What would Sup Forums do if their children gave them brown grandchildren?
What would Sup Forums do if their children gave them brown grandchildren?
Disown, shame, and cut them from the will. The rest takes care of itself.
Love them and instill values and work ethic.
Waste of woman
this will the sole reason ...american civ will fall down..
i would sage them
they aren't me
I don't give a shit
They wouldn't be my child anymore, just another symptom of a larger societal ailment.
Honor killing
Says 3rd World shithole dweller.
I brought up a picture of a white woman and a black man while my Russian wife was standing next to me with our 2 month old daughter. I pointed at the screen and said to my daughter, "NO!" My wife laughed and said, "I die!"
Tough talking Internet nigger... Lol
The fact of the matter is 75% of you are video game playing faggots that will never actually have sex with a woman.
I wish I had an afro.
As a muttalo, I need to find myself a muttalo girlfriend.
disown, maybe murder-suicide
Keep them coming bro.
As long as she hasn't been raised in nigger culture.
I want to have 5 kids or more and I will disown and leave them out of the will, I will also add a clause that if someone sues they get nothing.
Most of the muttalo I've met either act like they are from the hood or the suburbs.
You mixed bro ?
Most of the muttalo I've met either act like they are from the hood or the suburbs.
Yes, my mother is white, my father is Dominican.
sweet jesus
This woman has two nipples on each breast!
disown and disinherit, never speak to them again
SPQR,show us where the jews are!
Cool. I haven't spoke to another mixed person for awhile. My mother is Haitian and father is colombian
>Christian with nipple piercings
The absolute state of protestants.
As one of the remaining 25%, rest assured I still want to gas you and every last hook-nosed kike.
those are piercings retard. another red flag
>half Dominican
>half Haitian
You guys should be half mortal enemies.
I would raise them in such a way that they would never want to racemix. It's easy, present facts and statistics that blacks are bad news but don't talk about disowning as your child might want to do it just to spite you.
Is that an extra nipple on her panty line?
I'm aware of the conflict of Haiti and the Dominican republic but I got nothing against them because we are muttalos. If anything, if it was up to me, I would rather side with the Dominicans than with the Haitians
Yes, but you will never leave mom's basement, so it will be hard to accomplish much.
Stormfags are the biggest group of do-nothing LARPers on the planet!
Lol'd, good one user
I'll gladly leave the basement to genocide kikes, or for the day of the rope.
I love how mutts like you cope with your inferiority complex by posting attractive mixed raced women, as if this is supposed to be some sort of refutation of white superiority.
The fact is, if the women in your picture were more white, they would be more attractive. If they were more brown, they would be less attractive. That you managed to find attractive mixed race women is PROOF of white superiority, not a refutation.
>brown grandchildren?
That is what abortion and post birth abortion is for.
Trips of Truth
Keep talking, nigger. If you're lucky you'll get put on a boat headed for Africa.
just say nigger
Nah based Caribbeans aren't muritards and mutts
>They're natives.
>Revolution soon!
White wife. Four White children, 3 of which are adults. ALL raised with a little Sup Forums in their lives thanks to daddy! They have no interest in race-mixing.
a nigger is a nigger, doesn't matter where the slave ship made its stop
Inferiority? I own a successful business and my only sibling has a PhD in mathematics.
Racially, I wouldn't change a damn thing. I love being mixed race!
Also, I tend to date conservative white girls or Latinas and have never experienced any racial issues from parents or anyone else at all.
Nah your too stupid to understand.
>Native means its their land and has been since before YOU arrived.
>You call them abos.
>a nigger is a nigger, doesn't matter where the slave ship made its stop
Idk. I probably will raise my children in the whitest area possible and make sure they go to a conservative school.
>inb4 amerimutt huehue
20% nigger
21% injun
58% honkey
1% uncharted
>Even Brits had to make treaties with them.
>Brits couldn't settle without their blood spilt on Caribbean grounds.
>Brits needed blacks to take murica.
Silly you.
>Dint know.
Gas them without hesitation or remorse.
I don't care.
The autists here who care about skin color think differently tho.
Sorry, my mother is 100% northern European.
>only impacting skin color
You know how I know you're a dumb nigger? Because you believe that boomer-tier-stupid maymay.
Yeah, your mother was a disgusting racemixing whore who goes to the camps too.
> that jpg
that's why you have at least 3 in case 1 of them becomes retarded
ugly mudskin
Gas yourself before posting.
Disown them and start over with a new wife
>calls someone a nigger
>is in fact a nigger-lover
the memes write themselves
My mother is awesome and great with a shotgun or a rifle. I would love to see one of you stormniggers try something. Lol
The camps are for violent libtards and possibly for stormfags, but highly unlikely since the overwhelming majority of them are LARPing faggots.
Do you have a problem, Leafnigger?
no, you're just retarded. I don't have any problem with that, you might though, as on top of this, you have also admitted being a nigger yourself, which makes it even funnier
You mean the Great Old Ones. You should grovel in my presence but I guarantee that you're too dumb for that.
I admitted to being multi-racial and of the American God-Race.
Shitposting snownigger leafs would never understand.
you still eternally belong to the nigger category which is on the low end of the spectrum
deny it all you want, you are black with some white
also keep calling other people niggers while being one yourself lol. do it in public please, i beg you, enlighten everyone with your god-race vision of white people being niggers and you somehow not being one despite having a black daddy
You must be new here, faggot-nigger.
I'd just be glad they didn't CRISPR edit their children to be purple-skinned freaks with glowing rainbow hair.
unless you're trolling you must have brain damage or something
make new kids.
Leaf, stop your niggerin'.
If 25% of Sup Forums found beautiful wives and had 3 kids each we could make our own ethnostate.