The solution to the west

Creating a hybrid race of white and Asian to maximize IQ and strength, and minimize degeneracy (mostly found in white girls).

Other urls found in this thread:


>create an entire race of Elliot Rodger's
what a fucking horrifying future, also Westernized Asian women are the most depraved degenerate creatures to walk the earth

404 error

I'm about 94% sure that's a man, but strangely, my penis doesn't care


No better than muh dik'ing niggers

Unironically have some fucking respect, pursuing the females of another tribe is objectively an insult

Not to mention your own race treason to Europeans

good thread

What is the agenda of you fucking dweebs who post these threads, I wonder? Whose interests do you perceive yourself to be serving?

to trigger the roasties and their orbiters

I just like oriental poontang fag. Its not a conspiracy

>allowing women to provoke any reaction from you whatsoever
Hardly a reason to abrogate your duty to your people.

And you call yourself civilized?


>>allowing women to provoke any reaction from you whatsoever
>Hardly a reason to abrogate your duty to your people.
Who are you referring to by "your people"??
I like to trigger whores and their followers who want to make Sup Forums their home. Easiest ways to do that are with Asian girls or anime. Newfaggot.

>hurr durr I cannot separate between my lust for vaginas of a certain origin to building a family, a civilization, a future

nothing says "I want a solution for a better future" like the use of the word poontang

jfc what a piece of shit


shut the fuck up and kill yourself

it only works if you have daughters

this is the orbiter I was talking about, jej

Being nagged to death and losing all my shit in a divorce is going to make a better future how?

>hurr what is my people
El atrocidad...

>I like to trigger whores and their followers
>allowing women to get to you
>seeking to differentiate yourself from beta orbiters by mocking them
This should be a matter of indifference, you should be above this, do you even lift and read the Classics?

Do you?

Sup Forums
>"we must defend our aryan queens"

aryan queens
>"jamal, did you hear something?"

Throw in a "fellow whites" next time, Schlomo.

I'm getting real tired of you anime retard virgins blaming all your problems on white women. Have you never seen an episode of Maury?
It's always black women. Grow up.

>El atrocidad...
Still can't tell me who "my people" are supposed to be? Anglo? Krauts? Scandinavians?
>This should be a matter of indifference, you should be above this, do you even lift and read the Classics?
very cringey statement, whether I lift or read the classics, I would not brag about it on an anime imageboard

Problem is we all know what happens with white male + asian female offspring, now white asian + white female usually works out better...

But when you stop and think about it, female offspring would evolve into giga whores, europeans are known for sexual liberation and considering chink reproduction rates. Female offspring would probably crave BBC more, wild speculation here.

>r/hapas propaganda

>implying this has anything to do with white women

that's just a feature of all women... if you let them

P.S. Have you noticed that all of the people that rule over you are married? have kids? have families

But please Mr. GoingHisOwnWay, you are doing us all a favor. Evolution is harsh, but fair.... My kids will know their father - And so will their kids. You will leave no legacy in this world. Might as well kill yourself now

>deliberately failing to recognize the ethnogenesis of White Americans and instead trying to muddy the waters by invoking specific European ethnicities to make a "whiteness" argument
El abominacion...

All of you lusting after Asian women are no better than this muh dik'er here

>this one form of racemixing is bad but this other form is good, also BBC
La luz extinguido...

I am not orbiting shit, I have a wife and kids, you pathetic loser

muh "Jamal". Just post the porn and get banned, loser

t. orbiter

>deliberately failing to recognize the ethnogenesis of White Americans
wait, so you are saying that all the different Euro groups mixed, now we should accept them as "white" and ignore their origin?
is that not the same thing the OP is doing with Asians that you apparently have a problem with? hypocrite
enjoy the divorce

Tesla had no children. Hitler had no children. Alexander the great had no children.
Its almost like anyone who actually matters wasnt even married...
Single men are warriors and thinkers who contribute.
Married "men" are cucks whose only value and self worth can be found in female validation. Who then spends the rest of his life scraping rocks together to feed his fat whore wife and works a miserable 9-5
Its always the married cucks who militantly try to drag other men into their miserable fate.
Misery loves company afterall

El monstruo...

No white fathers means no white children means no white civilization, Napoleon is nothing without a nation of Frenchmen behind him

So single men need an army of married slaves?
So you can be my slave then? Good deal.

>OP wants this extinct

No, white women want that extinct. Because they made us choose between white whores, and non-white non-whores. Easy choice, sorry white race.

OP is promoting race-mixing, though. White women, as degenerte as they might be, still race mix less than white men and are the only group of women in the west that still (mostly) vote right-wing.

haha okay then whos gonna have the kids that will become single warriors

Your constantly recycled little graph you call "proof" is a sample size of under 500 people....
Another variable is that its a MARRIAGE statistic. Not a fuck and dump statistic..

>destroying the white race by breeding with insectoids and mongoloids
go kys



This isn't about racemixing, brainlet. It is about WHORES who have fucked a billion men before marriage. The racemixing is just icing on the cake.



Men have always been in control of society. If a society fails and promotes race-mixing it is because the men of that society made it possible. When feminism sprung up in the 60s a lot of men supported it because they would get easy sex from sexually liberated women without having to court them.


Don't marry whores, then. Not that difficult.

The dregs of society breed. (Niggers are a good example.).
Then genetically you occassionally get a genetic gem who grows up and changes the world. These are the single men like socrates, aristotle, galileo, copernicus, gengis khan, alexander, napoleon etc...



this is your delusion, you pathetic loser.

>white girls
>not whores

nice try,

Asian women are the worst degenerates on the planet, particularly the westernized ones. No one race mixes more than them.

They are all whores, Jim. At any time they can divorce you, take all your shit, take your kids, and more as the government supports them. White western women belong to the state, not you.
you are an omega male that will chase the myth of the traditional white women for your entire life, and constantly lash out at any one that mocks your retardation

In this case, however, it is mostly because (((they))) have control of the media, universities and several other powerful institutions.
They promote all kind of degenerate shit + race-mixing so whites won't have kids. The plan is to subvert and erase European culture.


White girls have stained our reputation and humiliated our ancestors. Theres nothing left to save. Its over, so let it be over. Leave the white roastie to her fate. We go our way, they go theirs.

Nice try, shlomo. But whites, per capita, receive far less welfare and have more stable marriages than the average in the US


We need a white/asian/weeb ethnostate

letting asians into the white gene pool would make it much weaker.

if you get married then you are a federal worker, working to support the woman you were assigned to in your marriage

That can apply to most americanized women. Asian-Americans are the same in the west, which is why they vote massively left-wing.

Bro, white women literally have the highest divorce rates and asian women have the lowest....
White girls also cheat more than black women even.
Also 84% of marriages end in divorce. And thats an old stat. Its gotten worse


>you are an omega male that will chase the myth of the traditional white women for your entire life, and constantly lash out at any one that mocks your retardation

lel I have a wife and kids moron

gonna need some sauce for this

>lel I have a wife and kids moron
maybe in your head
tell them hi for me, big guy


Look, if you guys want to create a weeb/hapa ethnostate, I couldn't care less...
The problem is that OP is suggesting that in white countries. No go for me.

Fuck off, whittu piggus. Stick to your Aryan waifus and keep your race pure.

Japanese women are made for Japanese men, not for Cletus and Tyrone.

what are you going to do about it? if white men start deciding to marry asian women, which will no doubt occur if Trump's immigration reform happens, they what the fuck are you doing to do?


This observation is retarded. Now had you used erdos as an example I'd agree, but then also point out Hilbert and Bertrand contrariwise

As shows, that is not entirely accurate.



Second link is from 2009. Still back then white girls were second worst. Now they are worst.

Observe actual national statistics from government websites and the new york times.
His stat came from a sample size of about 120 people... from a dating website

Nothing, I guess. It's their business.
But I do want to live in a white majority country, so race mixing is a no go for me.

>down with the slam dunk manga
sign me up

hahahahaha Mr. Adolf Tesla the Great, please continue self-improving your K/D ratio to reach the annals of history

jfc what a fucking loser. A gym-frequenting loser, but a loser nonetheless

and takes iron dildo in ass like a champion fag.

Stop trying to nigger-ize asian girls

Of course we don't have to totally abandon the white women. If they remember their place they could retain some value.


Some Japanese women can be more "high mantinance" than a lot of white girls... And sorry, it's not worth it.
Would you like to see you grandson kill himself?
I don't see it as clearly.

What is your definition of a loser? I have a job, im fit, young, and talented.
My definition of a loser is the bitter divorced homeless guy who will kill himself in a week (soon to be you), after his coalburning wife cucked him

We currently in progress. Come here for tourism. Alot of nice temples and nice people.


From the first research:
"The propensity to marry varied by sex, race/ethnicity, and education. In the NLSY79, women were more likely to both marry and remarry. On average, women married at younger ages than men. Compared with Whites and Hispanics, Blacks were less likely to marry and, conditional on marriage, more likely to divorce."





Asians arent even on the grid because they dont divorce ;)
Literally its so low its irrelevant.
And you highlighted the wrong numbers dumbass.
>white women divorce rate 68%
>black women 52%
>hispanics 54%
White women being the highest





im helping