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dope ass nord-pepes . . .but in joke related comments: why does a swede take the door off of a bathroom before using it?

so no one looks through the keyhole!
lofl myself thats a real norge joke about svedes


Show flag.




Why don't you Swedes show some fucking self respect

Because 95% of our countrymen don't. I just want to see the world burn at this point.

It already is. Soon you'll have a hand grenade thrown into your window.

Det känns som man lever i en psykos, vad fan är det som händer.


Det som gör mig mest galen är att tänka på de stackars barn som tvingas gå i multikulturella skolor och blir mobbade/slagna/sexuellt trakasserade/våldtagna bara för att de är svenskar. Måste vara en mardröm. Det var jobbigt redan på min tid, men nu är saker tio gånger värre än vad de var då.

Ja tänkte precis på det också. Jag menar om dem bråkar med en barn babbe hamnar man väl inte hos samtal med fröken, mer troligt att man hamnar på sjukhus efter knivhugg.
Blir så jävla förbannad.

Precis... fem vänner/bekanta har för övrigt blivit brutalt våldtagna av dessa grottmänniskor.







whops wrong one lmao





rip pewdiepies cousin... get ripped and angry bro




swedes are fucking pathetic












Source? This doesn't sound real



Sauce on that one?


I feel bad for Sweden, I feel like a lot of the normal people got fucked by the crazy politicians and liberals. As if being raped and murdered out of existence is not hate enough for a once proud country and people.

#Sweden dindo nuffin

What book is this, looking for something new.

Finland and Sweden is not white.
America is the only white country.

Per capita Sweden eclipses Britannia, France and Germany. Only Belgium and Netherelands can compete.

What is the purpose of threads like this? To make more self hating Swedes like OP? To bring attention to existing problems? For mutts to feel better about how shit their country is by ragging on others?

Source is Charels Murray same guy that wrote the bell curve


Swedish people are fucking dumb lol

t. 60 IQ mutt

Go back to Sweden you blonde haired twink boi fucktard


Every fucking time.

There is absolutely nothing wrong with being Swedish. Threads like this are only valuable if they actually hope to change any problems mentioned. Only on Sup Forums will you find people who put being white as the pinnacle of excellence. While also shitting on white nations like Sweden, you love whites, but you hate yourself for not being white. So you try to shit all over them, it's pathetic.