>reddit post of a tweet
Based on the unofficial results, Republicans held on to three other seats in four special elections on Tuesday, winning decisively in two western Missouri districts and narrowly in the southeast Missouri 144th District. On no what will we do?
This kills the shill
>"We got 1!"
>R's got 3
The blue wave has come to MO, drumpftards
This is the only wall we’re getting boys, so lap it up now because come 2020 it’s going to be a Dems only white noise, no repubs allowed! x)))
Republicans lost a district that went overwhelmingly for Trump...
Also R's didn't "get" 3 they merely held on to 3... They actually lost 1 since the 1 that went for the Dems was held by a R before the vacancy.
Get used to losing :)
CHECKKKKKEEEDDDDDD every fucking dotard needs to read this so they can just let it alll sink in, because this is what’s going to go down soon EVERYWHERE.
God FUCK dotards.
>Voters in Jefferson County appeared to choose Mike Revis, a 27-year old Democrat, to fill a seat left vacant when the incumbent quit to run for county executive. With all ten precincts within the district reporting, Revis led Republican David Linton by 108 votes, or about three percentage points.
Wow, look at you guys. Truly the moment of a century....
Begone evil liberal, spawn of Satan
> celebrating 115 to 47 seats
Lol, I love people like you that do the research. You're a quality shitposter
So this is the BlueWave.
what the fuck are the dumbfucks around me voting for?
why fucking dems? dont' they see what that's done to STL?
oh shit you got some rural retards!
fucking lmfao
why can't reddit see the big picture?
Get used to oxygen deprivation. RWDS are already functional. Run and hide, jew.
>haha they just “held on” to the seats we desperately need to take from them haha
Midterms are coming up, Republicunts should be scared :)
Why is there an election every week?
The majority of the assholes on reddit would be scared shitless no matter where they went in MO. STL and KC they'd be terrified of all the negroes but even more terrified of looking like a racist so they would be robbed within minutes. They rest of the state they would be in constant fear of being raped by some "redneck."
>Special Election
>STATE Congress
>Revis supports labor
>barely won
>incumbent didn't run
So this... is the power... of the Blue Wave!
The midterms where everyone is gonna be weighted down with a fatter tax return, and a newfound distaste for anyone who's ever spoken to Obama personally?
You're right, we should be scared. This is all going so well it's practically fan fiction.
>lost Alabama
>lost deep red district
>"all going so well"
Lmfao what...
Am I supposed to care?
Nigger you don’t understand, if you keep rigging elections we’re just going to start shooting libshits when trump declares martial law. You can’t win
Alabama was due to white Republicans who voted for Jones.
Deep red/blue districts can be easily flipped in low turnout elections
literally where
Last time I saw a blue wave like this someone tipped over a row of porta-potties at Ozzfest.
You won against a guy who was literally accused by 9 women of being a pedophile....and you only won by 17,000.
Meanwhile, last election that Sessions ran against someone he won by over 300k. Half the electorate stayed home last election cause they hated Moore and thought he was a pedophile.
Are republicans flipping any seats?
They should buy a gun then. We're pretty good about letting folks do that here. Most stores keep them close to the beer, just like the founding fathers would have wanted.
As long as you stay out of the cities, except for a few parts of said cities where the police keep out the riff raff, MO is a pretty comfy state. You do run into a fair amount of meth if you don't watch where you're going though. So yeah, pick up a gun. Stay outta KC and STJ and you shouldn't even come close to needing it, and the parts of STL where you might use it are bad enough it won't do you much good. We actually have a fair amount of decent nigs, but yeah our cities are fucked. The good parts of STL are nice and if you stick to daylight hours you'll be fine in most of KC. If you stop in Columbia watch our for the heroine zombies. They live in a shanty town on the outskirts of what used to be a pretty nice college town. Then niggers got uppity and now the campus isn't what it used to be. Go to Northwest instead.
Glad the left is mimicking the language of Kim.
We'll mimick his gulags and put you in them as a compromise.
>election for state congress
The absolute STATE of the blue wave.
>STATE congress
Fucking this! Literally nothing but leddit reaching
>lose 3 of 4 elections
>win some backwater seat by 100 votes
it's slipping away reddit, do you feel it? Mueller's investigation is dead, he spends his nights drinking and reminiscing of better days, the blue wave? It's bleeding out while you upvote fake news.
>democrats recover one of the over 1000 state legislature seats that flipped to R during Obama's tenure
this is a victory worthy of celebration for democrats, it's pretty sad
DNC is finished forever.
>lefties legitimately believe this shit is indicative of a Dem uprising in the midterms
Reality is going to crash into these fucksticks hard again this year and they'll still believe 2020 is a lock for them
It's a State Rep in St. Louis. No one cares.
>Missouri is deep red in one of its major cities
What kind of joke is this?