Hannity is actually breaking the unredacted Grassley memo. GET IN HERE!!!
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Get back to me when these traitors get the rope.
Bump! Eat the shills!
Well...is there a stream up? I don't pay for cable because TV gives you brain damage.
youtube fox news live
>breaking news
pick one
link fuck nut
He's reading the unredacted parts of the Grassley memo that literally just came out, dipshit.
You memeflaggots are a blight.
In. This better be good.
A compressed timeline:
November 2015-April 2016 – The FBI and NSD uses private contractors to access raw FISA information using “To” and “From” FISA-702(16) & “About” FISA-702(17) queries.
February/March 2016 – Trump’s securing of GOP nomination seen as probable.
April 2016 – NSA Director Rogers orders NSA compliance officer to run full audit on 702 NSA compliance.
April 18 2016 -Mike Rogers shuts down FBI/DOJ contractor access to the FISA Search System.
April 18 2016 – The FBI discontinues private contractor access to raw FISA information.
April 19 2016 – Wife of Glenn Simpson (Fusion GPS) Mary Jacoby visits White House.
Late April 2016 – Clinton Campaign begins paying Fusion GPS.
April/May 2016 – Fusion GPS hires Christopher Steele.
April/May 2016 – Fusion GPS hires Nellie Ohr, wife of DOJ Assoc. Deputy AG Bruce Ohr.
May 2016 – Trump becomes presumptive GOP Nominee.
May 23 2016 – Nellie Ohr applies for a HAM Radio license.
June 2016 – FBI Agent Peter Strzok – and possibly DOJ’s Bruce Ohr – meet with Christopher Steel.
June 9 2016 – Glenn Simpson meets with Natalia Veselnitskaya before Trump Jr. meeting.
June 9 2016 – meeting between Donald Trump Jr., Jared Kushner, Paul Manafort, Rinat Akhmetshin and Natalia Veselnitskaya.
June 9 2016 – Glenn Simpson meets again with Natalia Veselnitskaya after Trump Jr. meeting.
June 15 2016 – FBI Agent Strzok changes wording of Clinton charges from “grossly negligent” to “extremely careless”.
June 27 2016 – AG Loretta Lynch has secret meeting with Bill Clinton on tarmac.
Late June 2016 – First draft of Trump Dossier shared w/Fusion & possibly FBI’s Strzok.
Late June 2016 – First FISA 702 Surveillance Authority request made. It is denied.
July 2 2016 – FBI Agent Strzok interviews Hillary Clinton.
July 5 2016 – FBI Director Comey exonerates Clinton.
July 19, 2016 – Trump officially becomes GOP Nominee.
July 24 2016 – Clinton Campaign manager Robbie Mook suggests Russian Government is behind release of DNC emails.
Mid/Late July 2016 – FBI begins counter-intelligence investigation into Russia and Trump.
Late July – Second draft of Trump Dossier shared with FBI.
August 2016 – Strzok sends “insurance policy” text referencing Deputy FBI Director McCabe.
August/September 2016 – CIA Director Brennan meets with Gang of Eight suggesting Russia is helping Trump.
Late Summer/Early Fall 2016 – Trump Dossier shopped.
September 5 2016 – Hillary Clinton accuses Russia of interfering with U.S. election.
Late September 2016 – Second FISA 702 Surveillance Authority request made.
September 26 2016 – John Carlin, head of DOJ’s National Security Division (NSD), admits to FISC that surveillance included Obama’s political opponents.
September 27 2016 – John Carlin, head of DOJ’s NSD and involved with FISA requests, announces he is resigning.
Early October 2016 – Bruce Ohr meets with Dossier author Christopher Steele.
Early October 2016 – Bruce Ohr meets with Glenn Simpson (Fusion GPS).
October 2016 – FISA 702 Surveillance Authority request is granted. No evidence is found but surveillance continues – ostensibly for national security reasons.
October 20 2016 – NSA Rogers briefed by NSA compliance officer on 702 NSA compliance audit.
October 21 2016 – NSA Rogers shuts down all “About Query” activity. Permanently. Reports activity to DOJ and prepares to go before FISA Court.
So much info I can't keep up to type. Better to just watch.
What is the Grassley memo? Never heard of it.
October 26 2016 – NSA Rogers personally informs FISA Court of 702(17) violations.
Late October 2016 -Defense Secretary Ash Carter and DNI James Clapper recommend to Obama that Admiral Mike Rogers be removed as director of NSA.
October 2016 – The Obama administration is now monitoring an opposing presidential campaign using federal intelligence services.
November 17 2016 – NSA Director Admiral Mike Rogers travels to see President-Elect Donald Trump.
November 17 2016 – Trump Transition Team announces they are moving to Trump National Golf Club.
November 19 2016 – Washington Post reports a recommendation made by DNI Clapper in October that Mike Rogers be removed from his NSA position.
Senate Judicial Committee memo. They have been investigating the State Dept.
Thanks for putting in the effort for us
>grassley knoll
The memo appears to be laying out the information pipeline from Russia > Clinton Camp > Steele > State Dept > Fake News > FBI > FISA
TONIGHT on Tucker carlson Tonight
“Hello autism my old fren...”
And from a leaf nonetheless!
neat, I hope all these scum bags get prosecuted.
lol i don't know why the left is running with this one
if he had dodged the ww2 draft, korea draft even, maybe people would care.
but vietnam? literally nobody cares except people who already hate him
>We'll get to that memo in just a minute but first, you know just like many of you I used to suffer from insomnia, but now I'm sleeping great thanks to My pillow
>google apps account
get outta here nigger; anybody got a link?
>The FISA application explicitly claims that Steele had not spoken to the media about anything claimed in the FISA application
woooooooooooooooooooooooo this is pretty big
Sara Carter awooo
Have to type in fox news live "stream" now. Without it I get nothing but old recordings. Seems like jewtube is doing their best to minimize their exposure.
My dad was told his hearing was bad when he was drafted. He didn't ask questions and went home to his family. 40 years later and doctors removed a tumor pushing against his ear drum. Go figure.
Nice, must add this to my Papadopoulos timeline
lol hannity is such a fucking lapdog hack. fuck em
I'm phone posting in front of my tv. Kiss my ass you ungrateful shit.
Thanks! Watching now. Super juicy stuff...
Day of the Rope for Hillary soon! She bought a warrant to spy on her opponent with the intent of subverting an election.
Cease all faggotry! Link it now!
buy my billo :DD best nide sleeb :DD
Surely this isn’t the only time ever the FBI straight up lied to skew and outcome. What does this mean for everything they’ve ever been involved in? Will cases be overturned?
Satanic cult shot Kennedy. Checked.
Wow if this as huge as the last memo it's definitely going to prove once and for all that OP isn't a retarded faggot
No user. They have obviously never done this before seeing that they got caught. And honestly, if you have nothing to hide, you have nothing to fear, right?
Operation Mockingbird is a cons....
Use this against shill. Then drop facts. Worked like a champ today.
might add the Seth Rich murder to July 10 2016
This. There is plenty of evidence of crimes even just in the stuff available to the public.
>implying the left values military service
>implying Vietnam was a just war
nogs, soy bois, and fat girls are incapable of memetics...
You forgot to but LMAO and the quote from the nobody senator like you've been doing in other threads shill faggot. Die.
dog bles :DD
Memo isn't even being discussed by news stations any more.
God fucking hell I hope this surfaces. I've been listening to CBS' bullshit all day today at work.
Since when does Hannity break anything? He's forever in non-specific "something's going to happen" mode.
February 25, 2016 – Section 2.3 reported close to being finalized.
February/March 2016 – Trump’s securing of GOP nomination seen as probable.
April 2016 – Clinton Campaign begins paying Fusion GPS.
April/May 2016 – Fusion GPS hires Christopher Steele.
May 2016 – Fusion GPS hires Nellie Ohr, wife of DOJ Assoc. Deputy AG Bruce Ohr,
May 2016 – Trump becomes presumptive GOP Nominee.
June 2016 – FBI Agent Peter Strzok – and possibly DOJ’s Bruce Ohr – meet with Christopher Steel.
Late June 2016 – First draft of Trump Dossier shared w/Fusion & possibly FBI’s Strzok.
June/July 2016 – First FISA request made. It is denied.
July 19, 2016 – Trump officially becomes GOP Nominee.
Late July – Second draft of Trump Dossier shared with FBI.
Late July 2016 – FBI begins counter-intelligence investigation into Russia and Trump.
August/September 2016 – CIA Director Brennan meets with Gang of Eight suggesting Russia is helping Trump.
Late Summer/Fall 2016 – Trump Dossier shopped.
September 2016 – Second FISA request made. This request is granted. No evidence is found but surveillance continues – ostensibly for national security reasons.
October 2016 – The Obama administration is now monitoring an opposing presidential campaign using federal intelligence services.
This is coming to a head quite nicely!
Amazing - Someone threatens to kill Assange then suddenly 650,000 Weiner emails land in the hands of Republicans. Yet muh burgers are jerking off Hannity for tick tocks.
So does this mean that the left is nothing but Russian bots?
oh fug :DDDDDD
Holy shit, we're getting closer and closer now.
Oh I can't wait for these trials that are to come in the longer run here.
Leaf: excellent.
It's a small point, probably not important, but I love Glenn Simpsons FB rant where she splergs and says Glenn isn't getting enough credit for the Steele dossier.
"It was all Glenn's idea, he hired Steele, people are forgetting ... Glenn deserves the credit."
Bet that post has been removed.
But if she wants everyone to know it was all Glenn's idea, then I think her wish should be granted...
What do you think?
I'll look for the image if you want to add it in.
It's live now dipshit. Let me know anyone else in the media who's braking the 2nd memo down atm.
oh fug :DDDDDD
No, they are Ukrainian bots.
We are the Russian bots...
Is anything really happening?
>I don't have a TV on. I'll check youtube
ids habening
In a sane world there would be a dozen arrests by Friday.
I hear a Bump
But user, we aren't living in a sane world. We are living in a Jewish one.
I wish I could fuck Hillary just once before she goes to jail.
Fascinating numerals lad
This seems to be the memo for those of you who prefer to read than to sit through Hannity:
It's much of it is redacted. Perhaps the one Hannity presents is less so.
This guy on hannity is either a true believer or is going to be hanging right next to Hillary in the rose garden
Man I don't understand how you stand to watch these hamburger programs. Or more pressingly commercials with program breaks lol
There is not commercials in our news, well we don't have any commercials on that tv channel at all actually though, bad example. Fucking annoying shit though
>Ogsygen gonsentrator
Hannity has the unredacted version
It’s pretty happening. And I can’t atand Hannity. But bro is nailing it right now. This is crazy.
Watch on YouTube dude. Fox live streams.
Agd now buy my ogsygen
only 9.99
freedom and agsygen for your body
Of course marines would be more loyal to the God Emperor.
Qrd for the brainlets?
HAHA Which one of you russian trolls called schiffty schiff with that accent?
side by side redacted vs 'unredacted' Grassley Memos
That's a surprise, thanks. Page 6 seems to allow that some of the dossier was Sup Forums fanfiction, as people here have been claiming:
>In fact, in the British litigation, which involves a post-election dossier memorandum, Mr. Steele admitted that he received and included in it
unsolicited and unverified allegations.
Holy fuck that's glorious