Blacks vote for black interests

>blacks vote for black interests
>asians vote for asian interests
>hispanics vote for hispanic interests
>whites divide themselves along single-issue voting lines and ultimately splinter and atomize themselves out of existence so that blacks, chinese, and hispanics can take over their countries

when will you understand that the only way to survive is to come together and vote white?

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not sure if ur aware, but Q predicted this

Because Hillary was (((white))), too.

Voting based off of race/gender will always somehow end up ruining things more. We need to vote based off what people are and think, not what they look like.

I too watch Alt-Hype.
Blame lolbertarians.
I think abstractions are necessary for politics, but when they do not achieve their own purpose then it is time to remove them.

I really wish white people would wake the fuck up.

>>blacks vote for black interests
For what they perceive to be black interests

>>asians vote for asian interests
No they don't.

>>hispanics vote for hispanic interests
Combination of the above two.

by "vote white" i mean vote in a way that will advance the white race
not vote for a white person

What do you mean? If whites continue to be ideologically fragmented they will be outdone by nonwhites who bloc vote.
There is literally no way to content with a bloc vote without bloc voting. It’s like dividing your army so the enemy can conquer you but thinking that splitting your troops is increasing your numeral count.

It's because 9/10 times whites are the only candidates, therefore whites don't need to vote based on race because a white person will be in the oval office anyways.

the problem is, once whites realize this, there IS going to be a race war
so, hope you're ready for that and not just memeing

kek nice color coding

i want to cite this in class and wake a few norms up, provide source or gtfo pls

page 17

>when will you understand that the only way to survive is to come together and vote white?

Well for starters it would help if Whites would all agree on what "White" actually is. I mean just look at the White people on Sup Forums. Even you guys all have a different idea of who is and is not allowed to consider themselves White.

Are people of Italian descent White? What about Irish? Slavs? Iberians? Mediterraneans? Celtics? Caucasians? How about Scandinavians and Baltics?

Nearly every White person you ask has a completely different answer and many Whites, especially here on Sup Forums, make it their sworn duty to exclude as many of the aforementioned people as possible, and will swear up and down that the vast majority of fair skinned Europeans somehow aren't White and shouldn't be allowed to call themselves White.

As for me, my father is of Czech descent and my mother is of Estonian descent. Tell me Sup Forums, am I White?

nobody respond to this person

Mericans ami rite the consrv party need to stop being shekel chasing jews and actually appeal to your average white man instead of their corporate donars


Just call them fucking mexicans.

Any hispanic that's not a mestizo mexican doesn't vote for mestizo mexicans




fuckin kikes


thankee sai answered truly