The total US population is 323,000,000 with black people making up 13.3% or 43 million people rounded up
Blockbuster Movies bring in on average at least 120 million opening weekend.
The average movie ticket is roughly 9 dollars, which means 13.3 million people will see a blockbuster movie.
My guess is that The black panther movie will have roughly a audience comprised of at least 75% black.
which would be 10 million blacks going to see the movie. About 23.3% of the entire black population
The total homicide rate for black people total was 6095
or 7053 non murders for 1 murder
or 14 people murder for every 100,000 black population
or 16.6 people murder per day
So for a total black population of 10 million going to see the movie they 1,400 people will be murder by this group in one year.
1400 divided by 365 days is equals 3.8 murders per day
Consider that the movie is running about 2 hours means plus one hour to wait means that it takes up a 1/8th of a day of time
3 day opening weekend means my educated guess is that
theoretically 11.4 blacks will be murdered watching black panther
but when you account for the 3 hours of time for the movie together instead of a full 24 hours the math says
that approx 1.5 people will be murdered by a black person when watching black panther.