Politiscales Thread

Post your results for this test

Here goes nothing

Work. Liberty. Fatherland.

Any other combination than mine and you're a fag.

Sorry for the phone posts in advance but here is mine 1/2


I got Fatherland, Family and Revolution

>55% progressism
>calling anyone else a fag

looks good

Yeah, that's weird. I got 55% in progressivism but I swear I hate blacks and women as much as anyone on Daily Stormer.

My ancestor :^)

>Over 50% progressivism
>calling anyone else a fag

wew lad

Holy shit


Sup Forums has now become a hivemind

Am I actually a Russian bot who's just unaware of it?

my nigga


you have now been logged by HillaryForAmerica. Expect a prompt visit from the crematorium to bury your suicided body.
Have a nice day :)

guess this makes me an ancap


wow another shitty test with shitty questions.



do i have autism?


greetings fellow comrade.

what the fuck is this ideology
idk my results are pretty similiar


Christian sensibility

Sweden done right

Still don't know what to make of mine i am nowhere near to being religious and all this i thought i would get chaos instead of order damn polls can't trust them.

I'm not either but I'd still spread my values which seems to = religious on these tests.


Fuck yeah. the WLF crew.

What does this mean?

It means you’re a hippy


But I believe in capitalism, nationalism and am more conservative than not?


Lol you're less capitalist than i am and i don't even consider myself libertarian.

that doesn't preclude you from being a hippie, brother. look at mine a few posts up.

Oh well, I guess I'm a hippy.

But you scored high for rehabilitive justice and progressivism. So yeah, you’re a hippie. Sorry lad.

you all blow, don't worry.

tanks, fwiend

I believe in rehabilitative justice for minor crimes. Pathological criminals, or psychopaths should just be executed, as they're a waste of resources to house and will never be fit for release.
As for the progressivism, that's because I work in STEM and am a progressive in the sense of technology and research.

wtf does this make me

No one is really that much of a nationalist, you wannabe Chauvinist.

yeah, I think a lot of people who post their ideology scales give meme answers and LARP through the whole questionnaire.


It's sad really.

I’m in stem as well, and i still scored low. Progressivism in stem disguised as science really is cancerous. Don’t fall into that trap mate.

Would be interesting to see the results if you took the test without choosing neutral. Half of your leanings could go either way.

Well capitalist than I expected desu. Property rights probably

Holy shit, call in the 'copter, we've got a commie to drop.

Literally Strasser

Revolutionary national conservative. Maybe a fascist?

How is it looking?


Mhm, you could be right.

The questionnaire lacks depth in my opinion.

this whole board is sad mostly. 2/3 the people on here are LARPing as either catholic crusaders or national socialists.

too progressive, fag.

Don't they all?

Watch Alt hype’s videos in order to increase your essentialism score.
It’s too bad about the progressivism.

Yeah that makes sense I suppose, cheers lad

I don't understand how anyone can still be a Catholic with the current Pope. He's a joke.

Too true. It's a shame, because whilst I'm all for helping people, if those people cannot be helped, they shouldn't be a burden.

Almost a nazbol

> everyone who disagrees with me is a LARPER

I was completely honest with my answer, dont see any reason to larp on a test on the internet.


I wonder how they calculate the undecided. I was hesitant on only 2 to 3 questions so it shouldn't have been that excessive.

i don't understand how anyone can be catholic.

>t. conservative globalist hippy

Fuckin Commie scum

i ain't a globalist. idk how i got such a high score for internationalism. i'm actually quite isolationist.


I think it just means you answered “unsure” on 23 perc of economics related questions. If you’d answered agree on those you would be 90 perc capitalist.

This surprises nobody



I don't think you know the meaning of this word. He's a nationalist too. Just because he doesn't LARP to Chauvinist-tier doesn't mean he is disagreeing.

They like to be forgiven.

>t. retard who doesn't involve himself in politics

>I hate the ecosystem.
But you're a fucking leaf?!

He dindu nuffin

>but posts on a politics board

Again I've taken the test twice. My previous scores are pretty much the same. This time I did way less hesitant scoring and got essentially the same score. There's something else calculating and I think it might have to be with the Somewhat agree answers. It probably gives less true score and adds to the unsure. Its likely that the unsure I have in Communism vs. Capitalism is points due to somewhat agreeing for a question that granted pro-capitalist data.

i'm surprised that a lot of people seem split on revolution vs reform, including myself.
I had a 36% percent revolution, 31% reform, and 33% unsure

Or doesn't answer questions that don't provide his/her answer

>he doesn't come here for the banter

>doesn't banter when he comes here

got me there

Nailed it.

>nationalism 69%

>me make good test



Neutral Or Hesitant

What think

I love the Ecosystem, but I love engineered ecosystems even more

Running theory: Test counts Somewhat agree answers as half in one category and half in the unsure.
Most of us answered somewhat agree with most of those.