What arguments against inter-mating do Sup Forums bring up foremost? I need them RIGHT now...
My naive ass brother is interested in this Hawaiian woman and I'm scared how she'd raise my nieces and nephews. Help me not sound racist BUT informative.
What arguments against inter-mating do Sup Forums bring up foremost? I need them RIGHT now...
My naive ass brother is interested in this Hawaiian woman and I'm scared how she'd raise my nieces and nephews. Help me not sound racist BUT informative.
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Fucks wrong with hawaiians?
let your brother fuck whomever he wants dude
>While a female was still an infant, mother’s breast milk was squirted into her vagina, and the labia were pressed together. The mons was rubbed with kukui (candlenut) oil and pressed with the palm of the hand to flatten it making it less prominent. The molding continued until the labia did not separate
>Suggs cited many cases of full heterosexual intercourse in public between adults and prepubertal individuals in Polynesia. The crews of the visiting ships showed no compunction against the activities. Cunnilingus with young females was recorded without accompanying remarks that this kind of behavior was unusual or disapproved of for the participants. Occasions were recorded of elders assisting youngsters in having sex with other elders. Among the Marquesas Islanders in particular, Suggs reported, extramarital relations were frequent and often involved older males with young virginal females and older females with young virginal males
>Suggs elaborated on the early sexual experiences of pubertal males with married females in their 30s and 40s in the Marquesas Islands, who “take special pains to be pleasing and patient with them, a source of enjoyment for many Marquesan women. Amongali‘i, an experienced chiefess, usually a blood “aunt,” instructed and trained the young males. Similarly, young females were trained by their “aunt,” by another experienced woman, or by a tutukane.The training concerned not only what to expect and what to do but also how to increase or maximize pleasure. A young male was taught “timing” and how to please a female in order to help her attain orgasm. A young female was taught how to touch and caress a male and move her body to please them both. She was taught how to constrict and rhythmically contract her vaginal muscles. One adult female told of being instructed on how to get her vagina to “wink”
>One adult female told of being instructed on how to get her vagina to “wink”
Your brother sounds retarded. Let him divorce himself from our superior genepool
Just look at all the hideous 56% mongrels running around. Only argument needed.
>I worry about other men's penises
Mixed race babies aren't as happy.
gib poo gf
assuming you are white, whites have premier genetics in the world, by common consent.
one reason the hawaiian girl likes your bro is because he's white. if he were any other race, it would be more difficult for him. a pure white will be accepted as a potential partner from any other race.
therefore: his offspring with her will have a more difficult time in life than he did. Furthermore, they will be racially self conscious from an early age.
if they are boys they will have to contend with the fact that they will never be as attractive as their father. if they are girls they will be sexually objectified from an early age as exotic. this is what leads to high rates of mental disturbance among mixed race.
TL;DR dont race mix because it's your responsibility as a parent to ensure every opportunity for your kids to exceed you. if you race mix you are knowingly taking advantage of your whiteness for pussy at the expense of your children.
Dunno man my brother was dating this asian but thankfully they broke up.
There is no tactful way to bring it up to a normie, let alone if they are in a relationship without serious conflict. All I could do was act cold to her and make my dislike known nonverbally. It was bad because she wasn't overtly a bad person but I didn't want hapa freak nephews and nieces. Nowadays he is with a nice white girl and they are probably going to get married to its all good. Thankfully our entire extended familly is white, last thing I think even my parents are lowkey against racemixing
>if you race mix you are knowingly taking advantage of your whiteness for pussy at the expense of your children.
This. its a real scummy thing to do
Keep your fucking hands off our woman you haole faggot. Saged
>i worry about what other people worry about
huh its not funny or relevant. off your game today Australia.
true. hawaiians are ugly. we dont need more.
arent you missing the point entirely my nigger?
Take advice from uncle Goebbels. You need time though. I've conditioned myself to subconsciously drop subtle slip-ins and constantly repeat the same redpilled thing, even as a joke. Sometimes I don't even notice it myself, let alone the normies.
That's a description of what it was before white intervention. It's not prevalent nowadays, is it? Anyway, this doesn't sound so bad for a bunch of non-whites. It's certainly more interesting than repulsive. Compared to aboriginal sexual customs I'd say they handled this pretty well. I imagine whites would develop similar habits if promiscuity wasn't frowned upon in our culture.
Fucking disgusting
Got Brazilian gf of German and Portuguese heritage.
I’m Aussie and she is whiter than me.
Any cause for concern here?
cosmopolitan as fuck.
Thats putting it lightly
>I think revealing that it would even occur to me to express an opinion from this school of thought is anything more than an embarrassing reflection of my status as a brainlet shabbos goy
Get genetic testing maybe they're not that far apart, fucking island niggers