What is causing the tranny epidemic in the United States?
Is there something in the water?
Media brainwashing?
Parents who don’t know when to take their kid to a psychiatrist?
Is the epidemic simply blown out of proportion by trannies who want to justify their mental illness?
This isn’t just happening randomly
What is causing the tranny epidemic in the United States?
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idk I can't help it it's like I was meant to be like this ;_;
This is civilization on plastics
Because its beneficial to identify as a tranny; a good majority of these individuals are just using it for the benefit. For instance, I identify as a female... Because it helped me get a job.
Neuroticism and insecurities. It's a trend set by the media that they're following like teenagers do. if it was deemed uncool tomorrow they'd be dropping it without hesitation. Also teenagers have figured out that belonging to a protected class is the ultimate bully loophole. Good on them for exploiting such a retarded system it'll expedite the inevitable implosion of the movement
it's a narcissism cult hell-bent on destruction all the while forcing people to validate their insanity and delusions
>What is causing the tranny epidemic in the United States?
Million dollar question
>Is there something in the water?
some say, but i strongly STRONGLY doubt this is the case.
>Media brainwashing?
Yes, and online echo chambers
>Parents who don’t know when to take their kid to a psychiatrist?
This is in part the problem, however the even bigger problem is that the psychiatrists and Dr.'s are ALL FUCKING PRO TRANS. i know a guy whos daughter because a weak imitation of a man, and God knows he secretly cries wishing there one damn professional who told his daughter to stop being retarded.
>Is the epidemic simply blown out of proportion by trannies who want to justify their mental illness?
No, and yes. No in that its not a complete epidemic tbqh, and yes in that they constantly play up the victim card and demand acceptance or legal action.
>This isn’t just happening randomly
Yes, to which I give you my final answer: Jews are unironically to blame
Agreed. I'd say its like a survival mechanism, as its simply harder being a man. Which is made easier when Couple that with marxists and their like Eventually these people will wind up unhappy and ostracized. When the effects of chemical castration of the young and people wake up to what ideology drives it then they will be shunned. Normal people dont like it, the only problem is the power name calling has today. Take that away and *poof* no more trannies.
jews and faggotry, gay marriage was a slippery slope enjoy the ride downhill
misread that at first as "u.s. teens are non-conforming". kinda disappointed, i really want to see that headline
Fuck of shillfag
Every faggot with a lisp now thinks he's a girl. Maybe they think they have a better shot bagging straight guys this way.
>you can be anything when you grow up you're a special genius who can't ever do anything wrong
>let this child on the internet
>why did my child grow up wanting to cut off his penis and wear wolf suits and diapers
>In other news, the number of stupid people had raised
Porn exposure / addiction / escalation since a young age.
Q predicted this.
A reminder that a tranny's end goal is to chop their dong off and make a vagina out of it. The fuckhole is made from inverted dick and ball bag skin and cannot lubricate.
Their vagina must be dilated with a medical dildo to stop it from closing up, they must do this a few times every day.
I can't even imagine how fucking that would feel like, but it'd require a whole tub of Vaseline to get into that.
I am trans and most of the teen trannies you are seeing are not actual trannies. Most of them are girls who want attention and most of them think getting a buzz cut and dying their hair green means they are transgender. Kind of why a white girl dates a nigger because she want attention and she plays the victim card when it eventually beats the living shit out of her. Talk to me once you have been on hormones for two years. Losing your sex drive and having it turned into the other gender's sex drive is something that show commitment.
I can tell you straight up you can tell which trannies are serious and which just want attention just by seeing if they want to blend in with society.
>it's a narcissism cult hell-bent on destruction all the while forcing people to validate their insanity and delusions
especially this
i started jerking off when i was 19. i was looking at porn though curiously since 17-18.
that apparently very late blooming as most kids start when they are as young as 13
no wonder people say 20 is the new 30 and dont expect much of 20 year olds now when they have had a little over a decade of jerking off complusilvey to porn, no wonder they arent seeking mates or being in relationshops
It's the anime that is responsible for convincing young boys that they too can be qt 2D drawlings. Remove anime as well as soy and plastic with BPA and you will see a steady increase of men again.
Most people claiming to be trans are simply people who for whatever reason don't fit into normal society and are looking for a reason why it isn't their fault. Every transperson I've met is someone who would also have been diagnosed with the previous psychiatric fad for the socially inept, Aspergers. I can only blame psychiatrists for enabling these people instead of doing their fucking jobs and shaping them into normal members of society.
Search for identity that is constantly denied for them
>most kids start when they are as young as 13
Shit, I started at around age 10, before I could even cum. And that was over 30 years ago.
Its really not anime mate. Anime is one of the last non pozzed forms of entertainment for people to consume. Sure, some of it is degenerate, but thats better than EVERY SINGLE SHOW produced in the west which pushes race mixing, cuckholding, drugs, trannyshit, etc....
dat ref just waited until it snapped kek.
Well most of them neck themselves right?
If trends continue, problem may solve itself.
It's not anime you fucking moron, jesus christ
Even controlled opposition Richard Spencer was cornered into admitting anime is redpilled
Brainwashing via cosmetic industry lobby
They're guinea pigs. Their future stories of suicide/regret will likely quell the hysteria. It should have never turned into a hysteria, but I suspect that the high suicide rates among regretters prevents dissidents from making a dent in the echo chamber that influences the media/politicians.
I have noticed as marijuana became mainstream; transgenders were side-by-side with the trend. Not sure if it is the marijuana or not, but it is the marijuana.
Not as long as progressive parents keep encouraging little Timmy to be wear a dress because he picked up a Barbie once.
And how many of them put their gender as an Apache gunship?
opinion polls are worthless
Fucking teenagers just want attention and to feel special so they say they are trans or what ever fucking gender they made up. Because identifying as gay is too normal now
>richard spencer
>anime is redpilled
I get the feeling genZ is going to be the generation of extremes with no middle ground.
porn addiction is considered a taboo subject. people act like porn has been an intrinsic element of human society and growing up as a man despite the fact that porn has only really been around for less than 100 years, and only hit critical mass in the internet era. porn has absolutely fucked men up
Jews are trying to turn a small fringe into a mainstream movement.
Like Bernays and his push for women smoking.
We do not take traps seriously. We see them as funny and ridiculous or at best cute diminutives to be patronized.
so kids spend their formative years in public school being told that they can either be male, female, both or none or even a gender-fluid antelope at any time they want and your surprised that turn into crazy transvestites?
Your ancestors fought constantly to survive. And their reward is this. Pathetic
Sorry, I wished for this timeline when I was young. It's all my fault.
This is actually true. Watch Louis Theroux's documentary on transgender and every single doctor he interviews is one of (((them))).
No is right. Anime is a contributor to the amount of degeneracy we have right now. Ioli's,traps,yuri etc.. are a tumor.
The problem is we on the other hand do. I don't think anime was intended for us to experience. I kinda feel sorry for ruining your country's' fun
It's trendy, retards follow whatever is trendy.
I started whacking it at like 9, now at 29 I've made several trips to SEA countries and at one time had sex with 4 Filipina women at the same time, and two years ago came home from Thailand with a wife a decade younger than me
I guess porn can be good for you?
>some say, but i strongly STRONGLY doubt this is the case.
There's no reason it can't include this in certain cases. There legitimately is scientific evidence that birth control survives most water filtration systems and has some effect on humans. That doesn't mean all or most cases are caused by that, but it might effect some - and probably not an insignificant number. Even if that almost never causes transgenderism (which I doubt given the effect of prenatal testosterone and estrogen) it might effect wider sociocultural trends. Combine that with propaganda and social sanctions and you've got a real problem.
Alex "Gay Fish" Jones is kind of a retard and definitely a charlatan, but I really don't think his argument is entirely misplaced.
More socially acceptable means fewer people will repress their desires (or mental illnesses)
Hopefully, they are just going through a phase.
This. Why can't people figure this out?
It's a 'trendy' fad, and most of these teens won't still be such a decade from now.
Also, it's probably pounded into their heads in public schools in California and other deep blue states now.
White women.
>Pastor, Wife Allowed Son to Start Identifying as Girl at Age 2 Because He Liked 'All Things Girly'
Spike in black America gender dysphoria can be attributed to confused gender perspectives due to lack of paternal role models as matriarchal families are becoming more dominate as illegitimacy rates reach 75%
Singles mom's trying to raise special snow flakes to show off to their single mom friends.
Since when this is accepted in society? All trannies should be bullied and shamed.
i don't know.
my Tinder is full of them to the point where i get suspicious if the girl is hiding parts of her face.
if i get "Are you open-minded?" in the opening reply when i match with a girl i just delete them and move on.
fucking sucks
Yuri Bezmenov already explained this a long time ago
>this isn't at all planned, so let's teach our children to be gender non-binary as young as wel can!
amazing merchant wow
History has shown that every great civilization which succumbed to decadence has felt a sudden proliferation of this sort of behaviour -- this sort of fabricated sexual dimorphism i.e. transsexualism.
These are the death throes of our civilization.
these people will be the biggest joke of human History
it's fucking already hilarious
>What is causing the tranny epidemic in the United States?
Pretty simple
(((Education))) and mass media targeting young people
Decedene. Next time there is a real conflict in the US they’ll go away for another century or so. We had a good 80 years without them since Weimar, so we should have a while this time.
If you're an attention whore, there's nothing currently more trendy.
And you couldn't even say this 15 years ago without people jumping your shit, "OMG porn is necessary and EVERYBODY loves it and if you don't admit you love it, it's because you're into the weird stuff!"
that's nice clickbait. "more" could literally mean one extra person a year. sage.
good! more pussy for me
His argument was that the water is turning frogs gay. Reality? The water is turning frogs transgender.
Fact: there is enough female hormone in the water to affect male endocrinology.
Fact: there is enough growth hormone in the meat to affect male endocrinology.
Fact: there is enough BPA in the plastics to affect male endocrinology.
Bridget did this.
Sup Forums is responsible
>a screencap of a fucking headline with no link to the article
how dumb are you?
this shit should be bannable
You guys realize
Adolf Hitler Rothschild is the Patron Saint of Israel????
>im more mentally ill than you!
I got a big peepee you wanna rumble ?
>I can't even imagine how fucking that would feel like
Dude on the Joe Rogan podcast fucked a tranny. Said it was like sticking his dick in a pile of cold gummy bears.
Plastics and chemicals in western enviroments.
Transtrenders. It's the cool thing to do these days.
In my high school days it was everyone pretending to have multiple personality disorder. Later in my college days everyone pretended to have autism because >muh ass burger = genius meme. It will pass once the next fad comes along.
They just want to be victims because it is much easier than taking responsibility for your own life.
>be modern libtard parent
>get jewed into thinking gender doesnt exist
>raise your son oppressing his masculine instincts
>he turns fucked up
>says hes a girl
Technology has just recently allowed the population of the west to choose their gender/sex. It was never about identity, just a preference if given the chance, and people finally have. Tranny's aren't an oppressed group, they never even existed. The tranny's of old are just traps, these new tranny's are purely a creation of modern technology. A tranny is the epitome of power and priveledge, the massive and completely wasted expense should be testament to that fact alone. Take gucci belts, a retarded purchase but a type of luxury spending that has happened as far as human record goes, to blow crazy money on something worthless just to show how much money you have. Tranny operations are just the new form of that in-your-face luxury. The bourgeoisie are very vocal lately.
>Parents who don’t know when to take their kid to a psychiatrist?
Dude are you serious, it’s psychiatrists giving them opposite sex hormone pills and telling them they’re the opposite gender if they feel like it
Temporarily embarrassed males and females
What's happening is parents that don't have the balls to engage in conflict with their child.
Ever noticed how it's always white boys that go through this?
100% this. It's a trend. A fad.
I'm just sitting here laughing, cause when the trend is dead and over with, there's gonna be hundreds of thousands of people with irreparable damage to their bodies.
Gonna be JOKES
Nice try, Davido-kun. I've seen enough Japanese art drawn by Japs for Japs to know better.
bad parenting
the jews are pushing its normal its that simple
This right here is the root of the problem.