
>b-but Trump hasnt done anything!

DAILY SCHEDULE (WH Press Corps) publicpool.kinja.com/
TrumpTV Weekly Updates: pastebin.com/6HbHjbqF

>The Memo

>Pres Trump/LEO roundtable on MS13 2/6/18
>TrumpTV Ad: Disgraceful 2/6/18
>SoS T-Rex in Bogota Colombia 2/6/18
>SoS T-Rex/Peru Pres Kuczynski presser 2/6/18
>SoS T-Rex/Peru FM Aljovin presser 2/6/18
>State DepSec Sullivan on Afghanistan strategy 2/6/18
>WH Press Brief (Sarah) 2/6/18
>StateDep Press Brief (Heather, DefDep AsstSec Amber Smith) 2/6/18
>WH Video: VP Pence in Alaska 2/6/18
>WH Video: FLotUS Melania visits Children's Hospital 2/6/18
>Pres Trump in OH on Tax Reform 2/5/18
>Pres Trump/FLotUS Melania leaving OH for DC 2/5/18
>FLotUS Melania visits children hospital in OH 2/5/18
>Pres Trump touring Sheffer Corp in OH 2/5/18
>Pres Trump/FLotUS Melania arrive in OH 2/5/18
>Pres Trump/FLotUS Melania depart for OH 2/5/18
>SoS T-Rex/ARG FM Faurie presser 2/5/18
>Pres Trump message to Troops watching superb owl 2/4/18

OP pastebin: pastebin.com/nygxu29R


Things are looking interesting...

hat this

So the Japs are rubbing noses with Israel to get funding to take over the Pacific again, right?

good night /ptg/..

Spice Spice Baby
Someone post the CNN spicer beating pic. I miss it.

Well I think it's still pretty special, anyway

hi, i'm ed rollins, henry rollins's dad...

>That tweet

People will always prefer their own kind in the end. Exceptions always exist, but making rules over exceptions is how we got in this mess in the first place. It never ends with the exceptions. It’s the history of every subculture
I don’t LIKE the idea of peaceful separation, I hate it user. But we tried the other thing and it’s killing us. I feel bad about the small percentage of redpilled nonwhites who don’t deserve to be discriminated against, but don’t their respective communities need their input?


nn norge

I only bake

Goodnight Norge!

japs are cucked with human rights shit, they have a complex like germany does.


Night Norge

reddit just pointed out if Trump does his military parades through DC it'll probably fuck up their roads

You know all them nips want that ocean tho

nn. don't forget to watch morning joe

my night is just starting

>conquered nation adopts the fag ideology of their conqueror imposed by the sword
big surprise

I'd love to get high with Henry Rollins and convince him to not be a fucking communist. He's awesome but his political views are straight up retarded.

BTW, if you haven't seen He Never Died you're missing out. It's great.

Why would Japan deal with parasites like that when Trump is ready and willing to give them their own arms so they can fight off Li'l Kim?

Watch out the Russians are coming!



She was right all along... 3rd worlders are just trying to get a head

Honestly, I think the Jerusalem move was honestly the one bad move Trump has done while president
In exchange for pleasing a shrinking class of evangelicals that can't even win Alabama, we get:
>nothing from Israel
>Arabs chimping out, undoing the benefits gained from the Saudi visit
>puts against multiple allinged countries who oppose us on this issue
>opened up Sup Forums for manipulation away from the old pic related solution

Granted everything else in his Presidency outside of the failure of Sessions has been solid in my book, and he already has my vote for 2020

Anyone agree or disagree with my point?

>Mark Stein would look a lot better with just a all over buzz cut.

Show me on the Gowdy chart which one fits your fancy.

R.I.P. tomorrow

And if we unplugged it they would go full retard. Predicaments.

too many adjectives Sean

>He doesn't know
user, read the news. The Japs recognize the Jews


nighty night norge

Thoughts...need a concise summary...

Comey has been fired, his deputy McCabe removed, his chief investigator Strzok ousted by Mueller for bigoted anti-Trump behavior, alongside his FBI paramour, Page. Bruce Ohr has been demoted for colluding with Steele, who was caught lying to the FBI and fired, and for his wife’s role in Fusion GPS, which was being paid to dig up dirt on Trump for Clinton’s campaign.
If Americans are losing confidence in the FBI, whose fault is that? Is there not evidence that a hubristic cadre at the apex of the FBI — Comey, McCabe, Strzok foremost among them — decided the Republic must be saved from Trump and, should Hillary fail, they would step in and move to abort the Trump presidency at birth?
To the deep state, the higher interests of the American people almost always coincide with their own.

>fuck up DC
wtf i love parades now

D.C.'s roads are all federally funded stop coming here you fucking reddit shitbag.

Hit them right in their socialist road system.


Do people still watch morning cuck here?

Look into Anderson Cooper more. His grandmother is Gloria Vanderbilt, his real name is Anderson Vanderbilt. His uncle was an Executive Officer of the Special Operations Branch of the OSS. He went to Yale and was recruited to the CIA as an intern.

Operation Mockingbird is real and it's happening currently. Some user recently made a list of all of the former CIA/FBI/NSA agents who are currently working for mainstream media networks.

Carter Page who the FBI """suspected of being a Russian agent""" and therefore they """needed a FISA warrant to spy on the Trump campaign over (((national security concerns)))""" turns out to have worked for the FBI.

>b-b-but the FBI definitely mentioned this when applying for the FISA warrant, right?

Goodnight and don't watch morning joe. use that time to make yourself a good breakfast!

Some masochist idiots do

cool, fuck DC

DC already intentionally fucks shit up so there are construction projects happening every day of the year

Have a nice sleep Nordmenn.

>The revolution will eat itself.

>stock market isn’t kill
>dems are
>America booming
>lefty’s failing
>Elon just cut the cost of launching shit to space by 80%
>white births increasing
>trump popularity skyrocketing
>military parades coming back
>deep state being exposed
>Jbp’s book about self reliance is #1
>starman cruising to the red planet on livestream

We are going to make it boys... I’m so happy today, we are actually making America great again

Trump is no patriot. We respect and honor all US public servants that put America's interests before themselves. But the bravest and most revered are the humble individuals that sacrificed mind, body, and life to inspire truth and justice for everyone. In America we don't celebrate military might or authoritative power. It's never been about that.

He was fun desu

Yeah. They’re fucking idiots. Tanks can roll on regular hardball roads. Our interstates were designed, literally, for rapid military transit. Regular roads are built to the same specs.

>reddit just pointed out if Trump does his military parades through DC it'll probably fuck up their roads

so when Comey was trying to get a FISA warrant, Steele's dossier is the Gospel Truth, but when Trump asks him about it, the dossier SUDDENLY turns to bullshit?

cozy dreams fren

why are Canadians such faggots?

No they wouldn't they're actually quite the mercantile people, other Arabs call Palestinians the Jews. No aid money would be very healthy for palestine.

But they recognized Palestine and refused to recognize Jerusalem as Israel's capital.


that voice, that pronunciation

See this is where I just can't get in line with what you're saying, and why white nationalism just isn't for me. You guys focus far too much on race, to the point that it would essentially exclude people that could benefit your interests. I really don't believe we need balkanization/segregation of our peoples in order to succeed.

suit and sunglasses one reminds me of Mattis


Today has been a good day

>No they wouldn't

Kinda looks like it’s going to turn around. Thank God!

Mornings with Maria a best
>tfw every time I try to watch F&F there's never a good ass shot of Ainsley

>martin lutha kang is more important than Patton to America

...as liars.
Pic is the Recovery of an MMO Junkie director going on a Holocaust denial rant.

They’re descendants of the people who left America after the revolution. They’re cowards who hate freedom.

Even so, I want to believe. Shit was needed a year ago.

It’s all the fucking syrup

seen him live a bit back. He is intense, but I think I could out-intense him.

What would be the legal term for "double agent"? Would be interested if they mention it on FISA warrant app, assuming they release it to the public.

Trump is literally commander and chief of the military. We need to stop pretending that there is some real government out there and that Trump is simply a side show. Every day the man remains in office he is an active danger to our nation.

These mongoloids have never been near an M1, much less know a fucking thing about it's weight distribution.

Goodnight Norge bro

that's the most accurate thing i've ever read on leafs

none NEETS do. Morning Joe is super popular on /ptg/ during real joe hours

I hope this is legit.

[disgust for communists intensifies]

Even better we are finally moving away form that QE bullshit

>they knew carter

Kek Ricky-Trump merger

Cannot stand F + F never could.
I wish there was a non politics morning show. Where it was just music and fun stuff

>Democrat controlled D.C's roads are such shit they can't host a military parade
How could we ever use this to our advantage?

Anyone else find the photo they use of Steele hilarious? Look how smug he looks.

The glasses obscure her joo face.

>He is intense, but I think I could out-intense him.


Pretty sure most tanks are fine on urban roads if they're not going full throttle. Parades don't damage roads because they either have the right links on the tank or they drive carefully enough to avoid damaging it.

Russians don't have magic roads that prevent tank damage

Where was Brock's crew today? I'm having withdrawal from assfucking and punking them.

They are conspicuously AWOL.

I wonder who will spear head it, will need someone unforgiving for all that bad press they did.

>ywn have exile parents who tried to coup the communist leaders
feels badman

Some Canadian summed up it: Basically they just saw a train fly off the rails then exploded, only they realize that they themselves are on a train about to fly off the rails; Knowing they can't do anything to stop it, they lean over and squeeze the nearest pair of breasts they can

I hope your senpai notices you this valentines day

Pres Trump wasn't under surveillance, only a man associated with him who had no reason to be undersurveillance in the first place, so that Mr. Page's contacts with the Trump team, even at six degrees of separation, would be a good reason for surveillance on Candidate/Pres. Elect/President Trump.

There was excellent reason to put Pres. Trump under surveillance because Mr. Page, a somewhat distant associate, was mentioned in a dossier that said Citizen Trump had gotten Russian hookers to urinate on a bed that Barack Obama had used. I may have the details just a little off, but I'm not being funny -- that's really part of the content in the dossier. Just because the dossier is less plausible than Weekly World News articles about Sasquatch in Musselshell County, MT -- they really ran that article -- is no reason to feel doubtful about the dossier, nor does its credibility lose anything because it was paid for by Candidate Trump's political opponents.

Of course the best reason to believe the dossier was that a very minor campaign figure, while drunk, said something about Pres. Trump and the Russians to an Aussie intel operative who probably didn't take it very seriously.

No, nothing there to indicate malfeasance, violation of 4th and 6th Amendment rights (6th is Due Process), violations of federal laws about senior officials and political activity, misuse of color of authority, a failure to be candid with courts in ex parte sessions...move along, citizen.

did he ever recover from that heart attack?

Yes, you fool, now stop asking questions. RUSSIA RUSSIA RUSSIA!

Does steele have a mullet ?