IG poised to reignite war over FBI’s Clinton case


Few people have heard of Michael Horowitz, but that’s about to change.
Horowitz, the Department of Justice (DOJ) inspector general, is an increasingly critical player in the controversy surrounding the FBI, President Trump and the Russia investigation.
With little fanfare, he has been conducting a sprawling probe of the FBI’s handling of the 2016 investigation into Hillary Clinton’s use of a private email server. His full report, which could set off shockwaves, is expected by the early spring.
Horowitz also uncovered a series of text messages between FBI officials Peter Strzok and Lisa Page that led special counsel Robert Mueller to remove Strzok from his team. Those texts have fueled accusations among GOP lawmakers that Mueller’s probe is tainted by partisanship.
But Horowitz’s reputation will be put to the test when he releases the findings of the Clinton investigation. No matter what he concludes, it’s likely to create a political firestorm, coming at a time when both Republicans and the White House are charging that political bias is rampant at the Justice Department and at the FBI.
The inspector general is examining whether then-FBI Director James Comey broke FBI procedure with his public disclosures about the Clinton case, including the letter that he sent to Congress a few weeks before the election. Before Trump fired Comey, Democrats were outspoken in their criticism of those decisions, saying they violated procedure and cost Clinton the election.
But Horowitz is also looking into allegations that McCabe should have been recused from the investigation. Republicans, including Trump, have seized on reports that McCabe’s wife accepted campaign contributions from Clinton ally and former Virginia Gov. Terry McAuliffe when she ran for state office in Virginia, calling it a clear conflict of interest.
Finally, Horowitz is also looking into unauthorized disclosures of information.

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Fuck it let's do it.

please don't spread this larping faggot

Fuck off JIDF. I don't listen to faggots like you.

Bump. MAGA


ShitLords, Guilows, Goyiumz, and Geigin!!!
Aka MelzBoys

Memo saga wrapup, Carter Page evade Lord Rothschild once again


Democratic coup news and train crashes with ANOTHER TODAY

The fake AI and bot controlled Stock market!

High treason in America rewarded with getting to keep your job

Federal Reserve news and the new Goy Head of it

And much much more!!!! Special guest Alex jones memes!!!




is this the part where imran and dws go down, too?
so many bad actors

If the DNC is connected, DWS is a sinking ship

PDanon archive

Just when you thought you were keeping straight all the previously obscure government lawyers who might decide the fate of the republic, here comes Michael Horowitz, the inspector general for the Department of Justice. Republican Congressman Devin Nunes has dominated headlines for weeks with his controversial memo. But there is greater significance—and uncertainty—attached to Horowitz’s examination of the F.B.I.’s pivotal role during the 2016 presidential campaign. “His report will be more credible than the Nunes memo,” says Benjamin Wittes, the co-founder of the blog Lawfare.

The fate of the Jews will be decided by this Jew.
Live to Jew another day or stab the goyim while their watching you and missing Hitler.

Why wouldn’t IG Horowitz dig into all things relating to the Obama/Clinton era. He finally gets an opportunity under Trump’s admin to do what Obama and Eric Holder blocked him from doing In 2015...his fucking job.

Have a bump OP

The shitty thing is he exonerated Holder in Fast and Furious too, but from all these reports suggesting his report holds the most wait, I'm interested in seeing it

Bump. We need something different this time. Last time we were able to get a lot of liberals tweeting to #releasethememo before the democrats and the media caught up with us. They won't fall for the same trick. We have to make them think they want to see the IG report. Make them think something THEY want to hear is hiding in the report.

He went soft on holder for fast and furious though

Howowitz was complaining to Congress back in 2015 that the Obama justice department wasn’t letting him do his job. This jew boy is about to get his revenge while serving at the pleasure of a MAGA president who fucking lives revenge in every fabric of her being.

It took a billionaire goy with the most powerful military at his disposal to hold these kike’s leashes.

These are strange days we have

You have to get out.

>the campaign must encourage the opposition to want to see the IG Howowitz memo.
How do?

Obviously the IG report uncovered evidence of russian bots pumping the #releasethememo campaign.

The inspector general's report backs up the Schiff Memo that proves Russian Collusion between the Trump Campaign and Russia

Someone should send an email to a lower level reporter at Mother Jones/Vox/Buzzfeed/Slate type places. Pose as an assistant or something to the IG with insider information... Be vague on purpose and push them in the direction of one of these ideas. They will post their bombshell and it will circulate around twitter w shareblue never trump types. Then story can be promoted w a trendy hashtag.

Drumpf is finished

yes, more like this!

The Republicans say they want transparency? Make them out their money where their mouth is


I like this one


Cadet Bone Spurs can't hide from the OIG!
Release the report!

Since at least July 2016, the upper echelon of the FBI and the Department of Justice began a stealth operation—with the complicity if not instigation of President Obama—to taint and destroy Candidate Trump with a concocted “Russia collusion” narrative.
Michael Horowitz, the Inspector General of the Department of Justice, has been running a little-watched parallel investigation that is already producing results—when he is not manipulated or overborn by Robert Mueller.
His name is not familiar to most Americans, but Mr. Horowitz has played an important role since President Obama named him Inspector General (IG) for the Department of Justice in 2012.
Congress mandated the position of IG for every major federal agency. The 72 IGs work on behalf of the taxpayers as independent watchdogs over their respective agencies.
If you think the IG position is not important, remember this: Remarkably, President Obama did not appoint a permanent one for the State Department during Mrs. Clinton’s entire tenure. When John Kerry took over as Secretary of State, the newly appointed IG found and disclosed that Mrs. Clinton used an illegal secret server, and they immediately identified classified material in the first random sample of only 40 documents.
Mr. Horowitz already deserves kudos for trying to do his job at the Justice Department and obtain information from the administration that appointed him. Eric Holder and Loretta Lynch stymied his efforts at every turn. Their defiance of his Congressionally-mandated duties was so egregious he and 46 other IGs wrote a letter to Congress complaining of the Obama administration’s obstruction.

Pornstar Pumping Pompous Ass Caught Pissing on Prostitutes

No? Ok maybe too blatant

Trump's Hiding Something


Too convoluted.

too many wooooorrrrddds

Oh shit, it is.


politico has that high gravitas photo angle going on:

>too many words
That’s why I’m saving it. This type of maymay work on certain demographics if for not planting the seed in their jargon parroting liberal arts degree having assess.


Man, I fucked this all up.

It's good to have options.
Wish I had skills, would do a blues brothers--mission from god, #Horowitz.
criterion collection minimalist aesthetic to get them asking questions.
>boomers and blues brothers, no one gets it

you're doing better than I am, fuck me - don't stop shit!



Easy. Just Meme that Horowitz report will completely exonerate the FBI and DOJ and IG has corroborated Pee Pee story with image evidence. Boom. You're welcome.

These are good


Just tie Mueller and Horowitz together like they're a dream team built specifically to end trump.
The left will fill in the blanks.


Umm. Anyone else read this?


i like this because it feels homemade, no offense.
will shut the fuck up now


MUH SOROS. Kys faggot



>Obama appointed him, now it's time to find out what he has to say.
Michael "leave the Dems in fits" Horowitz
Michael "transparency blitz" Horowitz

You know the more people accuse of larping the weaker the argument becomes

Jew spotted.

if the IG report is released, and average people see it, they will see the damage that the Democrat party has done and continues to do to erode Civil Rights in a bid to foment a Civil War based along racial lines. The core of the Democrat party is pushing hard toward one-world government control and they're desperate

WH user predicted this

i wouldn't go overboard on the "Horowitz will take down Trump", instead focus on how he was appointed by Obama (therefore impartial) and keep the main message about justice, transparency, and FBI/DOJ corruption at top levels

Unrelated, but Congress is about to vote on a law that would undo a Reagan-era law that restricted big media companies to owning only a limited scope and number of local television stations.

If the law is changed, the control of big media companies, and their monolithic voice, will increase yet further to encompass these still relatively independent television stations.

I heard this on the radio tonight. The guy - a relation of Reagan's - said contact your Congressman, and tell them to vote against changing the law.

Didn't catch every detail, but it sounds like a real and important thing. First I'd heard of this. Maybe it's gotten buried with all the other stuff going on. Congress passes laws like this, on the down low, with no one paying attention, that can have a huge impact in the long run. Sorry, must go to bed now.

wishful thinking thread #5849938474

delet this


>Trumpettes don't it released because Horowitz was appointed to this job under the Obama administration. They're afraid he'll tell the truth!


I have a strong feeling the Dems and the Deep State are going to conspire to throw Hillary Clinton under the bus. Call it a hunch. She's a tremendous liability to the Dems and pretty much everyone knows it. As long as she stays around and remains visible they have no chance in 2018 or 2020.

The Deep State needs a fall guy, a sacrificial lamb. She's perfect for the job because everyone hates her. Plus she has dirt on a lot of people. This would be a great way to destroy that leverage for good. It's win/win for both parties involved.


reverse psychology

just say its anti-Trump and they will fall for it, liberals are rabid and foaming at the mouth at this point.


Hillary Clinton had dirt on literally everyone. I think if even a Rothschild told her she was going to take it for the team she would destroy it all. She's a crazy bitch and they know it.

I'd better update this


One word for you, user: Benghazi.

Obama and Clinton worked together to cover-up the real story behind Benghazi. They CAN'T throw Hillary under the bus because she has Obama's balls in her hands on Benghazi. So, they are going to chose fortified defense strategy, 100% guaranteed. We're already in the middle of it.

He was appointed by Obama and worked for Comey in the 90's. Maybe try to spin the report as fair and unbiased?


fucken saved

Maybe focus on that instead of the report. We should meme that Trump is considering firing the IG working with Mueller and installed by Obama. They'll froth at the mouth if they think Trump is about to fire a Mueller ally. Throw his name in with Rosenstein and Mueller. Call them the "The Justice Trinity" and make it comic book themed since they love to put Mueller as Superman.

Don't meme the report, meme the man.


This this and this

All they believe in are characters, they don’t care what the plot is so long as the story ends with Trump’s impeachment.


Q predicted this

You know the more people not accused of larping the more larpers we get

Not an argument, jew. He was right.

No! That's too good
Remember the left is horrible at memes, you will stick out like a sore thumb


No Democrats and the left are so fucking brainwashed and stupid they are now cheering on the CIA. It doesn't matter where Hillary is

What do you guys think?


Looking good user.

These good, comrades. Vee can't let drump get IG codes.

Nyet, comrade. We must stop Horowitz.

Well intentioned as it is, Sup Forums is not the WH's personal army. I seriously hope they aren't relying on this place to push anything, because Sup Forums is unreliable as fuck and it's getting to be a chore to keep this stuff up. Never rely on Sup Forums for anything.

If you really want to ensure people here go out and do something, it needs to be funny. It needs to trigger people. Sup Forums does it for the lulz. That's the best way to manipulate this place into doing shit for you.

It's okay to be white - it's funny, it triggers people, it's easy to do.
pools' closed - it's funny, it triggers people, it's easy to do

pushing #releasethememo - it's not really funny, it kind of triggers people I guess, you need a twatter and have to shill at people so it's kind of time consuming and faggoty

It'd be the same story with this. I hope whanon reads this post or others like it so he better understands this place. It will never be anyone's personal army for anything. It's a chaotic dump full of memes and the only things that really rule here are humor and chaos. If you can harness those things, you'll go far with this place, otherwise you won't.