And so it begins..."Black Panther," the first black standalone Marvel superhero movie, won rave reviews on Tuesday with critics praising both its adventure and its portrayal of a majestic Africa
>100% critic rating on RT
And so it begins..."Black Panther," the first black standalone Marvel superhero movie, won rave reviews on Tuesday with critics praising both its adventure and its portrayal of a majestic Africa
>100% critic rating on RT
who gives a shit
Anyone with a brain, you stupid fucking leaf.
I'm pretty sure it's going to get the first 110% critic rating the world has ever seen.
So basically niggers can only achieve success in works of fiction?
More rigged than a North Korean "election".
Everyone without a brain you stupid fuck its a fucking marvel super hero movie.
No one fucking cares
It's a form of affirmative AKTION. That outta make yah feel good.
I have an idea :)
Should be 155%
>blacks don’t care about the best BLACKINO that just came out this year and is the best black film of the last decade: Roman J Israel, a cutting look at America’s legal system and the apathy that’s seeped into the modern civil rights movement and how American colleges are causing regression of human rights
>nobody cares about Moonlight either.
>they see WE WUZ KANGS N SHEEIT and think that it will save them
Absolutely disgusting. Based Denzel doesn’t deserve this.
i gave it six gorillion thumbs up
That means it should of sucked but somehow was entertaining to the masses. How can you not see the conspiracy!?!
What was the last superhero movie you guys have seen in theaters? Last one I went to was X-Men 3
>Make jewish-only movie
>Pay news outlets to call it "stunning and brave" and to have their shills aka "critics" upvote it so their weighted votes bump it higher
>Nobody shows up on first screening, claim all media about it is anti-semitic propaganda
>Reviews start coming in, 30%, un-bumping the movie
>Hire a bunch of indian children to delete negative comments and ban the poster from the website "muh h8 speech"
>pay record authorities to give you awards
>get shitload of unironic watchers' asses in your seats, make billions
Sadly i couldn't squeeze an "oy vey shut it down" in that.
tl;dr we need to build a wall to keep hollywood out
>shadow of colossus
completely overrated reddit trash
I see you are a man of culture
So did Selma
but here is a question for you guys: Do any of you know anyone who owns Selma.
Kek, this entire thing is just a psyop to convince niggers this is what Africa would have been like if white people never showed up.
>We'll ban everyone who gives a negative review.
>Gets 100% positive reviews
Happy history of Kangs month.
Call me when the race war starts because this piece of shit is the just more race bait garbage
>Ban all negative reviews
Wow how did this film achieve such record ratings? Almost like a (((Pure Coincidence))).
>Rotton-Tomotoes says they will ban anyone who rates it badly
>People are too spookd to be actually critical of the movie
>Gets "Great" reviews
Is there any real surprise?
The most quintessential Canadian-teenager shirt design, wolves and shit. Or at least it was in my time... Probably some gay shit now.