Justin Trudeau

Canadians, is he going to get reelected?

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I'm sorry leaf.


As a white, privileged, CIS male, I love Trudeau and I fully support my government, Liberalism, and Globalism without any criticisms or hesitations.

Anything I have ever posted to this board is purely satire, not to be taken seriously, in an attempt to make people with dissenting, nationalistic views look silly and moronic.

Additionally, I fully submit to my Deep State overlords and do not believe one shred of the blatant lies spread here about Judaism and Israel by Neo-Nazis...

> male
you are a person we don't say the m word in this country

I just found this. I feel sad now.

a faggot says what?

Only rural rednecks and suburban retards voted for Harper. All city people voted for Trudeau

Sup Forums BTFO?

This makes me very angry, they cannot leave anything alone.

>Literally the worst thing to ever happen to peoplekind

I thought about it and Canada should make French the only official language. English is inherently sexist and misogynist. Even the word wo-man is degrading and patriarchal and persons of the female gender suffer from constant micro opressions of patriarchy when referring to themselves as wo-men.Instead Canadians of either socially constructed gender that they did not pick when they were born and that they can change at any time should refer to themselves as "femmes" for the fe-male (it's so opressive) gender and "homme's"for the male gender or even jsut homo's

Always better times than a cucked canuck.

who developed this soy shit?

Just had to put God on blast.

Probably. His main opposition looks like it was hand picked for him to win the next election.

He'll just say he needs another term to legalize weed and he'll get re elected.

French is entirely based on gender. It can't exist without it.

I will vote for him again.

Jagmeet might split the brown vote.
Le français est une construction sociale.

I think women shouldn't even be able to vote because shit like this happens when they do.

goddamit you're right French is literally impossible without grammatical gender. Fuck we'll just have to invent an entirely new language from scratch

Please for the love of God no. He's destroying this country

They can’t resist

>As a white, privileged, CIS male, I love Trudeau and I fully support my government, Liberalism, and Globalism
>Anything I have ever posted to this board is purely satire

Really activates my almonds...

Why? Why would you re elect him?

>As a brown, underprivileged, polysexual trans-male, I love Trudeau and I fully support his government, Liberalism, and Globalism without any criticisms or hesitations. Anything I have ever posted to this board is purely satire, not to be taken seriously, in an attempt to make people with dissenting, nationalistic views look silly and moronic. Additionally, I fully submit to my Deep State overlords and do not believe one shred of the blatant lies spread here about Judaism and Israel by Neo-Nazis...

The year is 2074. Earth has been subdued and targeted for annihilation by a barbaric tribe of alien invaders. Lord Xermes, 2nd commander of the invading alien army, focuses his death ray on earth.
"Now pathetic humans, prepare to-"

A person stands up, stares down the alien army, and says,

"-excuse me, we prefer to be called 'peoples.' it's more inclusive."

this but unironically

Not sure about that. Muslims will vote Liberal because of M-103 and the tolerance virtue signalling which liberals do the loudest. As for Indians, they strike me as more conservative so I highly doubt they'll vote NDP.

If Jagmeet were a Muslim he'd manage to split the liberal vote much better.



They feel don't have any hope for anything else so they might as well.

The far left will vote NDP.
The left will vote Liberal, as will the center-left.
The center and the right will vote Conservative.

I am thinking 20% ndp 38% liberal 42% conservative.

Disgusting soy hipster fag band. Somebody needs to tell them that they are all white males and they need to include some diversity asap or risk being considered problematic.

>CIS male
Anybody that uses that word is a faggot.

>he can't tell when a leaf is just shitposting

word is he and adam schiff do the nasty in back of the dairy queen in washington every tues night. trump has pictures and will post them on you tube this weekend.

Canadians tend to vote for the leader though. Can you see Scheer inspiring anyone to vote for him? I guess we'll see when they do televised debates but Scheer looks like hes has even worse charisma than Harper.

the ontario election will tell us a lot. If Wynne wins again, it's over

She's literally the miniboss henchman in every action movie to Trudeau

not a hope in hell or a prayer in heaven will see my sodomite prime minister re-elected

and if he ain't a sodomite hiding in a marriage of convenience, then he is simple too confused to lead this country!

just sayin ...

Conservatives will win handily

Scheer has far more Charisma than Harper. The voters would choose him because of policy, not because he's got better hair and says peoplekind. If social media is any indication, there are a lot of people who intensely dislike Trudeau.

According to Forum Research, Scheer is polling at 43% and Trudeau at 38% (if the election were held today). I'm actually amazed at how accurate my prediction/estimate was.

>Just under 4 in 10 (38%) say they would support Trudeau’s Liberals. Conservative support (43%) is up four points over December (Dec 15: 39%).

> Read more at: poll.forumresearch.com/post/2826/federal-horserace-january-2018/

conservative party elections got cucked and elected a wet noodle rather than a charismatic guy, because votes go by ordering candidates your preference 1 to 15. and the guy who won had the most 14th place votes while the guy who could have won the national election was the leader for all other rounds

Well i'm not a fan of Scheer but he's better than Trudeau at this point.

no, he has single handedly destroyed the reputation of the left in Canada
he's gone

Maybe. I'm voting for scheer but the question is will the normies? Being in a liberal area I know people are fed up with his BS, the question is are enough fed up to hop on the anyone but trudeau train; that's the only chance scheer has at winning. The NDP is garbage as always, they're barely relevant anymore.

he seems like a very sensible guy to me. No politician is perfect, but I agree he's a big step up from Trudeau.


Stupid women will vote for him just because "he has nice hair."

Normies are getting fed up with him. Read any open msm comments about him. Cbc tries to hide and delete comments but they don't get them all

Women in urban areas generally still love Trudeau.

Ive never voted but I am making a point to vote against him