So this is the type of woman you want to marry? Blonde haired, blue eyed, a lot of regard for Christianity and modesty? This seems to be the only criteria for you guys.
How long do you think you would last being married to one of these?
So this is the type of woman you want to marry? Blonde haired, blue eyed, a lot of regard for Christianity and modesty? This seems to be the only criteria for you guys.
How long do you think you would last being married to one of these?
>current year
>getting (((married)))
I actually prefer blue eyed dark hair
Wouldn't touch the one on the left. Pump and dump the one on the right.
Easily a lifetime, she worries about looking good and taking care of the kids and I worry about slaughtering the niggers, jews and faggots like you
holy fuck I am in love with both of them
Just until she fucks the nigger at her work a day after she arrives back ftom the lwc honeymoon.
>He made yet another non-contributing post to a thread in the hopes people would notice his flag
Heres a pity (you). It will be the only one you get from me.
oy vey
sweet flag bro
when and if youre lucky enough to mature
you realize that women aren't worth the hassle and sex is just another addiction...I feel lucky I go fishing
Look at all those dislikes. Why are normies so anti-Christian?
I would marry a brunette With frekles and pink skin
She has to be funny,delicate and good in bed
I'm mature but missed out on the sex in my 20s so how is that fair
>when reddit finds your video
except this girl on the picture is a mongoloid. She has epicantus, you fucking degenerate
>tfw no blonde haired blue eyed christian wife
ik ik, someone has to have the painful burden of bleaching the hapa, I'll volunteer
>blue eyes
i'm more into meds, myself.
Green eyes and light brown hair is where it's at, mostly because its masculine, without being non-caucasian.
I don't trust blonde people, but blue eyes are OK i guess
western civilization needs to be put out of its misery
the only hope for humanity is the chinks
This doens't even make sense. Are you a girl? ARe you a double reverse trans non binary faggot? Why the fuck would you want girls to have more masculine traits?
until we fix our laws on the subject. Im not stepping into that mine field.
If it's only white men going their own way the laws won't change.
a real man makes his own laws for his family
Both are vapid hoes, leaching off of the beta nerds that make up the bulk of the alt-right(and pol) whilst simultaneously fulfilling their narcissism.
True. This is also why Islam will dominate your nation.
>wearing makeup
I prefer a woman not hiding anything or ((("enhancing"))) anything
They're ok user.
about 20 years too old, there
no i want one who isn't a thot. I don't want to get cancer from HPV or contract antibiotic-resistant gonorrhea.
religion is optional. most of these "religious" girls are crypto-thots anyway
>How long do you think you would last being married to one of these?
Longer than you, faggot
Huh. A leaf that's not a fag. Thought I'd seen a lot on here
Also I'd rather marry someone who is at least a few years younger than me as well.
Need to maximize children born.
Courting a 13 year old with her fathers consent and marrying when (((legal))) is the better option.
Im an agnostic athiest but my fucking god reading the miserable fucking comments i would prefer to live in a religious society with these cuties than those miserable nogs
Hey there Roy
>"You believe in God? Pfft, us of the Intellectual Rick & Morty Satanist Atheist Club will mock your silly beliefs."
Sex outside of marriage is degenerate.
Who's roy?
can't take valley girls seriously, in any regard
fuck that i want to marry a swarthy mediterranean grill with a fat ass and milkies. idc what Sup Forums thinks
Damn it Seychelles, quit yer whinging
Ya, the Amerimutt meme doesn't work if you're an actual nigger
>only criteria for you guys.
Only non-whites have some obsession with bl*nde whores.
user, no matter how pretty she is, always remember that somewhere there is a man who is sick of putting up with her shit.
Look at the cucks
You must be at least this aryan to enter the ethnostate
Those girls are obvious sluts. They deserve to be raped tbqh
Can us Mediterraneans have our own ethno state then? I prefer brown hair and fat bums thank you. Also our philosophy is better than yours.
she has a plastic surgery nose
michael jackson nose