Trudeau spends millions on individual terrorists that are still considered 'Canadian citizens' through dual citizenship...

>trudeau spends millions on individual terrorists that are still considered 'Canadian citizens' through dual citizenship, and goes out of his way to spend millions more on refugees
>won't give money for Canadian soldiers to get prosthetics after they've had their limbs blown off
>corrects a girl that 'peoplekind' is better than saying 'mankind'
>shuffling their feet about the weed deadline and think it'll be delayed until later (when, states in the US took less than a year) when they've been in planning for longer
>shrugs off his unethical spending of tax dollars for his vacations and nanny costs, dismissive of any criticism, no matter how much the majority of Canadians back it
>changed our national anthem WITHOUT public say into a gender neutral edition

I fucking hate him so goddamn much you have no idea. Anyone that voted liberal deserved this disgusting shit, but I voted conservative. I can't handle the goddamn bullshit

If he wins another 4 years we're in for terrible changes to the foundations of our lives. It's probably already too late with this 'post nationalist' globalist inclusive shithole we've become

Be afraid nazis!

Harper helped us through an economic recession, but that doesn't justify him being a TPP shill.

Still somehow 10x better than trucunt

Regardless of what you think of the TPP, trudeau has shown himself to be a thousand times more harmful to Canada. He even tries to bring in social issues to trade deals. Our trade deals with china? Finished, because that faggot thinks he can shove his social agendas on a giant government and culture that doesn't give a FUCK what he thinks. The stupid, ignorant and pompous twat that he is

Agreed 100%

Honestly fuck this PM. It's the fucking libtards niggers who voted in a part time drama teacher fag. They need to kill themselves.

>dudeweedlmao come on man he's such an honorable PM

This is not your country anymore, white boy.

How did you guys fuck up so badly electing this fag? He has no experience to lead your country, and people complain that Trump is inexperienced. You guys only elected Trudeau for 3 reasons
1. His looks
2. because he was the son of Pierre Trudeau (really Fidel Castro but let’s not get to much into that)
3. Because Harper was bad and you needed a liberal.
Jesus Canada is retarded.

harper should rerun instead of whoever the conservative is now, he will win


harper is antigun pro immigrant zog shill

>changed our national anthem WITHOUT public say
damn he just changed it like that?????

Enjoying your current Canada, faggot? Also he wasn't anti gun, he scrapped the liberal gun registry you stupid fuck

I voted christian heritage
A white party for the white man

Das rite.

>not embracing the man that is crashing the shithole of canada with no survivors
He's just accelerating the inevitable, I for one commend him on his efforts in effectively pissing off 90%+ of actual real Canadians

>I for one commend him on his efforts in effectively pissing off 90%+ of actual real Canadians
He is seriously irl trolling & shitposting on an entirely other level that we could only dream of desu

That's what it was like with Obama, just shit shit shit for years and years.
Then we get a new guy in and now we have to play nice with the commies.
