Like pottery
We will be officially whiter than you for a extra 5 years mohammad
Sad how far we've fallen. We went to the moon, to the closest to heaven any nation on earth has ever done and now we've just crashed into hell.
>Jews cheer as they subvert their host nation
Meanwhile in Israel the Jews kick out black Africans.
"Cash or custody: Israel kicks off deportation of African migrants"
Well if we can't stop it, better just bend over for the beaner shaft like good goys. Human rights are more important than long-term success.
So are there any political solutions left at this point?
Not bad for the first year. Lets see how far we can push this
The extreme right will backfire on itself, forcing a extreme left. And when a democrat becomes President in three or seven years, the wall will be defunded and the gates blown open. Praise Satan!
Getting rid of state enforced integration. Allowing businesses and land lords to chose who they want to service.
Faggots make a big deal about how much bloodshed the ethnostate would entail but we could get our ethnostate with that one simple trick, no bloodshed involved.
The policy won't turn the tides
The economic reforms will bring back the nuclear family for high income workers
A lot of people seem to want bloodshed, though.
You have to change the meme to le 49% face now
If a nigger fucked your daughter you would want bloodshed too
you're on the same boat as us, aussie bro. australia will be china 2.0 soon
7 out of 10 Americans agree with this.
Trump said so.
>anti-white article
>jewish author
At least the Jews are consistent with their anti-white agenda.
Trump has started it for us but its up to everyone else to keep it going.
gimme a dozen breeders and in five years i'll give you sixty more whites.
Lousy demoralization psyop against whites. (((They))) are losing their grip. Sure, they still have power but it's rapidly vanishing all over. These atheist liberal jews aren't having children. What an irony, they fell for their own narratives and became totally degenerate. In fact, I bet that article is in essence projection. The jews are quite well aware of their low population. Orthodox jews are having kids but they're few.
Pls don't sabotage political momentum by becoming domestic terrorists thx
There will be bloodshed because we will always have it better and they will want what we have. Anything short of RaHoWa will put our grandchildren back in this same position. You are weak and cowardly for wanting to pass the buck.
When was the last time another politician did anything to push back the clock?
I do wonder how Asians fit into all this. They actually get screwed by affirmative action the most, and their kids get bullied like none other in school. I guess they're too small a population.
only if secession and nooses count as "political solutions"
>too small a population
You are missing the big picture. Asians are currently the largest segment of the world population. All of history is competition for resources (land, food, labor, gold, etc.). Asians have to be exterminated in the RaHoWa if we are to secure our place in this world.
This battle is already over. America is a mutt country already, we just don’t know it yet.
So what’s the next step?
1) Submit to the “Bullworth Effect” and get in line to sell out the few remaining white wealthy people for your gibs before the curve hits the knee
2) Take up arms and prepare to fight for what’s yours.
It’s really that simple.
Yeah it’s not like there’s a fucking billion chinks and another billion poos
Yeah poor fuckin them
>the ethnostate
>le 56%
Amerimutts crack me up
I just mean here in the US. They get screwed by the same forces that target whites but they don't even have a pawn on the chessboard.
No and there never has been. This whole election has been normie bait. Trump is one of (((them))).
"We" are just stagnating in place as the lunatic-left give us more fuel and justification. "We" sit on our ideals and philosophies as the left cannibalizes and inbreeds with itself to spew worse and worse garbage around.
How do they get screwed? They moved from their bumfuck country that had no capital. They succeed because they force their low iq kids to study 9 hours a day. The fact that they aren't eating dirt back in China is a blessing to them.
>Lousy demoralization psyop against whites.
>These atheist liberal jews aren't having children. What an irony
This, Finnbro. To be honest, Orthodox Jews aren't even that much of a problem either so them having kids makes very little difference.
Honestly, I’m just happy we aren’t being completely and utterly browned. Any other candidate would’ve browned us for good. Hell, if he deports just half of the illegals, we will be majority white for at least 25 more years!
If one year of Trump = five more years, eight years of Trump = 40 more years.
You can do a lot in forty years. Faggot.
True, it's a step up from communist killing fields and selling your child for a sack of rice. Although the Asians who have been here for several generations are in the crosshairs, all the more so because they contradict the narrative about le ebil huwite man keeping everyone down. All of this aside, I'm just wondering what they're doing about the current situation, they don't seem to be politically active.
I thought it was 2040 where did they have this sudden change in data.
Some of us are on your side.
Then America will remain an inherently immoral country five years longer. Sad.
>political momentum
>century+ two-party system
It's all rotten to the core dude
>whites are going to be a mi-
I agree, but as a heeb I have to.
I also want to close the border to non-whites, or at least give mandatory IQ tests to immigrants.
Asians, Indians, and Jews all have what whites have and yet they're still participating in the genocide. It must be something else. IMO there's a genetic longing for a big, powerful government in most ethnicities, with whites being an exception.
It's always jews pushing this shit. Why?I'm not evena Nazi but HOLY FUCK this is driving white people far right. Jews have it good in America anyways,why subvert your host nation? It doesn't even make sense.
The ONLY thing that makes sense to me at this point is "the kalergi plan".Why else would they support importing millions of muslims(who hate jews) ? Why else support chemically dumbing people down with Big Pharma? Why promote feminism and breaking up families? Why promote socialism/Bolshevism?
>a genetic longing for a big, powerful government in most ethnicities
can't blame a dog for barking
Jews froth at the mouth over our wholeness
>yewr precious nooklar family is the root cause of everything yew see on the news
>yewr nooklar family is no different from a family of pack of wolves or hyenas...
>yew create da monsters yew fear
It's strange to see Orthodox jews getting radicalized by basically Sup Forums talking points. I wonder how big of a 'thing' it really is. It does make sense. Religious jews seem to hate liberal jews with passion and push back harder and harder against the degenerates. Some of the young Orthodox male jews are no doubt some of the biggest counter-Semites
sorry to tell you, but you're a nazi now
You've got that backwards bud
We're going to build a big beautiful oven and jews will pay for it.
Sorry user you're redpilled now.
Saving America is quite simple, really.
You take the policies of the 1965 immigration act and reverse them. All of a sudden, it is impossible for those who aren't white to migrate to the country, and of relative ease for those from Europe to enter the country and make it the white settler land it once was.
Your white population would grow like it fell, and you would be an ethnostate once more.
Depending on how Jewish you look you could probably just blend in. In all seriousness white nationalists have no real way of vetting out Jews who try to follow them into the ethnostate without giving every single person a DNA test. It's one of my main criticisms of the alt-right.
Right because blacks and spics killing each other wholesale like Africa and Mexico is really what we want America to devolve into.
so basically trump is not affecting anything...this is what happens when americans hate whites and europeans and don't let them immigrate to the usa without any restrictions...and now you have europeans as less then 10 percent of your immigrants...nice job retards
Trump bought us just enough time Sup Forums. Last time I checked the year was 2040. If we get 5 more years, we go to 2045. Assuming the average Sup Forumsack is between 23 and 25, that means we'll be about 50 when it happens.
This means that every single one of us will be eligible to run for every office. From house to president. If we play our cards right we might be able to take power in time to save the west
welcome to the club, remember you're here forever
yeah the solution is called not allowing anyone other then whites to immigrate basically you have to make it that only eastern europeans can immigrate since we are right wing, western europe is filled with niggers muslims and leftists, the fact that you haven't made a law where all eastern europeans can easily immigrate to the usa is why the usa is going to end up mexico 2.0
I'm not particularly worried about this. I'm a white man with a bachelor's degree and two Master degrees.
I've inherited my family land (about 200 acres) that's been in my family for over 250 years, I make six figure salary, and over the course of my career I've saved nearly half a million dollars. I have zero debt, I own my home, and all of my cars. I don't owe a penny to anyone in this world.
Niggers and spics aren't like this. White people may be in the minority but we will still own all the property and all the wealth. We will be better educated and have all the good jobs.
Niggers and spics will be the labor force doing menial jobs like they're supposed to. Some whites will join them but it will be the ones who made bad choices in their lives. This is how things should be. I welcome it.
I've always been redpilled ;)
you fucking dumbass polacks can't even agree on your policies...half of you want skilled immigration which will just turn the usa into pooland...the only way is to go back in time to 1950 and make the immigration policy identical to that except reverse western and eastern europe since western europe is filled with degenerate leftists, muslims, and niggers
just like in south africa, right?
whites??? dumbass the jews own the entire usa not whites...get your shit together...
Easier said than done and I doubt it can be done soon enough. Think of what would need to happen before it would be even remotely possible for the Congress(?) to repeal the act. A massive shift of Overton window is required for the whole populace. It would require redpilling pretty much everyone except those who can't be redpilled (useful idiots for life).
Then again, Trump changed everything. Just today he had a public meeting where they talked about underage kids pouring in through the southern border and about how these boys get recruited to MS-13 to become cold-blooded killers and rapists..
Praise KEK as they say
Of course there is, it’s called martial law and right wing death squads.
I don't foresee that happening here in America. It's a different situation altogether. There are virtually no similarities between the situation in South Africa and the United States in terms of demographics, history, electorate, or geography.
Baby steps my dude
whites who say they run the usa and wealth this and all that shit and we welcome becoming a minority are fucking debils...you idiots do know you don't own shit the jews own 90 percent of the usa...whites own like 5 percent and the other 5 percent goes to non whites who asians in particular do better then whites anyways...whites are second to last at success fucking lebanese from what i know are the most successful...
ok then, just like in brazil, right? living in the gated communities between the favelas
That's all great but if you don't have strong neighbors it doesn't mean shit. Look at what's happening in SA now. We need atleast a statewide ethnostate. If you have land in the South/Southwest then you're fucked and should sell it and move to the redoubt area. Fuck man Montana will probably be white for 200 more years.
same shit is going to happen in germany Hans. except it will be like a muslim brazil.
jew tourist in the US - wtf what the hell are you goyim doing to us here REEEEEE
In credit woke article by the Washington Post. Look at the top >Democracy dies in darkness
Didn't know they were an alt-right publication.
Again, in terms of infrastructure and domestic sprawl, this is probably not in the foreseeable future in the United States.
This simply isn't how our urban areas are structured. We have nothing in common with urban and rural development with Brazil. The two aren't comparable.
Holy shit he looks like the lovechild of Podesta and Michael Moore.
oh wow whoopdee dee fucking doo montana...damn son you might as well live in siberia same fucking shit...whites are so fucking pathetic to give up the best parts of the nation, California, Florida, and the weatlhy parts like New York....oh and literally every american city is fucked except the suburbs, whites are pathetic just giving up premium land and running like rats...
its all so tiresome
eventually whites will have nowhere to run and since you don't have kids by 2100 the white population will be under 100 million in the usa with close to 400 million non whites
Wait until we have 200 million spics .
>New England area
2 years ago it was 0 years extended. Keep your eyes on the prize.
>Jews have it good in America anyways,why subvert your host nation? It doesn't even make sense.
Like I said, it's got to be a genetic impulse. Nothing else makes sense.
Give me a better explanation, dingus.
Unironically this. There's actually still more Eastern European ethnic groups in the US than any other group. They could be motivated to open immigration to EE, and some do. Unfortunately, I am not Eastern European, so I am no leader of that.
I'm German/Danish. And German ethnic groups in this country were forcibly broken up in WWI, and WWII buried the corpses 100 miles deep.
200 million nigga you gonna have like 300 million...whites are gonna get closer and closer to under 100 million and then shit is really get bad
With God in your life, you don't need big gov.