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Strange, those areas seem to be very "diverse", it's almost as if...
Looks like a population density map.
This is sad.
Is this even legal?
nice trips
Can you hear it
Its the drums of civil war
daily stormer, nazis and people who say its all jews are zionist controlled opposition, what a surprise
>15 year old cousin asks me if I frequent daily stormer
>laugh it off, tell him I never heard of it, recommend him unz review instead, he probably thinks I'm a cuckservstive
generation zyklon is real lads
This shit just helps us. Raise awareness how numerous we are.
You are not alone
There is a legion behind you
>tfw better coverage than verizon
This map seems familiar.
Why didn't you tell him the truth
>Is this even legal?
I wouldn't have thought so. If its not, surely Vice would be complicit and liable to be sued.
Every area is where niggers and spics are either a majority or a plurality.
He's a cuck
Why is this the same as the bigfoot map?
Yeah good job guys
They are among us, wait, are they us?
Who's ready for a lawsuit!
The cluster in YankeeVille is all my phones
so his mother can accuse me of encouraging his viewing of neo Nazi websites and I become a pariah?
Not all of us are neets, some of us have reputations to uphold in meat space, if he managed to red pill himself already why does he need further encouragement from me anyway?
Those are skunkap3s in fl, user
And the Missing 411 map?
lmao. I check that shit daily and my state isn't even marked.
Different hair of the same beast
Glad the kill quest finally got updated with some quest markers.
Nigger, We r DEEP. NEWENGLAND is More likely to go full1488 than the south is...
>Places where niggers live are also full of people tired of niggers
Who knew?
Seems like it'll be pretty easy to spoof by providing a bunch of fake meeting locations
I'm pretty sure Vice will get sued hard, and I think they are already in financial troubles too.
t. Never killed anyone
Don't worry, when you try to go 1488 you'll be even deeper. Six feet deep precisely.
Aw, sweet! I can see my house from here!
Mexican National Socialists Confirmed?
The markers on fashmaps are only accurate to the county level, after that they aren't shit. So who the fuck cares.
where did they even get this information?
There is one in China too, with some more in South Eastern Asia.
There's no swastika over Fargo ND. I feel underrepresented.
>Nazi live in all 50 states
>we got em now!
... as if they're cities
Do these people realize how completely insane they are? I guess that's a dumb question because of course they don't. They're so entrenched in their beliefs that they're heroes and on the "good side" that they think everything they do is morally justified
Oh no... I’ve been found out
this only helps the cause. makes it easier to get "demographics" to help organise rallies. Thanks Vice!
DotR now!
Yeah, nazis are real scum huh.
These are server locations. Not relevant to anything. Just another Jewish trick.
wtf my location isn't on the list...
>tfw not on the map
notice me senpai
>No Phoenix
Kek, with the number of Arizonans on Sup Forums I know this is horribly inaccurate from that alon
It’s literally the based version of the YMCA faggot dance
Oh fuck yeah, Castizo white supremacists are fucking dedicated. The Mexicans with pure Spanish bloodlines, surrounded by mestizos of Indian and Negro mixes, have taken the hatred of race mixing to extents we can only dream about. I'm not even joking. Sangre Tercera makes the Aryan Brotherhood look like the goddamn Rainbow Coalition in comparison.
Castizos are 13-25% Indian
Start setting up ambushes?
People less than that who look white just consider themselves white or spanish. And yes some are white supremacists. Some castizos are too.
Honestly, is anyone not zionist controlled opposition?
If Jews were capable of self-awareness they wouldn't be Jews.
Kikes beware, we have men in even your thickest strongholds
>leaving out us japanese nazis
fucking racists
how did they compile this? is it guess work based on the "book clubs"?
>none in colorado
We are just libertarian extremist instead
West Virginia looking comfy AF
>not realizing a ton of people go there just for shits and giggles
>thinking actual nazis exist
MSM is retarded
look at all those swasticas in libtarded commie new england. where the fuck are you guys when i leave my basement? according to that chart we should have a fucking legion of brownshirts here.
>dont go to pool parties
>dont go to book clubs
You can speak your mind here, but in public you must hide what you believe. Live by that and you never have anything to fear.
minorities are neo-nazis? wtf
as if niggers and jews false flag themselves
>low-T betamale gommies buying their own hype
Please, by all means, make a move. We've been waiting patiently and preparing for decades now.
Seriously. Do it. See what happens.
My county in Florida isnt on the map, and theres hundreds of supporters here, not that they missed just one or two IPs. they need to up their game
Pretty sure this is illegal. Not that leftists care.
Is it a coincidence the people there drive 10 mph under and honk at u when u pass them? And in general drive like rude fucking retards?
Liberal states are shitholes. Liberals are morons and they drive and doing everything stupid ASF.
My favorite part is they wreck into each so hard it's fucking hilarious. They have a high ass state tax but half the highways of Texas with no state tax. What a joke.
can I view stats on my cunt?
So you Ancom fags are really suicidal aren't you? You do realize if you soyboys start a civil war you will be massacred in a day right? There's 80-100 million gun owners in this country, and 99.9% of them hate you guys and would be glad to put you in the ground where you belong...
DS has a pretty large book club in denver, I think the map is just bullshit
10 years ago you could literally speed anywhere. You still can if you drive right.
Massive influx of people has caused traffic problems, and transplants don't know where they are going so they drive slow.
Nuthin personell fashie
Anti communist are hated by 99.9% of capitalist America? Tell me you didnt pull that number out of your ass and hide behind an ideologies flag that actually does despise you.
...amerimutt "nazis" are just self-hating spics
Use a vpn to connect to german IP and go on daily stormer from there
Ancom stands for Anarcho-Communist, not anti-communist...
Lurk more, new friend.
Ancom is short for anarcho-communism (objectively the dumbest ideology ever created).
Is this gonna be the new way of fucking with your neighbours? Instead of loading their computer with horse porn, visit the Daily Stormer using their internet?
why would you even rely to that?
You're the reason this board has gone to shit newfaggot.
Based Kentucky
The site has millions of readers. It's bigger than a lot of cuckservative sites
Cool. Time to get some nazis fired and expelled
Living around niggers makes you hate niggers.
>the censor impotently rages against the transmission of samizdat by going on increasingly hysterical witch hunts for wrongthink
>is surprised that their ideology loses ground daily
I'm disappointed that the only dots in eastern canada are in Sarnia
I honestly don’t hate them. I cannot blame them for who they are. However there are so legitimately good people, but so many fucking idiots.
everyone in new england is secretly racist outside of Cambridge, New Haven, etc.