bitcoin has been hacked
thats why the price fluctuates so wildly, its being manipulated. someone figured out a way to make a bunch of new coins for free and duplicate existing ones and they makes they price go crazy to disguise how hacked bitcoin is.
anyone still involved in it is a total chump lol
B I T C O I N - H A C K E D ! ! !
Yes, Bitcoin being hacked is the only way it could have shed value so quickly.
You might be right, it keeps moving around a thousand up and down each day, some nigger is making a killing.
I'm not convinced that you were laughing out loud when you made this thread but in any case can you please shed some light on what your current investments and holdings are in?(((People))) who make these threads never seem to be able to answer this question.. in fact they'll avoid it all costs.
>social engineering
Sorry, but that didn't answer my question. It reaffirmed my suspicions but I'm still waiting on your portfolio. Either tuck your tail and fuck off or prove you're not a shill and explain what you're invested in and why it's better.
ur autistic
>did exactly what it was designed to do
Pyramid scheme to begin with. The first 8 years of mining went to a single individual.
>bought tulip meme
>blows up in your face
Oh my gawd! The guys that was processing the transaction was making bitcoin?! Surely, he's responsible for the 18000 price tag for one coin earlier this year.
Bitcoin started on the dark web for purchasing "illegal" goods, it was co-opted by "criminal" to be utilized as payments for le cyber crimes, and bled into the mainstream...
You're fucking retarded.
right the criminals took over and now its all counterfeit
Sure but for the third time what are YOU invested in? The longer you evade it the more retarded you look. I think I'm being pretty nice here if you can't answer a simple question that's actually pretty embarrassing. I'm going to keep asking.
Funny you say this. After bitcoin hit 5k whales artificially made bitcoin skyrocket. Im guessing it was the jews/illuminati themselves. They wanted it to look like bitcoin is super volatile. They are scared. Check google and all news outlets. bitcoin will hit 0$!!! I wont invest in bitcoin!!! Its the jews. I only noticed because ive been following it closely
So which is it then are you poor, a shill, or both?
You can't even properly utilize the memes you steal. How?
ITT: Fake news and brainlets feeling intellectual
>It's failing because other people are causing it to fail
Literally commie tier argument.
>i'm smart and everyone else is dumb!
No, /biz/, it did not get hacked. It's time to admit that you got had.
>bitcoin has been hacked
OR whales like goldman sachs with millions of coins are fucking around for profit
Think about it. They get to bring back all their 1920/1930 tricks and have a field day
Hello TBC shill
All cryptos are pumped and dumped regularly because there are zero market protections. Jews are harvesting billions of dollars daily.
At least with high frequency trading on the stock market the Jews can only scam so much at a time without getting in trouble. With cryptos there's no end to how much they can swindle.
lil wayne and ja rule hacked bitcoin by using the t-800s neural net processor and the only one who can stop them is robocop
>believing sha-256(sha-256()) has a knows exploit
>believing public key is broken
One of those would have to be broken, and jacking a few bitcoins when there's much much better uses for those hacks would be pure retarded.