Did he try to warn us?
Did he try to warn us?
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yes eyes wide shut last movie before he died filled with occult imagery and secret society with loads of cut content
No. He was just a crazy Jew. Nothing to see here.
He filmed the fake moon landing.
He bought lenses from nasa because they were the only people making the lenses he needed so you know he had nasa connections.
Its funny how Savage had an episode of myth busters shilling the moon landing.
yeah, got killed for it. he was practicing reverse mk on us long before they killed him too. he was damn good at it. as soon as that last film went out for private viewing, RIP. remember that news anchor that asked dick cheney the wrong question. seems they always get heart attacks, classic glownigger move.
Well Trump did throw a lot of parties with underage models. Some attended by the Clinton’s... oh, but he’s a sacred cow. Never mind.
Damn those digits...
No, he tried to prepare us.
D.W. Griffith > Kubrick
Griffith is the only one to TRULY have probed man's folly in the conquest of truth. In his works, he imparts the futility of man's virtue, the hypocrisy of mankind.
If you don't believe, just look at the parallels between Birth of a Nation, and the Obama administration.
I think he is changed though. Maybe just an act though.
No, he was a neurotic jew
kekd i know man, im in the other thread too. thats me spoon feeding up above.
There is no strong political position such as John Ford’s pro-New Deal stance in The Grapes of Wrath (1940) or King Vidor’s socialist vision in Our Daily Bread (1934). Even in The Birth of a Nation (1915), the South’s conqueror, Abraham Lincoln, is portrayed sympathetically as The Great Heart, while his greatest achievement – the emancipation of the slaves – is shown sowing hatred and devastation. When Griffith takes a political position, as in Intolerance (1916), it is usually directed against busybody reformers who create more problems than they solve.
While no straightforward, consistent political stance is in evidence in the Griffith oeuvre, there is a theme that runs through his major works. That theme is Family. Family threatened, family torn apart, family reunited, family destroyed, family created. One can only guess at the motivations for this obsession with Family from a man whose father died when he was ten, and who was never able to create a strong family relationship in his real life. But there is no mistaking his affinity for this theme, which occurs time and again. The most poignant, touching scenes in Griffith’s films usually revolve around a family separation or a family reunited.
Changed? No. He’s still Trump. It’s like saying "Clinton used to cheat on his wife, but he’s changed". At least Bill prefers them of age.
If even Trump is compromised then we never stood a chance at all. May as well see how it pans out then.
Gonna need a sauce on that. Sounds a lot like that fake "Justin Beiber says pedophiles run the music industry" article that was going around awhile back.
If it's neonnettle.com or rense.com, don't bother though lol.
he was one of them
He died shortly before that movie was released
*Trump administration.
Nice try goyim.
He made a movie after birth of a Nation about a Chinese man moving to London to teach the barbarians about Buddha. I don't want to spoil the movie, but Griffith definitely sucks colored dicks
The problem isn't that no one knows about the pedophile elite. The problem is that they don't know how to stop it.
You can only stop a secret society with another secret society.
>t. nonreceptive brainlet
Broken Blossoms isn't a libshit endorsement. To think so is just as foolish as believing Birth is a straight up propaganda flick.
Kubrick was right.
we DEFINITELY landed on the moon, dude. we sent up a dozen apollo missions. we took samples, drove around the rover, played golf etc
is it possible some apollo 11 footage was faked in order to sell that we had won the space race? possibly. but still you have to be a total idiot to think we never ever landed.
This image has been in my head for weeks.
The irony is by using and commenting on the past, Griffith predicted the future over a 100 years later. This is the type of irony that Kubrick wanted but could never achieve. TRUE subtlety. TRUE offscreen irony.
made by nasa? i dont think so, that lens is a german zeiss "planar" and its not a mystery is a very low aperture index or F number that allows the most light trough the lens because the "iris" its wide open this can be done with any lens but you will encounter many optical aberrations, the planar is a high quality lens that reduces the aberrations to a minimum at full aperture.
I'm a zeiss fan so I should know about the movie that made famous the planar.
Now THATS some creepy digitsy dudes
This type of shit makes me rock hard!
No, you all got Jew'd.
Such is the fate of every human.
Her Father,Dr. Kidman was a pedophile and Kubrick was aware of this. She probably was too.
Could be a meteorite. That shit happens.
there's no way they faked the rover footage driving on the moon. it goes on and on driving over landscape and the mountains in the background barely change.
Tat channel is such bullshit. Now that I look at it. m.youtube.com
The YouTube equivalent of ancient aliens
You got me.
It's fucking shit and yeah it's like Ancient Aliens on YT but without the meme-tier presenters.
The timeline of recorded history is constantly changing and that sense of curiosity hasn't been seen in almost a century (at least involving history).
This is how gullible the majority of Drumpf's followers are, despite his cabinet being flooded with (((them))). SAD!
>Gonna need a sauce on that.
I've investigated. Probably bullshit. I'm deleting the file from my computer. Disinfo fags should be shot on sight. Nothing upsets me more.
This appears to be the actual primary source. I'm emailing the writer anyways to ask him where he got his sources. Fucking treacherous cunt.
what the fuck are fraternities doing on the list?
How exactly did he warn us?
Nigga do you have eyeballs and earz? like nigga open your eyes!
>At least Bill prefers them of age.
Just pass the knowledge
Literally /ourjew/
Eyes wide shut exposes the jew
The shining is filled with clues to show us he was contracted to fake the moon landing. His next flick was too red pilled and they killed him for it
You’re joking? risenews.net
Frats are all about social engineering. If you get into the right one the support system can take you all the way to the top. That’s why we let them get away with so much shit. Imagine if a group of kids not in a frat decided to throw a just off campus drunken sex party and advertised it on campus. Underage drinking, illegal drug use, music turned up to 11 at 1 am. They’d be kicked out and probably arrested.
Twin Towers get murdered
You’re an idiot. Eyes wide shut wasn’t specifically about Jews. It was about secret societies. Skull and Bones let woman in before they did Jews.
Is water wet?
remember when that european royal family got their 'moon rock' gift from NASA tested and it was just petrified wood? Yeah that was funny
Yes. He warned us of white people frailty.
fun fact: im full of shit and i've never seen that movie
holy kek kubrick really was killed by the satanic illuminati elite
rip in peace based jew
kek fraternities are just another name for secret societys
You should have pledged.
>forgot to include yournewswire in my list of literal, actual fake news sites
Damn it, I should know better. Thanks, user.
1) your claim is uncited
2) even if what you said is true it doesn't discredit the apollo missions
there are things at work you wont understand for a while yet. we learned their science a while ago. takes time, but all will become apparent if you keep at it. most of what you have heard on this board is real. we have to work in doses or rejection becomes an issue, like building an immunity. phase 1 of the redpill is one phase.
Her father was also an mk ultra doctor. Tjeres a good gnostic media epidsode on it with an aussie girst. Heres the newest episode about the worlds largest empire youve never heard of. Tartary. This needs to get shilled jard on this board. For some reason i cant make threads with my phone. Im getn a laptop soon.youtu.be
>'moon rock' gift from NASA
That's literally what I looked up. It took two seconds. Two. Lazy ass niggas
Sorry for the typos
mein gott
Yes, and (((they)) killed him because he did.
this and bump