Daily Reminder rhat Sylvanas knew about the Wrathgate
Daily Reminder rhat Sylvanas knew about the Wrathgate
Why would she let it happen though? She didnt gain anything from it
>you will never conquer a world with waifu Sylvannas at your side and her army of the undead
she wiped out droves of alliance and horde while also getting rid of two unreliable lieutenants. Its a clear win
Daily reminder that world of gaycraft is gayer than shit and has nothing to do with politics.
Fuck yourself, go fuck yourself, fuck you fucking fuckhead piece of shit normie beta male cum slurping basement dweller I hope you fucking die
Arthas did nothing wrong.
Daily reminder that Blizzard has not made a good game since 2007.
all their games suck, no exceptions
its like the vegas attack
FBI was in on it, but the actors went rogue
Orcs are illegals ship em the fuck home
Blizzard used to be the God of gaming. Diablo Warcraft Starcraft. Fuck they've fallen.
when ur so hipster you cant even acknowledge that WoW is on its second wind and possibly modern peak and overwatch is more popular than call of duty.
rip diablo2 tho
Blizz makes some decent games but I was suspended for having a wow character by the name of " Engorged". 24 hour suspension plus forced name change, also have been silenced for stupid bullshit.
bur vol
> you will never be mind-controlled by Sylvannas
hold me, bois
Yeah and then the Horde and the Alliance stormed her city and killed every Forsaken scholar. Great plan. Then her city was occupied by the Kor'kron for the next like four years. "Clear win" he says.
>purging Stratholme what a monster never forget the 6 gorillion
Oh wait they actually were infected with the zombie plague.
>burned his ships so his troops couldn't go home how could he
Actually that makes fucking sense.
>he let Muradin die so he could have the power of Frostmourne how selfish
He volunteered to sell his own soul to the blade. He didn't know it would kill Muradin. He was being selfless, not selfish.
Overwatch is objectively terrible and the only "second wind" WoW is getting is Classic.
Daily reminder that one of Garrosh's crimes was forced pregnancy, likely of Sylvanas when he laid his eyes on that undead semen demon.
I miss WotLK. Easily the best expansion, hands down. Arthas was such a compelling villain. Everything else feels so.. contrived. Don't even get me started on the Kung Fu Panda bullshit
>Don't even get me started on the Kung Fu Panda bullshit
Mists of Pandaria is heralded as the best WoW expansion ever.
Overwatch is great. It just has some ENORMOUS flaws that make it unfun a lot of the time. People pick torb, widow and Hanzo on attack,hell even on defense they're mostly liability, drawn out stalemates, if a player is shit it drags the entire team down so much it's almost impossible to progress, etc
I love overwatch, it's just frustrating an unacceptable amount of the time you play it.
>man becomes undead, is a rotting carcass
>woman becomes undead, has gray skin
this is why we need to fight the matriarchy
wrong board.
elven magic
pvp was def the best in MoP but Wotlk shits over all other xps.
shyud i play werld of craft or old rune scape ???
It wasn't a bad expansion, it was just too goofy. Wow had a somewhat serious tone to it, which completely turned on its head with Mists. I couldn't take it seriously after cata, which wasn't goofy in the slightest.
The best thing it had going for it was the patch cycle which was by far a giant improvement on what blizz had thus far.
>Tfw jacking off to sylvanas' and alexstraszas model when I was a kid
Busted so hard
WoW has always been goofy. Look at some of the infamous vanilla quests. I think what you're getting at is that the humor in MoP was childish, which I agree with.
>Somewhat serious tone
That's what I said. Wow has always been goofy. Mists was cartoony, so when it came time to beat the serious threatening enemies, it clashed with the kiddy cartoon bullshit. I couldn't take it seriously when the pandas fought with us to take down a massive soul-crushing demon. It felt out of place.
WoW, definitely. It's much more fun
>Mists of Pandaria is heralded as the best WoW expansion ever.
It's considered the best expansion post cata, which says nothing because they're all dogshit.
MoP was the best expansion, looking back.
The old goofy humor meshed well with the serious side of wow. MoP humor felt out of place.
Same happened to me except my name was litlejimyjr. Was towards the end of burning crusade and I stopped playing WoW after that.
Wrath was good, though it could just be nostalgia.
Try to find a good vanilla WoW private server.
I disagree. It was a good balance between vanilla and new content. The cataclysm hadn't happened yet. A lot of the old content was still required. This was especially noticable leveling 1-80 and going through old zones. Everything since cata has been a complete departure from the old formula, and from certain people's perspective, that was a good thing.
I disagree that it was nostalgia****
Legion is straight garbage.
At least it's better than WoD.