/REDSTICK/ general CONTENT edition

This is a real life operation from 2015 that we are BRINGING BACK now that it has had some success

Here's how it works:

>1.Load up cheap USBs with easily digestible "hate facts" and leave them in public places.

>2.Normies can't help themselves and plug them in (45-98% success rate according to zakird.com/papers/usb.pdf)

>3.Normies eat the pills or reeeeee and spread them.


Other urls found in this thread:


dumping ALL CONTENT and asking for feedback/rewrites

current version 0.15








>8ch thread:


>8ch board:


>4ch threads:

>results (SALT!!!)




keepem coming leaf. have friends that want to spread this.

Bump, finally a good campaign. Let’s do this guys.


uuuuumm this is a feminist board

pic related




I am intrigued, that plebbit thread is hilarous.



keep your reddit-tier "ops" off my fucking board please.

48-98% is a pretty big variable for a "controlled" experiment. I would need to see their methods to see their conclusion the same. Half to 100% is less accurate then a weatherman.


Half tempted to get a domain and cheap VPS hidden behind cloudlfare to put this up.

it works, social engineers and corporate espionage have been using this method on large corporations and protected facilities for years. social pen testing, with pretty dramatic results. its all in the defcon talks.






Yes G-, reddit, get off my board


>social pen testing
what the fuck sort of psycho babble am i getting myself into? i just want to shitpost IRL, not question my subconscious efforts that actively try to undermine me

Looks great! Now for somebody to make a fashwave version...

Thank you for starting this.

This pol's strength.

you may have come here for fun, but stick around long enough and you are going to learn some kike magic.

How would redpill.international/ sound?

Nice fail links

Dumping right now.


The truth is liberating.

Someone needs to write a script to embed so it opens the default Browser and displays it once its plugged in. Also maybe a downloadable zip with it all preconfigure to put on the st ikx

There's no bigger Redpill than learning about the History of Rhodiesia. Once the most prosperous nation in all of Africa it was stabbed in the back by the liberal (((Globalists))) of the UN who disliked the Rhodesian Government because it was "white". The country then became ruled by Robert Mugabe who ran the country into the ground,and turned the place into a literal shithole.





If we dont stop the changes in demographics, all the West may go the way of mighty Rhodiesia.






I've been uploading Zip Bombs onto USB sticks and leaving them around cities for years. Much more hilarious. Made local news once. Git gud motherfuckers.

Hey hot chick whoms name I forgot who lived next door to me 7 years ago, I need my USB back.

Also on that note, public libraries are the best places to leave this shit Trust me.


Thinking this redsticking is a good idea
It will go 10x farther if it’s simple and accompanied with pleasurable aesthetics
Also very specifically targeted
For example redpill (stick) the negroes on the Jews by leaving them in Black Panther screenings
Hit college campuses with the stacks of stats
It needs to look good
And be carefully targeted — like lasers



this guy knows some magic.


This is a damn good idea



This is the one that broke my skepticism.

I hate the rewind. If you rewind a tape and then play it again, what happens? You end up just where you were. If Christcucks bring us back to the values of 1950s Christianity, or 1800s Christianity, or 1600s Christianity, or 1000s Christianity, we will end up right back here when someone thinks too hard about what "good will to all men" and "love thy neighbor" mean. We need ethnic religion.


Huge compilation of kike exposure


I got bored



Where is the latest download so I can put that up instead fucking OP l


Fuck. I knew it was bad, but not this bad



Thats a penis


As a Christian, I think you (and most Christians, for that matter) have grossly misinterpreted what the Bible is saying on the matter. Loving your neighbor doesn't mean you have to let them live rent free in your house and look the other way when they rape your daughter. To the contrary, "good fences make good neighbors." The Bible says God will rule over all the nations - nowhere does it imply that we should preemptively destroy the very concept of nations! You are correct though, in that Christianity aims to give something to unite all nations, but you've misunderstood how this works. Western Culture unites all the nations of Europe and colonies abroad, yet each one retains their own distinct identity. Christianity can unite all men, but that doesn't mean we have to destroy all the wonderful and diverse races that God has created. In fact I find the ((diversity)) currently being imposed upon us to be quite anti-Christian as the perpetrators are destroying the unique cultures that God has blessed us with. I find this comic to be quite revealing on this point.





>here it is, straight from God!
Shittiest red-pill I've ever seen. Niggers may be niggers, but they're not doomed to eternal oblivion or Hell for the sheer fact that they're black.

where the fuck do you people come from? the media has been in perfect concert for fucking decades. that's called collusion. and when you look into it- you never did! what a good goy!

oh but aren't they just coming for work???




I knew of collusion. Even blue-pillers are privy to it. I just didn't know it was at a rate measured in the thousands relative to the population.

sounds like fun. Do you watch if they take them or do you just leave?

No, they're doomed to the hell of being black.

I'm gonna save some well meaning quasi-redpilled newfags some trouble and let you know that you had better purge the exif data on all the images on these usb sticks before you put them out there for people to find. If you put them out there without purging the exif data, you're gonna have a bad time. A really bad time. Doxx city bad time. Just thought I'd let (you) know.

wouldn't doing this on a public computer save you that problem

neo nazi or troll. Pick one. Trolls are just fucking with you jerk off.

Yes, but it presents it's own problems. It's a bit more difficult to gather all kinds of infographics that are considered "problematic" by the left today on a public computer enmasse than it is to gather them on your own personal computer at your leisure enmasse and just remembering to remove the exif data.

> (You)
>neo nazi or troll. Pick one. Trolls are just fucking with you jerk off.

Dude what are you talking about?

Feminist Transgay Communism won't bring their hair back.

Judeo-Marxists hate us taking memetics into real-space, outside of their control.



Audibly kek'd

This is a great idea. I regret not partaking it IOTBW, so I’m definitely going to do this one!

guess what. there's no such thing as facts. just subjectivity and ideology. but i guess if you're happy with yourself, keep it up.

an uncucked canadian, I'll be damn!
Are you an immigrant by any chance?

Nobody ITT is going to do this because it involves spending money the people on this site probably don't have and actually going out and delivering the flash drives.

I do hope to be proven wrong, though. The idea is nice.

but i dont understand how you're any less jewish than they are. you came up in a world they created, so you are by turn a product of their world. your biologic mother and father are not your actual mother and father-- because they did not create what ACTUALLY creates you and your reality. If they really are the masterminds, then how have they allowed you to know anything?

So please, user, humor me. Tell all about how you aren't "in on it" yourself. And if you aren't "in on it," then you don't really know what your talking about. If you aren't in on the conspiricacy, then it's just a bunch of shit your looking at online you pathetic FUCK

by the way, guys, I'm actually employed by the guys in charge, so i "really do" know what I'm talking about. No, really, I'm not kidding. They really are in charge. They told me so themselves