"white niggers"
Famed Skeptic and founder of the Liberalist movement calls alt-right a bunch of "niggers"
fuck this chubby e-celeb faggot
>in all fields
When did he lose it? He used to atleast try to pretend he understod memes and wasn't a total boomer.
Now he's gone full on normie.
>He was memeing when he said that
how do you do my fellow white niggers.
He probably was in a way but this is not the first time his normie boomer ways are showing lately.
It's so obvious that Richard Spencer broke this guy mentally when he told him that he thinks he's smarter than he actually is.
He's been invited to Warski over and over for a rematch and he keeps ducking him. LOL. Nigger had an identity crisis after that.
It's okay, he can say that because he's black :^) ha ha
Is Laurence Fishburne a white nigger?
At 1 minute
> Do you understand I'm a person? You understand I'm a person don't you?
Fuuuck off whiner. Jesus Christ.
And calling white people niggers too. Fantastic.
What a boring mother fucker. British people should just shut the fuck up at this point. Tired of their accent that fucking drips with sarcasm at all times. An inbred, snaggle toothed people.
I thought Sargon didn't recognize race, how does he know they're white? Or what a nigger is like? They're all individuals!
Cut out the part where he says niggers and make it look like he is a racist. Then get him banned from YouTube. That will redpill him.
don't be such a nigger, OP
Do it!
But we are :(
What's the best way? Tweeting it at youtube?
If he knows the alt-right got him banned it won't change his mind at all.
i almost feel bad for the guy
spencer killed him
alt right BTFO
But only YouTube has the power to ban speech on their platform. So really... Is it us?
He wasnt wrong. Alt right is as false as drumpf.
It'd be funny though. Youtube metapolitics means nothing at the end of the day
Imagine being so butthurt you start autistically screeching about youtube shitposts in the chat.
Imagine using this as an excuse to back out of scheduled debates against Anglin and Spencer.
I thought white people didnt exist?
Found shareblue.
What a fucking diva. "Can't be bothered with this, just can't!"
Didn't like him from the beginning, I was right about him.
TDS has a Spoopy Autiste segment where they lambaste Sargon
Then Sargon goes on to a stream, gets laughed at in the chat, and he has a little bitch fit
And his cultist fans still think hes not in a death spiral. lol
Holy fuck we trully broke him
Why don't you respect this man, Sup Forums?
Got a link to the full debate?
It’s time
Everyone flag him for offensive language/racism
anybody that has respect for a fat man is not to be trusted.
Because we're white niggers, niggers shows nobody no respect unless they're another nigger.
nice quads
Here we go, lads
then so is Sargon since he is disrespectful
>When did he lose it
"Sargon, you're not as smart as you think you are"
Calling us niggers could land him in jail in Sweden.
(((they))) always buy out all the ecelebs and make them gate keepers for juden. This includes peterstein
Not really. Its just that its all false. There is no going back. Modernity should die. West should die. Its the only way for you to survive as racial whites.
Can someone ask sargon what exactly a "white nigger" is and why it is bad?
Why is he using THEIR word as derogatory? I thought he was a civic-nationalist who was too smart to believe in things like race. Isn't he a self proclaimed high-horser?
Dang sargon that's shameful to discriminate against based black men, looks like he is off the horse and now rolling around in the mud.
I knew he was going to crack like every other e-celeb Sup Forums has rammed it's barbed dick into but damn, that was a meltdown.
It's almost exactly the same thing Michael Richards did and it ended his career.
> I can say the word niggers because I'm not alt right! you cant say niggers cause you actually hate niggers! I love niggers I prep mine every night so I get to say niggers! You fucking white niggers!
this guys impersonation was great kek
around 4-5 mins
Even though the guy is obviously wrong, I don't blame him for being upset, there really is no decorum. But that's what happens when you put yourself out there I guess
>Can someone ask sargon what exactly a "white nigger" is and why it is bad
>why is he using their word
you answered your own question monkey joe
yeah 5 mins is a good timestamp
wait... the nigga backed out?! Are you fucking kidding me?!
You know he is going to do a damage control video justifying this with some irrelevancy, something nigger-like some white nationalist did sometime
WOW what a shameful display of racism. VERY disappointing
kekistan shitposting memes bantz sargon loves that not against him tho
If you can't handle the banter...
Oh please, this is just "the jew cries out in pain as he strikes you" bullshit.
Sargon is mad that people are shitposting at him. Why are they shitposting? Because Sargon refuses to engage honestly. He cherrypicks random shitpost comments to make response videos against, while also ignoring actual intellectual critiques from guys like JF, Ryan Faulk, and plenty of others. And then he wonders why people meme harder at him and continue calling him out for being a coward unwilling to engage? And he proves them wrong by... using it as an excuse to duck out of the debates against Anglin and Spencer that he was signed up to do?
He's a massive piece of shit, and I have no problem with any of the shit he's been getting.
He's right. Just browse for more than 5 minutes and you'll notice that most people here are metal niggers.
sage request denied
Sargon is a WN but won't admit it. His video defending Jordan Peterson is loaded with talking points that would be at home in the alt right, if he says otherwise he's countersignaling
Hail Sargon, Hail our people, Hail victory!
Yup, listen to the clip. "I'm not going to debate your alt-right faggot, okay???!!" or whatever the exact quote was. Plus a few other quotes and clips from elsewhere along the same lines. He's been looking for ways to back out of his debates for weeks now. First he tried to just keep delaying and delaying until hopefully everyone would forget, then drop the matter quietly. But he's seen that we'll continue to call him out and meme him harder and harder, and that he won't be able to let this go quietly. So instead he tries another method of backing out.
Keep in mind that his first interaction with the "alt right" was on a MW stream about about 2 years ago IIRC in early 2016 where some guys like SeventhSon from TRS were in the hangout and BTFOing him. When he was getting BTFO'd his instinctual excuse was to look at the chat box and shame them for having chatbox shitposters with bad manners. And he used this as an excuse to ignore/dodge everything and scurry away.
this proves that once you're here, you're here forever, there's no escape.
Look at Sargon, he went to Sup Forums and no matter what he does, he is converted unconciously whether he likes it or not, now he even speaks like one of us even when he denies it on the outside.
I hope one day he will redeem himself and ask for our forgiveness
Sarg'n violating his own liberalist egalitarian principles in a live epic meltdown a few weeks after writing them on his website is fucking gold.
Will this revive calling each other Nigger constantly? I hope so.
>screeching about trolling in youtube comments
What Policy is he violating Nigger?
normalfags like sargoon need to stop thinking they can make deals with the devil and then outsmart us. They think they can mingle with us, shill their shit here, take and use our memes and language, and then be surprised when you now have Sup Forums in your base killing your dudes.
The NAP you white nigger.
>liberalist egalitarian principles
lmao, no. Sargon doesn't have any principles. Look at the liberalist website and the archives of it, and how they keep changing their founding principles. For a group that loves to talk about how important concrete principles, they sure change/drop them a lot.
Sup Forums remind me is this not the man that tweeted a shit ton of gay inter-racial porn as a joke?
why the fuck is he sperging about respect now
This is him
Free speach can't violate the NAP unless it's incitement to violence you Nigger
kek so he has moved from whites dont exist to whites are niggers. Wonder how long before he goes full 88.
Andduh shekel for the goy
That's "White" Nigger to you, Thank you very much.
Go to Jim's twitter
this. Been saying the same thing for a few years about him.
Who the Fuck is Jim? Can I get an @ please?
Niggers aren't people
White niggers are still niggers, nigger
the alt right are niggers, thankfully we arnt the alt right.
Sorry lad, no.
What the hell? I'm 100% Bavarian phenotype.
I pay my taxes even though it's theft.
He's right you know
holy fuck, this guys ego
How long until he issues an apology video and what mental gymnastics will his cult followers do to defend him?
>being this new
He calls people niggers and faggots all the time
Don’t make me btfo you again, sarcuck.
Does anyone have all the archives of the liberalists' principles webpage?
I swear to god it's changed like a dozen times or more, because they keep getting called out on how contradictory and brainlet-tier they are, and instead of admitting faults, they try to low-key edit them and pretend they were never different.
The original principles used to be retarded, but at least somewhat fleshed out in terms of the ideas they want. Now they're so barebones that they're just empty platitudes. Entire principles like meritocracy are inexplicably gone with no explanation. So much for having principles.
I honestly don't understand why Sup Forums hates sargon so much. It can't just be because he doesn't buy into race realism/ethnonationalism.
It's a combination of JF, MW and Richard Spencer schooling him and the audience laughing about it and calling him the soy step father.
Once he started to denie what white is it was done forever.
>I was going to debunk your claims but you guys are mean to me
alt-right = whites turned into jews
it's basically whites acting like zionists, instead of being human beings. A step in the wrong direction.