Why is the state banning harmful substances and activities a bad thing? For example, prostitution gambling, alcohol, drugs, cigarettes etc.
Give me a good reason why these things shouldn't be illegal.
Why is the state banning harmful substances and activities a bad thing? For example, prostitution gambling, alcohol, drugs, cigarettes etc.
Give me a good reason why these things shouldn't be illegal.
Because they promote extremely dangerous activity that exploits vulnerable demographics who are unaware of their inherit risks.
You can't regulate vice. It's like a parent telling a child he can't do a certain thing with zero context. The child needs to understand why the thing is harmful, not simply that he can't do it.
You don't actually get rid of any of those things, you can only push them into a parallel government structure.
Gangs are just micro states that traffic in specific goods that the larger state refuses to traffic in.
Besides the issues regarding liberty.
Let's say that heroin was made completely legal tomorrow and drug companies started mass producing it and selling it over the counter. Do you think that it wouldn't have adverse effects on society, assuming we followed your plan and taught people the dangers of drugs?
if you could get drugs from the government you would know exactly what you were getting and it would be much safer. many needless deaths are caused from people overdosing on fentanyl (rip lil peep). there are many other cases where people will od from molly or acid that is laced with meth or 25i-nbome. the safest place to get drugs is ironically the dark web because it's a crowd sourced drug marketplace where you can read reviews and shit.
it wouldnt even be a big deal lol. you really think everyone is going to go out to the heroin store and just try heroin? delusional
wow you totally hate drugs. i see that. it's all heroin to you. haven't heard that one before. i have- and was being facetious. Im a funny guy.
>Give me a good reason why these things shouldn't be illegal.
These substances and addiction in general kill the weak. Taking away socially funded safety nets for those who harm themselves need to happen at the same time that all this is legal so that society doesn't have to pay for their mistakes. The immediate friends and family that get dragged into the train wreck of weak people are only downside to this, but is there anything that can really be done about that? The state isn't going to solve that issue, if individuals want to be self destructive they find a way to be regardless of any laws.
>that needle
enjoy your OD and blown out veins
>who are unaware of their inherit risks
Everyone on the planet is aware of their inherit risks.
Do you really think there is an abundance of people that are just waiting for heroin to be legalized and sold over the counter?
>I would love to shoot up but I can't because it's illegal
I know you didn't say this, but it reads like this is what you're implying.
Because when they start banning things, then they move on to stuff like speech.
because if i want to lose all my money gambling, it's my choice
if i want to commerce with my body, it's my chocie
if i want to drink something, it's my choice (but i don't defend driving drunk for example)
i can't say the same for drugs, their effect is immediate so you can't let people use it because they can do harm to other people under their effects
Was the Marijuana threads not getting enough posts you fucking kike?
>be wagecuck
>have a bad day at work
>be angry, not thinking rationally
>see ad for cheap heroin
>go to pharmacy to pick some up.
Yes, I think people would be open to using something once it becomes legal. Look at what's happening with pot right now.
all drugs numb the user from the world whether it's Tylenol weed or morphine.
Forgive for being a cuck, but I don't like seeing my fellow man suffer.
>if you could get drugs from the government you would know exactly what you were getting and it would be much safer.
>lets give corporations the power to sell mass produced cheap drugs!
You know opiates rather easy to get in a lot of shitholes and people are less addicted than the US right? The US is fucked up.
There's nothing wrong with heroin unless you're a pussy
Liver disease and other alcohol related diseases and death went down during prohibition and a few years following.
b-but prohibition doesn't work!
because it's my body and my choice.
If i choose to destroy my body with these drugs knowing full well that is what will happen then what gives you the right to stop me?
>Why is the state banning harmful substances and activities a bad thing?
>the state banning
answered your own question there, pal
Why do you feel like you have the right and the authority to impose what you feel is best on other people?
That’s some communist shit right there.
Because its up to the individual to make that choice, and its more or less a retard reduction plan.
Personally i think it would be cheaper, and have less of a degenerate effect on society if we just gave all those heroin/meth/crack junkies free drugs and a self run farm so they could stop petty crimes to feed their shit habit that makes scumbags in the government and cartels wealthy. Legalize it all then just give them it free to go fuck off in the forest away from civilization. Hopefully the problem works itself out eventually. Has to have more of a positive impact then the current "keep em homeless and stealing for their addiction"
This is until ofc castration and potential execution for severe addicts becomes acceptable.
Unfortunately, you aren't an individual living in a vacuum. What you do affects your community. Should the community stand by and let you destroy yourself or do something about it?
What do you think the penalties for drug possession should be? The mass incarceration is the problem for me. Why should taxpayers have to pay for junkies and niggers who decided to fuck up their lives? Let natural selection do the work.
The state drives history
Not a reason to kneel and suck state cock. Statists are the lowest of scum.
>Why should taxpayers have to pay for junkies and niggers who decided to fuck up their lives? Let natural selection do the work.
I don't want society to be a bunch of mindless drug addicts with people ODing on the side of the road, we have to kill the problem at its stem.
>What do you think the penalties for drug possession should be?
life in prison without chance for parole for people who deal hard drugs
>we have to kill the problem at its stem.
we have to kill the problem
we have to kill...
degenerates and state worshipers.
>t. libertarian pedophile
the only people who are still libertarians in 2018 are people who get an erection from price gouging and people who get an erection from CP.
>ID: msdap
You dun goofed.
To be honest, I think you've taken the "purge degeneracy" meme too seriously You shouldn't go to prison for life for selling drugs. Killing the problem at it's stem would be for the state to regulate substances and a bigger emphasis on factual drug education.There's a goddamn opiate crisis right now and it's a felony charge for having it. It doesn't stop people. The only people that would become mindless drug addicts would be those who were doomed from the start, most likely a bunch of blacks in poor neighborhoods that live off of the State.
As a side note, I am in favor of mandatory random drug testing for welfare recipients for obvious reasons. I just think that responsible adults shouldn't fear incarceration for moderate drug use.
that people want to be like that, so who are you to decide (on the name of "society") for them?
Because if I don’t have cigarettes, I will hunt you down and murder you in your mom’s fucking basement, niggerfag.
Some people just can't help themselves. They have addictive personalities. I think if we look at it from that perspective there is a good reason to regulate these things. Education can help but for compulsive gamblers and junkies it won't stop them. They keep telling themselves "just one more roll of the dice" until one day they either OD or go bankrupt.
Just look at how fucking big gambling has gotten in videogames. Kids stealing their mom's credit card and throwing away hundreds of dollars on knife skins and loot boxes. In Japan you've got pachinko and gacha shit fucking everywhere it's a massive business. They're exploiting people.