What is your personal experience of wearing a "Make America Great Again" hat in public?
Maga Hat
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Basically women from every race want to have sex with you. The instantly know you're forbidden fruit and their bodies betray them.
Don't think I'd say the same thing on the subject of Feminists.
I'm not really a hat guy and haven't found a good opportunity to wear one out and about as yet. Mine are kind of mainly just keepsakes anyway, and might potentially make novelty gifts at some point.
Saw my first Trump 2020 hat over the weekend. Dude was at a bar, I don't think he paid for a drink all night.
Plus I don't think African American women dig Trump supporters.
I was tempted to get one shipped to the UK since it's just as polarizing over here. I live in a fairly conservative area but UK conservatism is still stupidly left-leaning
I still don't wear it in public. I live in LA.
I was at a bar in Tempe and some pussy gabbed MAGA HAT off my head and ran. I hopped the fence and chased ‘em down like a chad. Then said some stupid shit and went back to the bar. I ended up getting kicked out later. Good times.
Had a shitlib tell me Trump wasn't going to do anything for us in the campaign. Wore it again and had a crazy old fat man rant to me about .45 long Colt and how he's ccw carrying just waiting for the civil war so he could blow giant holes in shit libs. Wish I was kidding. Have 2 hats haven't worn them much since. My town is tiny and my boss is a shitlib who is always trying to get rid of me for liking Drumpf and talks shit all day long help me Pol.
I wore mine to an art show in my little home town
>>pretty cringey now that I think about it
Nobody said anything about it, but it was shortly after the inauguration so I was insanely hyped
>>proud to represent my president's movement
>Dude was at a bar, I don't think he paid for a drink all night.
what state do you live in?
Dealing with obese armchair commandos is infinitely worse than any angry feminist.
Oh man, a black pede gave me the most badass high five ever before he threw my wife to ground and pumped his semen into her womb!
Wore it to university before the election. Despite living in a liberal city nobody said anything, or even looked at me beyond normal glances. Felt good. I recommend it.
Get a new job. I feel like your current boss is trying to ruin your political confidence in Trump.
This is unironically true if you're at all attractive. If they like Trump, it gives you an in, and the fact that you're unafraid to wear it is a turn-on especially if they hate Trump and you are unapologetic about it.
Death glares, one time some dude honked his horn at me and flipped me off, then drove as fast as he could. One time I was hanging outside 7-11 with my based spic friend and some dude called me a racist. I literally just pointed to my token beaner and said, "this guys Mexican, man" he proceeded to call me white trash then he drove off. In Commiefornia people are pretty toxic.
So you live in that one state that got our man Trump into office? Awesome!
I personally want one of these hats
What's pretty cringey is I remember seeing BERNIE 2016 bumper stickers on people's cars, in Canada FFS
Show me a woman that wouldn't talk BASED BLACK PEDE SEED and I'll show a SJW that doesn't want to #MAGA
Yes sir! Wife and I were recently in west Virginia and Kentucky. When people asked where we were from they cheered, hugged us and one lady even cried. America knows we pulled our weight in the dairy state.
Most of the time people don't react. Every once in a while, someone will complement me or the hat, and every one in a while, someone will look at me and shake their head in disgust.
People are more likely to react in bars in my experience where they typically will start talking to you about how great Trump is, or tell you what a worthless piece of shit he is.
There usually on fat middle-age guys, or scummy looking young dudes who look like they're wearing their dirty laundry. So when you see one in public you're like "yeah that the type you'd expect to see wearing it."
Liar. When will you hillshills learn
You should move out of California. Many secret Satanic cults that are connected to Hollywood, the mainstream media, and the Democrat party (including non alt-right Republicans) reside there.
When liberal acquaintences question me on if I support Trump or not, I find it fun to reply, "oh yes, I have a collection of MAGA hats in my closet" and then leave them to figure out if I was being sarcastic or not.
Aren't they easy to have reshipped these days? I was going to get 30 of them to send overseas for free back during the campaign but got too busy over the holidays and then gave up on it being a nice thing to do after everybody started talking about how to get a legit one outside of the US.
Don't be a mad little Trumpcuck because you're either the fat middle-age guy, or the scummy looking young guy.
I've never seen a good looking, or healthy looking person wearing one in public. I was in Palm Beach county at a PUBLIX and there was a guy in his 20s wearing one, and for some reason he was carrying a doll. He look like he hadn't showered in weeks.
what did he mean by this?
You know Steve gets on a plane and goes to Japan to eat comped sushi the same way people like you go to shop at Publix.
> I once left my low income apartment to buy a sub for my morbidly obese body
Cool story shill
I'm well aware, trying to move to Texas to keep it a red state. It's weird too cause I live in Orange County, a county that's been red for decades until 2016.
I wear it the gym sometimes when my hair is unkept. Literally no one says anything. I live in MA so I found it surprising but it just shows that in real life, they are to pussy to say shit to your face.
I had a legit pepe sticker on my car that said DEPLORABLE LIVES MATER as a joke and just to see what would happen. I was on my way home from my hair cut and this dyke cunt who had to of been 45 years old drove up and started screaming obscenities with the window rolled up and sped off like a bitch. I just looked at her all smug and started lifting the window down. But it went green so vroom vroom I guess.
I bought my hat about 1.5 years ago. The only time I wore it was at home during Trump rallies while having some cold ones and shitposting with you guys. Man I miss those fucking days. I put it on during the SOTU.
I also like to take it out and put it on after I fuck some girl I bring home. By then she knows I am a Trump supporter and have been teasing her about it. They usually do that cute girl reaction like "omg you're the woooorst!" lel.
*beep *beep*
Looks like another one of the Shareblew shill crew is looking to get BTFO.
How does it feel to knowing ya gal LOST BIGLY
*drops mic*
Everyone else has one so it's not even something people notice.
I was visiting my parents, who retired down there. I'd never live in the shit-hole South. Who the fuck is Steve?
That's so sweet. :')
Got called a fucking cunt by some fat white guy once
Couple nigger chics started yelling at me. Which was hilarious cause my friend was with me who just responded "8 years bitch". Also, I get more positive than negative gestures, even in the liberal area I live in. I'm in the Seattle area keep in mind. Yet I've seen not just whites but some Asians tell me they like my hat
>Who the fuck is Steve?
Walking through a farmers market in socal is fucking fun. You get more dirty looks from the triggered fat bitch or beta billy than you do from el quakador selling his avocados or the nogs selling there crazy corn to the little shitlins. Its great.
Shills aren't fat bro. At least no a fat fuck like you are. Trumpcucks at fat opioid addicted while dudes dying at light speed. That's why they're so desperate they voted for America's most famous con-man as POTUS.
Check Dave Chappelle's next stand-up. He lives in rural Ohio and said when he was online to vote he was surrounded by this type of White Trash. He said they were talking about "Trump is gonna fight for us! He's for us!"
Chappelle is like, "Nigga he's a Republican, he's fighting for me!"
Face facts, you see a MAGA hat in public, the person who is wearing it is EXACTLY the stereotype you'd think would. Might as well be a clown nose.
if it isn't at a gun range then you're gonna regret it
Need a safe space Trumpcuck?
*beep* *beep"
You're a faggot stop being a pussy.
It saves me a lot of time that I would have spent explaining to people I meet that I'm a mentally deficient cuckold. As soon as they see the hat they know.
These aren't even the real Drumpf hats. Notice how the lettering is just painted on. These are the shitty chinese fakes. The real MAGA hats have text sewn in.
I don't speak Trumpcuck fuckface.
you just reminded me of this past weekend, when i went to a casino and a girl in our group mentioned that she has her visits to certain hotels in las vegas 'comped'. i had never heard this before steve and was shocked that someone i am interacting with gets things 'comped' from a casino. i felt important then
go back to red dit, juan
16 more years
I assume you're one of those 'edgy' Atheists who browses on Reddit and watches Rick and Morty
I'm in the rural South. Nothing but thumbs up here. Libs keep low profile.
People at school throw garbage on me.
>Also live in mexico
>Also i'm mexican.
Redhats are neither whitehat nor blackhat, but a mix of both. Adapted from early RPG games where white mages used healing, protective "good" spells, black mages used elemental, destructive "bad" spells, and red mages had a selection of spells from both.
Examples of redhats:
- People who are hired to find security holes in a network, do so, but create new exploits in order to take advantage of later.
- Someone who breaks into a secure area and then informs the owner that they can fix the security holes if they hire them.
- Someone who works in network security and uses their job experience to take advantage of exploits either within their own company or elsewhere.
Wore mine around campus after trump won. Since I went to a big school in the south, mostly got positive responses. Some of my professors were visibly triggered, though they didn't say anything
I used to wear mine all the time when I went to libby places like coffee shops and Whole Foods back pre election but I don't now because I carry and its not worth instigating any fights over with how insane the libs have gone these days.
nc have a few maga hats wear one every day. get complimented almost any time I go out. been offered jobs just out and about by business owners after complimenting my hat. never had anyone say anything negative. never seen but maybe 2 other maga hat wearers. its fun to wear. but driving classic cars and trucks too you can't go anywhere without out people approaching to compliment one or another or both.
Imagine being Huma in bed as Hillary goes down on you, having to be like “damn, Habibi, you fuckin’ fine, all sexy with your political prowess and stroke-victim face. I love sex with you, both Huma and the real me.” when all she wants is to go back in time to marry Mohammed (pbuh) as his 9 year old bride. Like seriously imagine Huma’s POV, pretending to enjoy Hillary's wet slobber, the mood lighting barely concealing her crazy eyes and mustache, and just lie there, dreadful minute after minute, as she spells out her favorite Alphabet Agencies with her tongue, CIA, NSA, FB-- Ouch! You wince as she hatefully scrapes her dentures across your clit, but you fake some loud moans to cover it up. Not only having to tolerate her oral skills (no wonder Bill went rogue) and her monstrous fucking visage lapping sloppily between your thighs, but her haughty attitude as everyone in public tells her she’s STILL GOT IT and DAMN, MRS. CLINTON LOOKS LIKE THAT?? they’re not the ones who sees her this close without her clown make-up to cover up her "au naturel" beauty. You’ve been fucking nothing but a healthy diet of wannabe models from Weiner’s Instagram DMs your ENTIRE CAREER coming straight out of the sand dunes in the future Islamic State (INSHALLAH). You’ve never even seen anything this fucking disgusting before, and you swear you can taste the fishy scent from her loose crusty vag as she winks at you to switch places, smugly assured that she gave you multiple orgasms, and you’re getting paid for the opportunity to eat the “First (what she calls it herself) Pussy" of the United States, the pussy she let marinade in her diaper shit all day. And then she tells you "faster don't stop," and you know you could kill all your Muslim Brotherhood handlers before CIA could put you down, but you swallow and endure, because you’re fucking Huma. You’re not going to lose your spy career and alimony over this. Just bear it. Bury your tongue and bear it.
liberal women love to cuck their liberal boyfriends with a confident man in a MAGA hat. I've had nearly a dozen broads in just the past week. They just can't resist conservative cocks.
Funny how those liberals didn't realize their own irony. They're all like "I cares abot dem minoritees" but then they start attacking minorities who wear politically conservative hats.
shoot up your school, that will show them
Same, I just had an orgy with 20 girls at once all for me yesterday because of my maga hat
Chaz bono wears one
I wore one on a canadian campus the day after the election
Some twink called me a fascist at uni.
got called a bigot, homophobe, racist, etc.
Where do you live? I'd like to visit your area, because it sounds like paradise for a Trump supporter like me.
>Saw a fucking retard in a maga hat
>Laughed my ass off and walked away
Trumpkins are the biggest tards to ever walk upright.
Please post your vile lib fanfictions somewhere else.
Ever heard of SJW's before? Those people are living proof that you libs are more degenerate than us Trump supporters. Want some red pills to fill in the gap of ignorance that is inside you?
randolph county nc
I wear a Louder with Crowder "Socialism is for Fags" shirt around Chicago regularly.
People hate it, but I'm 6'4" 225 lbs of muscle so they ain't got shit to say.
>anyone who doesn't like my based kike Drumpf is a sjw shill.
Lmao fuck off back to plebbit, faggot
That's quite ironic, due to that whole bathroom law incident and the fact that one of my cousins (who is a Hitlery supporter) lives in NC.
Also am in Boston, people usually are way too pussy to say anything. But I bought chocolate at a store in Harvard. The cashier was an actual faggot, was definitely passive aggressive. I like wearing it at the airport, tends to (silently) trigger people and I have good conversations from people who complement it. At least 2 people each flight so far.
No, YOU go back to plebbit you Socialist shill.
I just wear the trump colognes and get mad compliments.
>That flag
>Be that openly retarded about your eceleb choices
>Has ben shapiro and gavin on every fucking show
Ugh... user
I care what you think, faggot.
You T_D faggots have got to go.
That pepe is a traitor to Sup Forums kind
You seem you do, yes.
democrat detected
Can also relate.
Watch this and come back to me when your finished.