about management and he said "You'd need a managers degree for that here. We don't promote auto technicians to management"

They had it easy mode.

Yes a huge portion of any retirement left is going into the medical industry. 80% of medical costs come from keeping them alive when they should just bite the bullet.

I heard of stories of eskimos, when they feel they are too old they would get on a piece of ice and float out into the sunset. It would go a lot smoother this way, no long undignified stay on the death being a burden to everyone.

They did but they won't ever, ever admit it because they want you to think they suffered so you don't feel bad about how shit society is for you and continue being a drone

While I agree that the cause and effect are rational, the overall motivation really doesn't take into account that they actually do care about their progeny. Leaving a world in which they will fail seems to be short-sighted for people who set out to create more babies than the country had seen before. Greed is ever present, but not everyone is a greedy bastard, willing to sell out their very children's lives for profit.

My dad was a similar asshole. Dont care what happens to him in old age.

If the fed raises rates the whole thing will collapse

Even if they don't say it, their actions reflect it.
Silicon valley for instance, they build huge offices and prevent building of bigger residences.

I agree they care about their progeny but there is a tendency to ignore inconvenient facts especially since they were convinced at a young age that mass immigration is good.

Our suffering came at the beginning.
Boomers will suffer exceedingly as they near their end.
The only thing wrong is that we didn't deserve to.

boomers AKA the rockefeller's planned genocide generation

Are boomers old enough to be put into homes? Aren’t they only like 60?

Boomers were (by definition) born beginning around 1947, when the WWII vets came home and started up their lives again. So 71 years old is the upper limit, perhaps 55 is the lower limit.

Daily reminder: kys boomers

>not a booty blasted NEET thread

>baby boom
>population increases by 4x
>have 2-3 kids each
>population explodes out of control
>nearly impossible to find a job
>want to bring in hordes of shitskins

What the absolute fuck is wrong with people?
I think all of the drugs they did back in the sixties turned their brains into apple sauce.

Boomers used immigration of non-whites to create a welfare state of deficit spending and lower wages so their assest values would become inflated.

LSD was introduced around their time, same with drug counterculture, summer of love, free speech movement (communists), but even people who weren't using drugs got affected by it. Same thing as straight edge college people today being surrounded by SJWs so they feel afraid to counter the demonstrators.

They caused inflation with their politics of multiculturalism. Deficit spending on niggers and boomer entitlements devalued the dollar. Wages stagnated. Their 40k houses are now worth 300k. Then they ask you why you still rent.

Anyone looking for a house right now is priced out of the market. Millenial liberals are similarly stupid, they push for illegal immigration (who pack 10 families to a house) while wondering why they can't afford a house even with a decent job.

bump for truth

Richard Spencer is as bad as the boomers he castigates. He doesn't want individual alt-righters or the country to be succesful because that is competition for him. Now that bitcoin's price has stabilized, he is talking down bitcoin again. Don't sell it if you own it. Hold it. The SEC and CFTC testified today in the Senate that they are bullish on cryptocurrency.

Gen-X here. You're kidding yourself if you think that Boomers had an evil conspiracy to impoverish future generations. They just grabbed whatever free shit they could while they could, as my generation did, as the Millennials are doing, as Gen-Z will do, and so on until the money runs out and we go back to barbarism.

thanks boomers


- the post

Uh no. Gen X is still in the process of staying the fuck alive while boomers offer little to no help while Millennials whine that they have it the worst all the while owning the latest gadgets, that "our" generation can no longer afford.

>thst fucking picture

>you see le 56% face
I see doctors, lawyers, senators, dolphin trainers

First for Sasha


I hate to break it to you, but if you stopped fucking your life up, got a decent job (nobody owes you one, faggot, go out and get one), bought a home and waited 4 years, you'd have a lot of savings and a home worth 10x what it is today.

I hate to tell you, but your generation literally suckles at the multi-culti teat and has embraced what you claim the boomers began, as if you literally WANT to destroy every generation behind you.

Instead of being pissed at those old fucks for whatever it is you want to blame them for as to why your life is shit, maybe you should actually do something yourself AND hold your shit generation responsible for taking every bad thing to the next level.

Generation X

Did your parents pay for your college?

>40 years
>4 years

how the fug i'm supposed to buy a house in 4 years holy shit

>Be smart Millennial
> Have lenient parents who don't kick you out
> Be NEET by choice for years.
> Drive new family car.
> Collect NEETbux and spend it on your fun hobbies and places to go
>Eat out on NEETbux while you see the peers who picked on you being wagie ragies.
>Buy lobster on the EBT card
>Enrage Boomers and Millennial normies.
>Be smug about it.

honestly can't wait for the weakest generation to be gone for good

>My mom was a feminazi in her youth
>Never met my real father
>Fucked up my life forever
>She tries to be Conservative now
>Her ugliness sleeps through always
>She has nothing now
>One sweet day it’s off to the home
>Where niggers and spics will tend
>I’ll visit the day after Christmas

Son, you're kidding yourself if you think that any generation in particular has a monopoly on vice or on virtue -- that's just divide-and-conquer tactics aimed against the goyim. People of any age will always tend to accept whatever free shit they are given at others' expense

go to casa depot and pick up some corrugated steel sheets and some 2 by 4's. it can't be that expensive

I like seeing stupid americans blaming their parents and grandparents (aka "boomers") for the fuckups that their glorious capitalist slave owners brought upon and realizing that. Where is your glorious capitalist free market freedom(TM) now? Fucking morons.

All inheritance above 10k should be taxed at 100%. If you didn't earn it, the government should burn it.

I never said that, but you're mistaken if you think there isn't a huge difference between the generations. The boomers do not care. At all.


I get it. Your parents were selfish pricks who left you nothing wagie ragie.

Spoken like a true leafcommie.

My Boomer mother-in-law is like this. She hated me from the moment I began dating her daughter in 1990 and she found out I was conservative and anti-feminist. "I'm a socialist!" she would cackle, while living in a luxury condo and stuffing her face with rich foods. 28 years later, she's surrounded by Muslims in her neighbourhood and all of a sudden is discovering the truth of what we "racists" were telling her all along, and changing her views -- too late to help herself. (And I'm married to her daughter, who is now more right-wing than even I am.)

Be smart and be NEET. Then you can opt out of suffering.

Fuck off Commie, go volunteer to die of starvation on a collective farm somewhere. We haven't had a free market in this country for decades

>implying boomers didn’t create crony capitalism

fucking leaf

Everything you said in satire is exactly the truth. You are too stupid to realize that, you are worse than the Boomer that needs to kill themself.

My fucking god, retarded edgy college Commiefags are the absolute worst.

They didn't all have kids. Hell, a third of our generation was aborted.

You mean ENSURE greater suffering later. Great advice. No, I'm going to make as much money as I can because no one is going to help me except myself and God. I'm getting out of debt, so at least there's that going for me.

I went to university in the early 90s largely at the expense of taxpayers present and future, and if you think I "care", fuck no I don't. I know that it was a waste of time for me personally and part of an unjust and unsustainable economic model, but do I lie awake at night worrying about it? No. So why should the boomers, for their unjust advantages?

this. NEET is the only answer, why the fuck should i waste my life working just to pay for gramps' social security? fuck that

how did this happen? incompetence?

Yes wise one. We should collect social security as our early retirement instead.

Why not get out of your Tendie Shack and actually find out that the world is full of opportunity if you're not too fucking stupid or lazy to find it?

Really, man, just cut it with the sad little man blame game. I know plenty of young whippersnappers between 22 and 30 who are getting their shit handled right who came from NOTHING, and yet, you're just crying like a faggy little cunt who wants everyone to pity him. I mean, if it's so hopeless, why not just hang yourself and end it?

Not at all, but you can think so if it makes you feel better.

You're ok with being abused by the state once you're old? Also remember that everyone wants to live as long as possible as comfortably as possible-no exceptions. Disbelieve me, look at the appeals for the condemned who would rather stare at a fucking gray wall for the rest of their lives than face the hereafter. Prepare for the future if you don't want one filled with nothing but pain.

>>get job easily
>>enjoy prosperity

If you can't get a job and find prosperity today there is no time in history when you would have done better.

Sort yourself out you fucking loser and stop blaming others for your failure at life.

Want to fix the 1%? This is how you do it.

>I know plenty of young whippersnappers between 22 and 30 who are getting their shit handled right
>being indebted to jew bankers is "having your shit handled"

Why should I want less of my inheritance money wagie ragie? Normies don't deserve this money.

my future got sold off long before i was born. i'm not going down like a cuck

Holy fucking shit user. You need to take down this thread right now. I work in finance and (((they))) will literally come for your if they see this. You figured out the masterplan.

You just won the most retarded post ever award. I’m in North Dakota making five grand a week. I have put one through college and have two more to go. Literally go fuck yourself until you die from it.

>Absolutamente asqueroso

Because taxing everything above 10k destroys the 1%. Make it 50k or 100k if that makes you feel better.

I'm a millennial and my home is worth $700,000 and I have $250,000 in my retirement account

my boomer dad died and my mother has $1,000,000 in retirement and she won't ever spend it.

my sister is older than me but probably technically a millennial, she doesn't have a job or own a home (lives with grandma) has two kids with her boyfriend who makes probably OK money in construction and lives with them. they can't afford to move out of my mother's house.

I keep telling my boomer mom to just spend all her retirement but she wont.

Destroying the 1 percent isn't worth getting less inhertiance.

GenX didn't have it as hard as millenials/genZ but none of them had it as easy as boomers

Compare house prices vs incomes and you will see millenials have to pay 50% more relative to income (unfortunately graph only goes to 2008 during the housing price crash).

All inheritance should be divided up equally amongst all of the citizens of the nation. ...or used in lieu of higher taxes. ...pretty much anything other than building family empires. If the history of monarchy says anything, it's that lineage doesn't guarantee excellence, or even viability. Most people who get power and wealth handed to them don't deserve it more than the average jack-off. Success should be a single lifetime endeavor. Privilege creates retarded influential people.

Nope. One just bought her first home CASH near Chicago at age 27. Came from zero money AND has dyslexia, too. Know what she did? Got a decent job, worked her way up, saved her money for a number of years instead of buying gadgets and going out drinking, and now she's set.

The issue most of you boomer blamers have is that you're NOT willing to sacrifice your entertainment to get ahead in the future. It's why so many of you are doomed to fail forever and blame the previous generations, because taking an actual hard look in the mirror would fucking destroy your souls knowing how much you blew it.

If people are undeserving of their inheritance they'll lose it on their own. Now go be a faggot somewhere else.

Except the state of our civilization is literally the result of a global jewish financial elite manipulating society. The more you learn about history the more obvious it becomes. We dont hate them for no reason, we hate them because they are trying to destroy us. The natsocs here are the most politically and historically literate posters on this board. Kys kike.

Are you Gen Y/Millennial? You have it easier than Gen X? Why? You had it easier than Gen X because we weren't fully brainwashed. You never felt the pain of seeing the truly great society ripped away or feel any allegiance to a purer way of life partially learned from grandparents.

And if you are Gen X, I'm sorry that our generation is the FIRST in a long time to do much worse than the previous generation, but you're not alone. The help my parents got versus the help they gave to me is inverted in mammoth proportions, but still I rage onward. And anger does keep my going because I want to do better out of spite and self-determination and realization.

this is the essential fact here, ratio of home price to income

My boomer parents got a house for like $60k in the 70s and sold it for nearly $1 million in the late 90s. #notnormal


Holy fuck, you're really needing to consider self-euthanasia immediately. I bet you're a Wendy's Fry Cook too, right?

i'm 19 and i don't plan on slaving my life away just to support people who fucked me over

Fuck off, you don't know anything about me. I am doing just fine but I care for my kin.

You don't understand do you? Lst's cap it at 50k, so you don't feel so bad about it. Now everything above that gets spent to improve the country you live in. Roads, public parks, public services, medical care, science by way of grants etc etc. It's how you could literally MAGA.

Or let some little shit who win the birth lottery (like the Walmart heirs) coast along doing nothing while enjoying all.

Throwing more money at a problem doesn't work. Look at the Detroit schools. They throw lots of money towards it.

GenX was ruined by the boomers.
>be genx
>grow up, boomer parents give you the boot
>can’t find a decent job after college, boomers hold all of the good positions
>give birth later cause nocash.png
>oh shit it’s the millenials
> your kids are fags and your dads stole your jobs

The problem is that the majority of tax money goes to feeding the parasites in government, not towards the laughable "services" they offer us at a far greater cost and at far lower standards than we could have bought privately (with only a few exceptions)

>The issue most of you boomer blamers have is that you're NOT willing to sacrifice your entertainment to get ahead in the future.
no, our issue is that its just not worth it. n one in my generation wants to work hard just so the government can take half and give it to niggers. its not an issue of not wanting to put in the work, its that there is no reward waiting for us and we know it.

I have never fucked you over, the boomers fucked me. It's really not my fault that all they left for us was scraps all the while spreading the pain of the world to the U.S. out of globalization.

If you don't save your money for a rainy day for yourself (and it will come) you're going to be totally and utterly miserable when that day finally arrives and then you'll wish you took my advice. Don't want to support what's left of the boomers or Gen X? Then make money under the table if you're so clever. Really, you can do better than the boomers. You're not dumb. In fact, I'd wager all of us here are 100% more technologically proficient than they.

People would still hand jobs to their family or find a way to launder the money to their children. It would punish the honest.

>i bought my house with cash
>bragging about your imaginary lives on an anonymous image board