This is a nigger thread
post like you're a nigger
> niggerposting only!
This is a nigger thread
post like you're a nigger
> niggerposting only!
oyy Romunz and sheeeeeeeit
ayo whassup my nigga
yu see that whitey girls phat ass (peach emoji x5)
tyrone g how bout we find out wher that shawty lives nigga foo (gun emoji tongue emoji)
I dindu nothin
apart from be a priest in Iron age brittain of course!!!
Yo actually white gurrl we've I'vee been around here a looooooooooooooooong dick ass sheit tiem, look at yo BBC
after look at my BBC lolz
dis sheeeeeiiit
muh dick
da no we wuz kangz n sheeeiiiit
"cutest monkey in the jungle" muh dick
> On British TV, talking about letting "syrian"
"refugees" with the fat shill that has a famous brother and is some lord or something that's supposed to be one of us
> it was actually some other nignog but can't remember his name
"You see for me being British is about being multicultural, and being (legs wide) open for other people from other races and other cultures" the cunt has the gall to say it Imperatively and aggressively, and is being helped by a Jewess that looks like a grumplin
Wuz google tho