Hello /pol. Today I’m going to bring you one of mankind’s worst, this man openly kills and tortures dogs on his Instagram account. He does things like grabbing their tails and swinging them around on it, hanging and then beating them, holding them over a fire, etc. This post will probably get taken down for not being on topic but I’m gonna call a raid on this man. His Instagram tag is @skhwt09334621437. If it helps sway the masses I will tell you that he is a sand nigger, and should be treated as such.
A Call To Arms
Other urls found in this thread:
yea i'll get right on that
what country is he in?
just report him to the proper authorities
somewhere in Iran
then what the fuck do you want us to do about it?
Publish this on leddit and this guy will be fucked.
It's only a matter of time until some one post the story in media and even the iranian governments for about this shit.
A direct raid will only help him close the account before being identified.
bomb em
Bump for justice.
Don't report him. God gave man authority over the animals. He may do as he pleases.
We need to save up for a lightly used orbital canon.
Have the ruskies bomb them from orbit?
Nope. try again faggot.
This is a serious matter you piece of scat. Fuck off
Go suck a Dog's dick then,gook.
You have to go back nigger.
>t. John McCain
the sand people are right about dogs
>year of the dog
>use dog propaganda to get normies to hate muslims
>it works
You are angry because you know it to be true.
He's not a man, he's a nigger
Jesus fuck, you balls-less invertebrate cunt. Do you really care for a dogs life over that of a Human? There's a thousand pedophiles on Instagram, yet you single out a measly Arab who hurts "muh poor doggos". Absolutely spineless.
>but he's a shitskin nigger!1!!
Could care less; there's shitskin rapists and pedos on instagram that deserve more reports and hatred than this beta male
Grow a pair; you only "care" about these dogs because of "muh (irrational) feels". Once he's reported and removed, he'll only continue what he's doing, you know that.
Also is right.
God gave man dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over the cattle, and over all the earth, and over every creeping thing that creepeth upon the earth.
He can do whatever the hell he want's; It's only "immoral" if he directs his torture on his fellow Man.
> t. nigger
fucking muslim
Post this in reddit, twitter or other things, here it's useless it's full of nigger
Who the fuck cares about some random street dogs?
If anything, the man is doing a service to the community by getting rid of stray dogs, no one likes to live in a place where there's a bunch of dogs ripping apart your trash and pissing/shitting on your property.
GTFO back to Sup Forums normalfaggot memer
Russia is allied with them lol
Whiter than you, Mestizo
>not an argument
The pic that shows the truck on animals was a accident video, cant remember if they where sheep or goats or what, but there was a wreck they fell out and got ran over if i remember correctly.
that video is nuts
serious question though, it looks like this guys posts have him reply to his own posts, not writing a comment inline, what does his comments say? there's only a few abuse videos and they're all really low quality, almost like reposts
Acting like a nigger and killing and torturing animals bcz they are weaker and shiet is nigger tier behavior.
Those shitskins can rape your daughter and mother for all i care
Maybe if we kill a dog he will stop
Pedophiles don't post about it, retard. Obviously pedo's take priority.
However, I care more about the dog than the people torturing them. If I caught a fully grown man torturing a dog and I knew nobody would witness my actions, I'd more than likely put a bullet in their head.
The video of the guy burning the dog alive appears to be asian/chinese.
Id say they are reposts, idk what it says, but it kinda looks like a clever troll account, a guy rasing dogs and pups, with some reposts strategically placed to make it look like its him.
also i love how everyone is calling for Peta, like they have any influence in Iran lol
>Killing and torturing animals is nigger-tier behavior, yet, it is less important than the raping of my hypothetical daughter and mother, which is not nigger tier behavior
Care to explain your irrationality here?
How does the life of a dog, who lacks free-will and a sense of self, matter more than the life of a Human, who is self-aware and is capable of making decisions on their own conscious accord?
If anything, the dog matters less in any case compared to a Human. Not to mention that this Arab is living in a third-world area; stray dogs are probably a common occurrence in his area, and only cause strain on the community. Therefore, their disposal is justified, and Hell, why not have fun with it too? After all, the dog is not conscious and responds to stimuli like a robot. Compared to the raping of a human, the dog doesn't compare in the slightest; Arab-bro is just doing his societal duty.
Honestly senpai i think the guy is a dog lover raising and possibly selling pups, showing their parents ect, possibly he is posting the abuse and accident videos saying look how terrible this is. I know a horse trainer that does this, she posts her horses then vids of horses starving and dying, saying look how awful.
Yes we care a hell of a lot more about dogs than spics, niggers and gooks
Im all for killing stray dogs myself, im pretty sure in Iran quality veterinarians are not as common. Alot of stray/wild dogs.
I hate stray dogs, i live on many acres of land and they kill the willdlife and run it off, i have attempted to shoot the dogs, but the ran away never to see them again. Im ok with coyotes, they stay away, but dogs come right up to the house and have killed my ducks. If i see one come up i will kill it, i pen up all my dogs. Also cats i do have cats, but i try and keep them in and only let them out once a day for a couple hours. So they dont go roaming and killing wildlife. One day i noticed a few dead mice, which is good, but upon further inspection i have found dead birds, baby rabbits and shrew.
Although man does have Dominion, man must respect little doggies cause they use to bark late at night and warn us of predators. Especially niggers, they bark like crazy at them. Saved our asses more than once. Deserves respect.
>pedos don't post their sick shit on social media
This is what nu/pol/ unironically believes, there's plenty of low IQ pedos to go around who do this stuff on Facebook, that's why there's police monitoring Facebook in pretty much every country, you faggot.
Stop being an edgelord, it's just street dogs, it's called thinning the herd even the Hicks in your country kill animals just to get rid of them, the only difference is that you're butthurt because the guy enjoyed it, and you've lost your womanly composture over it.
You're daughter and mother are weaker than the (male)pedophiles you are talking about, and the male(you) aren't stronger/smarter enough to protect them, thus by your natural selection logic they deserve it.
>muh human life
Are you an humanist cuck ? Do you think everyone is equal ? Every race ? Pro immigration and shit ?
Now i understand ahmed, trying to justify the behavior of your sand-nigger buddy
>I'm a nigger
Fuck you. A dog is more worth than a human. I trust my dog more than every other human being
Sup Forums is not Sup Forums you colossal faggot and also I'm pretty sure that Sup Forums would like to fuck over a fucking shitskin nigger who is torturing dogs
I don't like saying "this", but this.
Seriousy faggots look here
He also likes cute dog pics, i dont think he is the guy torturing animals, infact i think he is a animal lover reposting those vids and probably saying look how bad this is.
You're just saying shit just to say shit at this point, as I haven't even mentioned anything about natural selection. The dog, compared to the human, isn't weaker and more meaningless because of evolution. It is just the fact of reality that humans are larger than dogs, and thus, are inherently stronger and more significant than them regardless of any evolutionary endeavor. Not even going to entertain that argument, as it's based on the most ridiculous hypotheticals and assumptions that i'm sure you're shitposting me right now. The mom, who isn't a child, has no connection to the pedophile, and you assumed, without evidence, that I'm too weak to defend my daughter (whom you assumed to be weak) from pedophiles (whom you also assumed to be strong). Ridiculous. "Based on my hypothetical argument, with no ties to reality. you're wrong" Lmao.
>ur a Humanism durr durrr
Ethno-nationalist, Why should a dog matter more than my Anglo-Americans? They shouldn't; and this is just basic common sense. The dog is not capable of any benefit to the progress of society and it's well being (outside of contributing to the well being of the individual and the family), where as a human does have that capability. I'd save a drowning Anglo before a dog in the same situation.
>muh eternal Arab
Take off the meme-flag, Jose, you neanderthal spic.
>spic proudly displays the wide gap between himself and functional human beings
There's a proper way to euthanize an animal. Lighting them on fire and hanging them are not even close to being acceptable. Taking delight in the physical pain and suffering of an animal that did absolutely nothing to warrant the abuse is the clearest indicator that you're a subhuman that is incompatible with civil society.
My friend was pushing for this on my instagram. Already done!
Fuck this sand nigger.
Sup Forums....mobilize
There are a million shitskins doing the same exact thing right now. The problem won't be solved until we have global white supremacy and humanely exterminate all brown people.
Good, dogs are worse than niggers
Post on leddit hat iranian government is torturing dog for the lulz.
In a few hours the news will spread everywere and iran will find this faggot to clean it´s image , and let him get raped in prison.
He lives in iran go away fag
I think he wants us to harass him, stalk and humiliate him. More fitting for Sup Forums, but I’m sure many of the oldfags here were/are Sup Forumstards
Animals are our property, therefore, any man should be able to do as he wishes with his property, dogs are not humans with personhood, and anything beyond this idea is mere feefees driven logic on your part.
I don't support animal abuse, and I think that people who do it are disgusting people, I certainly wouldn't want to have neighbors who abuse animals.
However, from a rational point of view, this shouldn't be a crime because they are property, you can kill a chicken or a pig in any way you want and eat it, but you can't sex them, or do the same to a dog? I don't support any of it, these feefee laws simply don't make sense.
The value of a ma, even if he does this kind of stuff is greater, compared to a dog, it costs quite a lot to develop a an adult to a baby in public spending, and they have the potential to add to society economically, which improves things for everyone, including people who need psychological help because they abuse animals.
A dog is just a trained pet that adds no value other than feefees shit and emotional kikery like the one you are displaying now.
Didn't proof read any of this shit, I meant to say it costs quite a lot to develop a baby into a grown adult.
bump bcuz iz sand nigger
>Do you really care for a dogs life over that of a Human
Link please for lazy CIA nigger.
Glad you posted the perfect image for a Mexican "intellectual." You don't seem to understand the difference between morality and the law. Probably the same reason why Mexican civilization has never ascended past savagery.
And no, you can't torture your cows before you eat them. You can give them shitty, small pens, but there are strict laws regarding how they can be killed. Of course, even if a law didn't exist, I'd still be all for an animal torturer getting put down.
>imma kill this guy who could be adding to society because muh feefees told me it wuz da right thing to do
Some enlightened society you got there, ultrafaggot
So it turns out you don't believe the owner of property can do whatever he chooses to do with any of his possessions?
>muh """"morality"""" extends to animals
>muh """"moralty""""" defines (irrationally, I guarantee) animal torture and muh """""morality""""" gives me the right to kill supposed animal torturers
a shiggy diggy do
The only kikery is basing your morality off of the letter of the law. That's literally the most kike way you can think.
>Sup Forums is not Sup Forums
keep telling yourself that
I believe that only inanimate things can fit the strict definition of being property. Living creatures can be owned, but they're not under the same umbrella as a pile of rocks or a gold coin. If they have any substantial capacity to suffer, then there is an obligation to minimize their suffering in extracting whatever resource you need from them.
kys you soulless piece of shit - I'll take the life of one dog over any number of cunts like you.
If I had the resources I would just tack and kill. Posting feefees on (((instagram))) will do nothing.
And women were given dominance over men
I never said it gave me the right to, just that I'd feel no remorse in doing so. The same way that a father would feel no remorse in bludgeoning their daughter's rapist to death, even if he made it a step off of their property.
And yes, my morality extends to animals. My dog is worth more to me than you are. If I were a switch operator and had to choose between my dog and you, I'd choose my dog. If I were a switch operator and had to choose between someone who tortures dogs and any random dog, I'd choose the dog. If I had to choose between a random person and a random dog, I'd choose the person.
If living things aren't property then you don't have any moral or legal justification to take their life or the resources they produce, if something doesn't have personhood, it is property, there's no magical limbo between those two definitions unless we're playing the feefees game.
>autistic animefag suffering from an unhealthy obsession with animals
It's too bad that you never connected with people and had to turn to animals, anons, turns out people are pretty damn awesome and kind.
degenerate subhuman Mexican doesn't comprehend basic compassion and empathy for living creatures and how that
extends to the way they treat - and allow themselves to be treated in turn by others. Answers the question why Mexico
is such a festering shithole.
>To treat Humans best, you must be empathetic towards dogs first.
Fucking mental gymnastics; do you believe a word you're saying? How does the way you treat an animal have any correlation to the way you treat someone else? Humans and animals are very different; Humans have free will and a conscious and animals do not (don't give me the scientific statement that "hu-humans are animals!1!!" because that's a non argument here). To say that someone must be sympathetic and forever-loving towards animals in order to love their fellow man is absolute lunacy. You can hate dogs and neglect them, abuse them, and kill them, while also treating humans fairly. This is possible, because animals and humans are entirely different things.
I think your feefees are getting the best of you, animefags, I have compassion, as in, I do not condone animal abuse nor would I do anything to harm animals, I simply think there's no rational cause to limit people from making use of their property as they see fit.
I can tell you are not well adjusted people in terms of human connections because you value the life of animals more than people, it is not unnatural or something shameful to have a preference for your own species, in fact what you're doing is very unnatural.
Here's the acc name Sup Forums
We can find him. Obviously an arab, my bet is on Iraq. Typical fucking arabs. Hate em all.
He shouldn't be too hard to find.
Jesus christ, look retard, I'm saying that having empathy for living creatures extends to the way you treat
people. You really think one of these subhumans that torture animals for fun give a fuck about human
life? If you hunt animals for sport or food you kill them quickly - only a degenerate piece of shit would draw
it out for their own entertainment. It's well established that serial killers and psychopaths start out torturing
Sigh, I see your ethnicity is getting the better of you. I don't value the lives of animals more than people - just
people like you.
He is raising awareness against animal abuse. read the comments you brainlets
Nice Molymeme morality. Just because you have the right to kill something doesn't mean you have the right to torture it. It isn't an all-or-nothing thing. The point is that you can literally do whatever you want with an inanimate object and still be in the moral right. However, there are restrictions on just ways to treat living things that you own. Even the kikes in the Bible had rules for how to treat their slaves.
It isn't wrong to kill animals. There are a lot of good reasons to. Overpopulation, invasiveness, food, etc. The only time is becomes a moral issue is when the animal's suffering is purposefully prolonged. The animal never becomes more valuable than people in general, it's just that someone who tortures animals outs themselves as a completely dysfunctional sociopath and loses all value as a human.
For the second part,
I've found that people who are incapable of making deep connections to others often fail to bond with animals. The reason is pretty simple: they have sociopathic tendencies. The only meaning they've ever attributed to their interpersonal interactions is the hit of dopamine that follows getting their dick wet, getting trashed at a bar, or doing a line at a club. Being attached to dogs is unarguably tied to a well-functioning psyche. After all, we would have never bred dogs into their modern form if we only cared about their utility.
>favoring a dog over a sociopathic animal torturer is the same as favoring dogs over people
Lol. How's that sub-90 IQ treating you?
Did my research here.
Turns out it’s not him in the videos
He posts many pictures of himself befriending and petting the dogs so I became suspicious. It turns out he is a shelter owner in Iran. He posts the videos to raise awareness for these atrocities. The anger you feel when you see his account is what he wants. If e was serious his account would have been down months ago...
He is not the one torturing the dogs. He posts videos of other people in Iran abusing animals in hopes of the public identifying them.
>Do you really care for a dogs life over that of a Human?
I would save one dog over all the niggers, chinks, and sandniggers in the entire world that have ever lived or ever will live.
>Sucks dog dick
It's okay cause God gave me authority
MS13 will do these things to you very soon white pigs
Invade iran you pussies!
Rofl, get rekt shit dogs
Well the Russians do sorta owe use one or two from all of those isis finds
did u post this on >iwcdw ?
fucking meme flags ruined it
nvm its perfect
>arabic writing
>living in iran
Amerishart logic
>sand nigger
>arabic writing
>report him to the proper authorities
>proper authorities
PETA devision in Bumfuckistan is standing by
I just sent 10 pizzas to his house swat team incoming
1. /Pol is not your personal army
2. this is clearly a shill distraction from relevant happenings elsewhere on pol
Even if true, this wouldn't be anywhere close to the first inhumane anything constantly going on in shithole countries.
>Could care less
***Couldn't*** care less you stupid uneducated nigger
I am not trying to discourage you here or wreck your thread, this guy you've brought to our attention is a monster. Seriously, m8, you want to post this shit on Sup Forums, they will go berserk. Sup Forums loves the doggos. Despite Sup Forums mostly being porn and trap threads these days, it WILL wake from their complacency and provoke the backlash you desire. See if I'm wrong, it can't do any harm to try.