The first Britons were black, Natural History Museum DNA study reveals
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That doesn't make any sense. Wasn't red hair and pale skin a trait that evolved due to the lack of sunshine?
Bongs btfo
>However, no DNA link was found.
Ah, so it's all speculation
It only makes the argument that whites continued to evolve where as blacks who stayed in Africa essentially are walking and talking apes.
They literally just made the argument that yes we are of the same origin, but differences exist, beyond skin color. That first Brit had to be more intelligent to survive in a colder and harsher land. Fruit doesn’t just fall off trees and rot in Europe like it does Africa.
So let me get this right. Even in the ancient past blacks left Africa in hopes to ficki ficki the white neanderthals?
ay yo nigga even 10,000 years ago we be fuggin yo wimmin nigga ficki ficki nah mean nigga word nigga muh dik nigga we wuz kangz n sheeit nah mean
Good point. I realize that we all had to evolve from some original group, but I find it hard to believe that the first Britons were black, despite what the (((Channel 4))) might have to say about it.
There's a lot of cold untamed land between East Africa and the UK.
>The groundbreaking discovery was made in a “stroke of luck” after archaeologists found scraps of DNA in the ear of the Mesolithic “Cheddar Man”, the oldest complete skeleton ever found in the UK and one of the museum’s most treasured specimens.
Not buying it
but seriously, the absolute state of Britain. it's like Anglo-ness is proportional to cucked-ness. Britain has gone farther with blackwashing in a few years than America has in 300.
rare flag
Again, ask yourself, does it matter? Let’s say whites were black (which is probably true if we believe the out of Africa origin theory) what then? Look who rules the world now?
Let’s believe that Egyptians were black too. Again, who was enslaved for 400+ years? Whites? No. It’s blacks. What about all their Egyptian society and tombs? Rotting dust and almost gone from history.
So does it matter? Does it make whites less superior to blacks?
Dey wuz gangs , fo sho!! Jest like dem vikings n sheeiit yo! How Up mane, y'all whiteys need ta gibs me dat reparations n sheeiit pol ancient world waz kings n sheeiitt! Holla!!!
I'm not arguing that at all. I'm fully prepared to accept this if it turns out to be right.
The sick thing is that I look at every "news" report through a filter these days because they want to push their agenda more than they want to report the truth.
Is this true? I don't know. It might be, but we all know that they have a pre-determined bias against white people before they write a show.
Now they wonder why everyone takes their reporting with a grain of salt.
The out of Africa theory has long been discredited, despite Jews and critical theorists ignoring fossil evidence of modern humans in the Caucasus mountains that is as old or older than any found I the African savannah.
It is still in schools. I got a degree in Biology and I still had to put that on tests as the (((truth))).
Critically, there are multiple origin theories.
Agreed. Truth is very hard to find. You are right. They have an agenda. The point is to always counter shill their shilling.
If you accept it, they win.
I'd find it refreshing if there were a discovery like this and I could trust the reporting agency to speak the truth. You and I both know that this will never happen.
How exactly do they determine skin colour from the DNA? iirc from reports into Egyptian DNA studies that it's actually quite hard to find out skin colour
It's quite easy. If it helps the (((narrative))) they were black.
ashes to ashes, dust to dust, COAL TO COAL
HAHAHAHAHA fuck off muhammed!
So niggers are Stone Age Britains?
Better not let any then.
No. evolution is comic book science that's become anTrek like religion.
>But this is "science"
No shit dumb fuck, that's how evolution works. You don't automatically start out with the superior specimen. It needs to be stressed and killed to encourage/ filter out traits that don't work vs the ones that win the day.
What are "critical theorists" exactly?
You're like a cretin laughing at your own dad because he finds out his dad had Down's syndrome.
Think, dickhead.
>That doesn't make any sense
100% fake. Blaks dont survive 2 generations in britain if not given additional vitamin D.
What a coincidence this comes out right after the Egyptian head reconstruction...
What flag is that.
That's right. This is junk science and demoralization propaganda.
Just hover your mouse over the flag and it will pop up.
>there were fair skinned Egyptians 3000 years ago
>but Brits were black
iPhone sadly.
Dominica and Seychelles.
I know everyone is wondering about ur flag
10,000 years and 3,000 years are very wide apart.
There have been numerous posts on Sup Forums showing people living in Ukraine and Greece some 500,000-700,000 years ago, which completely obliterates your WE WUZ theory.
An obsure African nation appears.
Whats up niggers
these might be different niggers desu.
Do those posts on Sup Forums have evidence of their skin colour? It's not my theory, I'm not a KANG, 56%er.
Why is the Australian guy dark skinned?
Since when are Australians dark skinned?
White skin phenotype is only a few thousand years old, so even if there were humans living in Greece and Ukraine 500,000 years ago doesn't mean they were white skinned. Doesn't mean they were niggers either, though.
Skin tan, it's pretty sunny in the midlands of Australia.
if whites are black how do we have white privilege? where are my gibs for slavery? MY PEOPLE WERE BLACK TOO! #METOO
>What are "critical theorists" exactly?
They're people who view an objective truth and then disagree with it because it hurts feelings.
They attempt to legitimize themselves by obtaining "degrees" in fields they created and then cite themselves to prove their nonsense.
Seems legit.
These people think that because they were dark skinned that they're niggers, and white people suddenly existed pale.
insanely rare
Critical Theory, of the Frankfurt School of thought. The sjw culture you see in academia today started with it, it took over the social sciences, ruined anthropology to psychology. Its why theories with supporting evidence were attacked as racist such as anything debunking Out of Africa theory... Or researching any racial differences that might suggest we aren't just superficially different. Its creeped into much more now.
Hello my brothers.
We're b da women
How do you feel as a Black man in the US? I am curious. I have a few relatives that live there and they do not feel like they connect very well with their fellow ethnic Africans.
>He has blue eyes and dark skin and has genes are closely related to prehistoric Africans
This isn't news. Most prehistoric people had similar genes, but that doesn't mean all prehistoric people were niggers. Also, for years we've known ancient Britons had a swarthy complexion because these ancient Britons still exist (people like Catherine Zeta-Jones). Are you telling me she's a nigger now?
Do you not realize that "Black Irish" was a thing after the sinking of the Spanish Armada. Also, darker complexion genes are dominant. It doesn't take much genetic material to turn a pretty blonde girl in to that swarthy woman you posted.
You do realise extensive research has been done on British genetics, and it's proven that people like her are most closely related to ancient Britons.
Also, none of her family are niggers.
On a side note, aren't you supposed to be begging for food? You see Ancient Britons never had to play victim or beg to live, hence why they're not niggers.
Press F to pay respects to DoggoLand
I mean it's very likely they got the skin colour wrong, and if they didn't then it's very likely black skin was in the minority.
However, the overwhelming evidence suggesting that Ancient Britons were swarthy, but not black, trumps any jewish lies.
Of course, Ancient Britons tended more towards dark hair and eyes before the Danish invasion. I'd say you and the French were pretty much from the same genetic stock going back to before Roman times, wouldn't you?
>I'd say you and the French were pretty much from the same genetic stock going back to before Roman times, wouldn't you
If anything they were closer to the welsh.
Bad attempt at normalizing new dark skinned arrivals as "brothers" it's lie; don't believe it.
Theorists who criticize everyone and everything (except themselves) all of the time.
Which is where Catherine Zeta-Jones hails from.
Considering it looks pretty much just like the statues of her that survived just fine in their tombs, we can actually say for certain now that the masonry of Egyptians was truly everything it was cracked up to be.
Fucking Kek
The process with which they modelled Nefertiti was also based off of her genetics. The same process was used to reconstruct how early europeans looked.
Just because they had dark skin doesn't mean they are african.
No, you goddamn moron, this is a neanderthalized human.
We know what genes and alleles cause leucism in humans and other animals it isn't hard at all to say whether they're present or not. "Egyptian DNA studies" are fucking nonsense.
They were most likely eating a lot vitamin d-rich seafood just like the Eskimo who still live above the arctic circle and have no lightening modifications at all.
>documented for a Channel 4 program
>"stroke of luck"
Ancient britonsshare the same dna as the ancient egyptian pharaohs.
Kazarian jew at work. Kek is onto your tricks.
blacks turned white in 10k years? that doesnt hold up to the science