Why does Sup Forums hate Catholics so much?


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i don't my best friend is one, and he's cool

morons who don't own computers and don't know whats really happening the world AKA SHEEP!

self hating/pathologically altruistic
big proponent of illegal immigration into the united states
as varg would say; "they're a cult of death"
t- catholic

they are cucked by the jew without knowing it like US/Canadian citizens who haven't gone off the grid

They are not hated. They are criticized for adding things that are not biblical and/or doing things explicitly prohibited.

Mary is not above any other human being.
There should be no idols/pictures of Christ.
Priests cannot absolve sins.

Catholic friend here. I don't really feel hsted here. Maybe im a bad catholic

i am catholic and i hated all of my religion teachers

rural and suburban protestant retards

not the people, but the belief system of subjugation and slavery really sucks and it gives kikes a reason to take your children, stab them to death, drain their blood and make matzoh balls with it

>There should be no pictures of Christ

Why are you a jew? He made himself visible and revealed himself to people, his image is completely theologically valid

I don't hate the religion, I just hate how much of a cuck the pope is

We believe in the inherent value of every human life because that person is created in the image of God.

Alt right queers on Sup Forums would rather genocide anyone who isn't a homosexual blue eyed male.

>mary is not above
literally so pure that is picked to carry gods son
>no idols/picture
meme tier
>priest cannot absolve sins
they don't.

Go back to whichever of your 2385882 different "christians" religions your country has created

Because I used to be a Catholic.

The religion is lies. It doesn't help me.

And atleast 3/4 of the priests really are rapists.

Where is his image recorded in scripture?

Also another point is no where in the Bible does it forbid priests to marry.

The pope

actual catholicism agrees that we are not MATERIALLY equal, however we are all SPIRITUALLY equal, even niggers, look niggers may be dumb but it's jews that force them to be violent and push them into a society in which they'll never fit in.

>forbid priests to marry.
Yep, just filtering your ass

>protects pedophiles
>hordes vast wealth while demanding additional tithing
>teachings are heretical according to the bible
also pic related

>And atleast 3/4 of the priests really are rapists.
fag with made up statistics detected

I too have a best friend who is catholic and pretty cool.

Every time you ask about the ash smears on their foreheads they bug their eyes out and start acting all paranoid and refuse to give an answer. Fuck 'em.

Incidentally so is mine. What the fuck is this?

lol you obviously don't know any catholics, they hate jews

I agree with everything with one exception.
>Priest cannot absolve sins.
John 20:23 If you forgive anyone's sins, they are forgiven. If you do not forgive them, they are not forgiven.
I'm former catholic with some nostalgic tendencies so in most discussions about religion I'm that guy that want to understand believiers.

>I have never read Corinthians 7 about virginity/celibacy being better than being married

Also about the use of religious images
Exodus 25:18-19- “And you shalt make two cherubim of gold, of beaten work shalt you make them, in the two ends of the mercy seat. And make one cherub on the one end, and the other cherub on the other end: even of the mercy seat shall you make the cherubim on the two ends thereof.”

Looks like God wants use to use religious images

this board is full of hicks and trailer trash.

>hispanics are pro illegal immigration
who could have guessed

>Where is his image recorded in scripture?

It's not but that's irrelevant, it's recorded in icons and the shroud of turin. It's ridiculous to believe that all revelation is restricted to the holy scriptures

I hate the pope and the last one too
They actively defend pedo priests
Most catholics are liberal or marxist shitheads

Protestants are fucking embarrassing.
>hey let's turn into a shitty rock concert


maybe because they don't apreciate having priests finger their kids asshole

Catholic here. We suck on immigration. It sucks to get browbeaten by priests in their homilies about how we have to put the priorities of the third worlders over our own.

Just like muslims that hate jews but are still abrahamic and are semitically oriented.

Same goes for Catholics.

Orthodox is the only saving grace of Christianity because it retains pagan principles.

Religion is not really contributing to progress of the human race.

you're heretics who betrayed Christ's true church

t. former cathcuck

how exactly does catholicism not retain pagan principles? prots say we're pagans and pagans say we're jews

But it can help in finding right path of making progress. Golden path

Because they are slimy christcucks

Jewish religion which subjugated europe and pet Jews at the head of banking by preventing Christian to charge interest on loans...

> Literally the only large scale institution keeping the ancients knowledge alive
> Largest single supporter of scientific works
> Catholic priest responsible for the Big Bang theory arguably one of the most important theories in the history of man.
> Without the Catholic Church, Europe would have fallen centuries ago and there would have been no enlightenment or renaissance. Literally responsible for ushering the modern western world in.


Its not fucking perfect as man himself is not perfect but by comparison and using any scale larger than 5 decades the Catholic Church is the greatest academic institution the world has ever known. Fucking disingenuous proddies don't know their founder would have called them ALL heretics.

>because it retains pagan principles

The idea that Catholicism and Orthodoxy are rooted in paganism is laughable, it's actually neopagans who appropriate from Christianity. It doesn't matter because this is a myth perpetuated by Jew's who are jealous of Christianity and it's cultural abundance

More like covertly subverted slowly within a millenia and then christianwashed european history to no end.

Jews don't like Catholics. This is a Trump/Jewish board.

America has always been suspicious of these Jesus eatin' kid fuckers

Former Catholic. I don't hate them, but they do make me angry sometimes. They have let communism into the Church, and they never stick up for themselves when they're getting shit on.

Big Bang is bullshit
Or course a Catholic would come up with it, they aren't supposed to read the Bible properly.

Is there any other kind?

You're aware that an inverted cross is a Christian symbol right?

Mexicans aren't Catholic. They're closer to voodoo worshippers.

Catholicism and Orthodoxy do use pagan symbols, which goes directly against scripture.

Yep, they even reference it in the Declaration of Independence. The Quebec Act of 1774 was a pro-Catholic law that expanded their territory and the colonists feared the Brits were going to do the same thing by giving Catholics more and more sway.

Then why have so many been arrested and charged?

>They have let communism into the Church
there is a rot in Catholicism that must be removed

Old Testament says you shouldn't kill and steal with the Ten Commandments, but you flip a few pages later and it is telling you how to attack a city.

This user gets it
They don't even know that the Virgin Mary is Our Lady of Guadalupe

It was a theory not a law. Difference between Catholic scientists and you hardliner heretic Israel worshiping proddie fucks is that Catholics respect and employ the Scientific principle.

because we kicked their rednecks asses out of notre dame to never return.
Protestant heretics BTFO!

Mine aswell! WTF?!

Jk his a muslim

>current year
common bud we sussed this out about a 1000 years ago.

Many of the saints are just renamed pagan gods.

Saint Michael is Ares/Mars.

because sola scriptura, sola fide, sola gratia, solus christus, soli deo gloria.

reminder that the reformation only started because henry viii wanted to divorce his faithful wife. england became protestant for the sake of degeneracy, which is the only reason the usa is protestant

Are you aware you are an idiot that takes my meme too seriously?

You should be in a Molvanian Gulag!

mary is praised, not worshipped, for being the new ark of the covenant

Mary being the "Mother of God" makes herself a godess.

It says not to murder. Rules of war are obviously different.

Kill, murder?

Do you know what it orginally said?

That is if we are to believe it was written in the time it was said to be written in a language who's translations have not been corrupted.

Jesus = God. One god. 3 parts.
Mary = Mother of Jesus.
Therefore, Mary is the Mother of God.

Do protestAnts not understand simple logic?

some kind of festival or movie pic?


I'm lapsed, and am skeptical about returning. First off, Catholics are ok with America becoming a bilingual country if it means they can fill more pews. The religion imposes an enormous guilt complex on you from a young age. Catholics love being persecuted and probably envy middle eastern christians because they're actually being persecuted.

2 Jesuit graduate lawyers (one Catholic the other Jewish) and a coalition of bishops and nuns overthrew the anti-miscegenation laws that the Protestants had put in place in America.

Catholics are pro catholic, not pro white.

They never will be pro white and never have been.

They only care about world domination at the end of the day.

No better than Islam.

Part of it is your fault. Catholic church has been cucked for the most part and things don't look good for the future.
The other part of it is (((neopagan))) shills who will take any opportunity to shit on Christianity while being silent about Islam and Atheism

Best post

>Mary is not above any other human being
She carried Christ in her womb.
>no pictures of Christ
Muslim tier.
>Priests cannot absolve sins
John 20:23

Christianity is slave morality

mother of God incarnate. this doesn't mean that she precedes God

Catholics are just crypto atheists who don't care about God.

jews did 911

I don't "hate" cathloics and i doubt they think about baptists at all. we all love god and that's that.

why is Sup Forums mad about cathloics?
but the voical ones are gay, egdy athiests and pagans so....

Kikes infiltrated long time ago, even now Francis is a crypto.


This. Anglicans are more degenerate than Trinity deniers.

I am not a Protestant.

I'm a former Roman Catholic who is a sort of athiest or agnostic amused with paganism.

Not saying protestants are any better. They should both be equally despised.

they are the second most Kikey people after Jews. More Kikey than chinks.

im a shitty, non-donating, nonpracticing catholic.

aka the average catholic

fuck off, st. anthony helps me find my keys, and God grants me strength and serenity in the face of bullshit.

Because they keep making threads like this. Now, kys.

Protip, god does not exist.

The Church spawned into a controlling heresy.

But judging from that logic, couldn't anyone simply absolve one of their sins by forgiving them, despite not being a priest?

this also. the real bad catholics are the ones who push the religion like a fucking jehovas witness. the only credit i'll give to the kikes is that they don't try to convert anyone. their reasons are for keeping out infiltrators and remaining ashkenazi, but nonetheless.

t. never even admitted he's catholic on Sup Forums before

Think about it goys, Catholicism is the greatest threat to jews. Since all our countries have become mongrel infested we can't rise up against them Third Reich style without a bunch of shitskins going apeshit in our own backyards.

But through Catholicism, and because Catholicism has a worldly central authority - the Vatican/Pope, Catholics have the potential to fight back against the jew if it is stipulated by our hierarchy.

Don't underestimate how things could rapidly change from today's current attitudes towards jews. Other Christian denominations can't fight them effectively since they are divided with no central leadership, that's why jews love evangelicals and protestants generally.

Catholicism has a LONG history of being the enemy of the jew, we just need to reestablish that - an end to endless thoughtless ecumenism will take place sometime down the line when /ourPope/ is elected.

did that only pertain to his disciples upon receiving the holy spirit in that verse?

It's a photo of Catholics on Ash Wednesday.

They have guilt instilled by their mothers in common

idol worshipping pagan heathens that molest children.

Sounds good to me.