What do you call a country run by women?
Sup Forums humor
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A cuntry?
Easy like the women running it
I wouldn't exactly call it a country.
worst korea or south korea
>pinko faggot recieves no (you)s
have a pitty dump fgt
sage goes in all fields
trick question
women are incapable of leadership
A truckdriver drove down the road and stopped for a priest hitchhiking. The driver let him in his vehicle and while driving talked about his faith and doing gods work. Distracted he doesn't realize a nigger running across the street and swerves but hears a thump and turns white. He says "priest forgive me I almost hit that black man,". The priest says, "don't worry my son I got him with the door.
A target
This is less funny than it is interesting but it's one of my favorite images I've seen here
Why do people post that fucking disgusting ugly fat unfunny swine from peep show? He’s uglier and dumber than Ricky gervais
A cuntry
Which women?
my bois from /lit/ holding it down
A man walks into an antique store in New York City. As he's looking around, something catches his eye - a fascinating brass sculpture of a rat.
"How much for this sculpture?" he asks the shopkeeper.
"$75, but there's a book that goes with it for $100."
"Well, I don't think I really need the book right now" the man says.
"Okay, but you'll be back" the shopkeeper replies.
The man exits the store and puts the sculpture in the back window of his car. As he drives along the boulevard he sees something startling - rats running after his car. At first just a few, but then more and more, hundreds, thousands, a million rats running after him, swarming over his car, intent on reaching the brass rat. Fearing for his life, the man points his car towards the East River, opens the door and rolls out. To his amazement, all the rats follow the car into the river and drown. He immediately gets up and runs back to the antique store.
The shopkeeper sees the man run in. "I knew you'd be back. I bet you want that book right?"
"Fuck the book," the man says, "You got any brass niggers?"
A slow bleed.
The ancient greeks thought of this. It's basically communism.
>The play invents a scenario where the women of Athens assume control of the government and instate pseudo-communist reforms that ban private wealth and enforce sexual equality for the old and unattractive.