By the way, how do you pronounce marijuana? "Mara wanna" or "Marry jew ana"?
By the way, how do you pronounce marijuana? "Mara wanna" or "Marry jew ana"?
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Maury Jew Anal
"marijuana" is a nonsense word made up by retards
Marihuana shilling is pretty hilarious
Smoking pot makes you a degenerate fuck. There is a reason why it is being legalized in liberal shit-holes
Weed is for niggers. Put that away. Have a little self respect.
it's pronounced Mahr-ee-jow-a-nee, you fucking newfaggot.
Nigger daisies
Cannabis sativa, indica or ruderalus. Someone post the vid of arnold snoking a j in his prime during the 70s. Dont be a nigger and display some personal responseibility. Blame the man not the tool(gun) or the substance (drugs).
I don't smoke by the way I quit years ago.
this image is hilarious
>American History X is a 1998 American crime drama film directed by Tony Kaye
(((Tony Kaye)))
>Kaye was born to an Orthodox Jewish family in London, United Kingdom
Living your life based on movie lines is for dumb goyim lmao
>By the way, how do you pronounce marijuana?
The first one is literally the correct pronunciation.
>It's magic smoke and burning embers that have no effect on lung tissue
the i is a short i sound
Marry Jew Anal
smart leaf btfod dum leaf
Marijuana is the wrong name.
what is your excuse for being a NEET then?
>cannabis using business owner
weed is better than the dick in the ass he got in prison.
>people still think cannabis is addictive
Can't fix retarded niggers.
>inb4 retarded niggers call me a "stoner loser"
>inb4 they spout "Prove it isn't"
It's been proven time and time again it isn't addictive. How about you prove it is, "muh cannabis is addictive" idiots.
And if your only retort is "duh stoner loser" you're sad.
marihuana or for you globlinos to understand MAREE UANNA
>weed is for degenerates
I've been smoking since 21.
Started in the mailroom
promoted to clerk
promoted to buyer
became sme
promoted 3 more times
transferred divisions
became trainee
promoted to analyst
promoted to lead
became sme
promoted to mid-level management
earning $72k with no degree
my own undersized apartment in an overpriced city
smoked weed every day since 21 before and after work.
>but your job is meaningless you wage cuck
oversee $750k worth of tangible assets
audited every year
clearance level: confidential
Pleb, please train yourselves to use the word cannabis
I just call it nigger flowers
I won't get rewarded so I won't put in the effort but it's only logical may jay is addictive.
He's American, not Mexican.
I’ve yet to see anyone who starts using it regularly quit entirely. Certainly a bad habit at least. Seen plenty of people waste their future because their job making $22k/yr doesn’t drug test them.
Nicotine is good for you
I won't play their spic psyOP
GD, all that shit for $72k?!?!?
the weed part is cool though
>Needing 8 promotions to get to 72k CAD/yr
This is what a lack of ambition looks like.
Imagine what you could have done if you didn't smoke everyday...
>be 22
>graduate with econ degree
>start off as retirement analyst 75k
>2 years later making 90k
>get promoted sr manager of mergers and acquisitions
Get good
it rhymes with tijuana
This. Cannibus is the scientific name. Marijuana is a psyop
I'd pick neither.
Satan's Lettuce
Y'all need Jaysus ya damn heathen queermos
>not wanting to smoke rocket fuel
get that natural non violent garbage outta my face
Cannabis numbskull
Cannabis Natural
Tobacco unnatural
>By the way, how do you pronounce marijuana? "Mara wanna" or "Marry jew ana"?
"Jazz Cabbage"
Mary & Johanna
was looking for this comment
>stupid pic.jpg
marijuana fills your lungs with more tar than smoking tobacco.
and the drug turns you into a lazy nigger.
Maria Juana is the original name, it was given to it when the Mexican revolutionaries carried women with them so they could provide this substance to them during firefights. These women were called Marias and Juanas
But gringos are unable to enunciate it correctly so they just say Marijuana
devil's cabbage
>Tobacco unnatural
The term 'Marijuana' is racist, avoid using it
duh stoner loser
Artifical tobacco is probably what meant.
>I like buying into mindless propaganda.
> (OP)
>Cannabis sativa, indica or ruderalus. Someone post the vid of arnold snoking a j in his prime during the 70s. Dont be a nigger and display some personal responseibility. Blame the man not the tool(gun) or the substance (drugs).
>I don't smoke by the way I quit years ago.
nobody smokes ruderalis except for cucks trying to grow an 1/8th of shit in 30 days
also, yes. don't smoke that shit. don't even take my word for it. you should be able to find a pothead loser on your own pretty easily, when you do you should say, 'yah nah fuck that' if you're even half adjusted
Cigarettes are freedom