Former Italian Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi has upped the ante on his coalition partner populist Lega leader Matteo Salvini saying that he will deport refuges, referring to them as “criminals”.
Former Italian Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi has upped the ante on his coalition partner populist Lega leader Matteo Salvini saying that he will deport refuges, referring to them as “criminals”.
Based Bunga Bunga
if he does run on this platform he will win by a landslide
The day of the ravioli draws near...
Why that number in particular?
7 million refugees, you say? I can't believe he's going to deport 8 million refugees. Do the people support his plan to deport 9 million refugees?
never forget the 100 billion
But how will he ship back 10 million refugees? No one in africa will accept 11 million!
al dente~
Seems kind of mean. I like it.
Ravioli ravioli deport the regugiolis
Moving to Italy when?
It is 600000 not 6mil.
Also, people used to believe him but he's just another corrupt who used power only to avoid jail.
He's still there yapping because Italians are absolutely retarded and always vote for the same people circle jerking each other for power and money, while being the EUs lil doggies and bootlickers
M5S seemed to be the real alternative but they are too much a cluster fuck of lefty populism with the obsession of web based democracy and blogs and whatnot
That said, guess I'll vote Salvini as I have guns and he's the only one who isn't clearly a gun grabber
Good luck bunga bunga man
funny you mention the 7 million...
the ayrabs ain't gonna take the 12 gorillian
Sounds like a sad state of affairs.
you forget, Libya now has a thriving slave market.
would berlusconi stop the italian coast guard from patrolling the mediterranean constantly looking for ships of africans to bring to Italy?
the italian government has been doing it for 4 years.
I know the italian general population is far less cucked than most western european nations so how come their government is every bit as cucked as brussels, germany, france, the uk, etc.?
boppity boop
Why don’t the Greeks just kidnap these niggers and sell them in Libya to pay their denbts?
Bada Bing deport before they Bada Boom
Berlusconi was in government 4 times already and was never any good on immigration any of those times. This is just a scheme to get votes while he tries to avoid jail.
Italians should probably vote for Lega Norde, but MS5 is inexplicably popular despite having no actual program.
>In his first interview after the attack by Macerata , Forza Italia's leader Silvio Berlusconi attributed the massacre to the excessive presence of immigrants and proposed a clear solution: to expel hundreds of thousands.
Maybe the fact that nobody died, makes the point of the shooting more palatable to normies??
Luca the Merciful!
He is friends with Putin, so he isn't on the same team as the JWO. He got set up and ousted over a fake sex scandal. He will undoubtably hate niggers and want them removed.
There wad no refugee crisis when he was in office.