Ew holy shit good thing people evolved into something much less disgusting
Ew holy shit good thing people evolved into something much less disgusting
it's like I'm looking into a mirror
Sup Forumstards are taking this better than what I expected
the jolly 'ol creature...
have you seen london city hall in recent years? this would be a upgrade
why do they think people are going to fall for this shit?
how the fuck would someone with black skin survive somewhere with low sunlight?
enjoy your fucking rickets.
There's another thread about this
That's why
Anyways, it's great, black people literally created white people
el cheeky m8o
>my ansester
>so prowd
>dey be lyin to us in scool
is this why Anglos are so swarthy?
Whats with the fu man chu beard...
Brits are still ugly fuckers though
that wouldn't make any sense, unless the whites from britain colonized all of europe and the mediterranean soon afterward
lol no
WE WUZ 56%
That's Britains liberals.
White skin developed from this. It being an environmental adaption.
So the first critters were adapted to not wearing much clothing etc. Darker skin. Later on, lighter skin.
>Blacks create whites
>Whites enslave blacks
>Whites free blacks
>Blacks want to enslave whites
yes goy, 10 thousands years ago ancient britons were black and they evolved white skin
it was just a coincidence that the egyptians were already white at that same time
You fuckers are literally black
What's your excuse now for being virgins??????
that thing was bred out of the gene pool though
just goes to show multiculturalism does Not work.
Unlikely they were 'black'. I think that is just hyperbole on the part of the author. He didn't even say they were, only that they would be 'considered' black. Which is just an opinion, and likely exaggerated.
More likely they were dark skinned, Mediterranean type dark.
And, unless you are one of those ancient aliens types, 10k years ago is likely a bit too early for Egyptians to be white - or even be Egyptians.
I now understand why Brits are ugly as fuck. Thankfully some of them got raped by Vikings.
Britain was always paki-cunts.
It's great news for white supremacists who can claim to be more evolved.
This actually matches up with scandinavian/german mythology.
We actually wuz kangz?
I'm a skeptic.
Check his teeth, would you.
>allah goblino
IDK, he does looks Welsh.
This says that niggers are 10000 years less evolved than whites
You stupid macaco
But modern humans were in Europe at LEAST 40,000 years and likely longer. Pretty sure they didn't suddenly turn white for no reason only 10,000 years ago.