On the 9th September, Sweden is going to have a general election. This may be the last chance Sweden has to stop itself from falling over the edge before it’s too late.
The Sweden Democrats are the third largest party in the Riksdag. They aren’t perfect, but they’re anti-migrant, anti-handout and pro-justice for rapefugee victims.
If we can get them into office, it’s not going to fix all of Sweden’s problems overnight- but the only other option is the NMR, a street movement set to get about 2% of the vote.
That’s not enough for this time around, and anyway, NMR is more effective on the streets. But if we can get enough Svens Redpilled enough to vote for SD, that’s going to have a knock-on effect after the election.
We need the SD to start putting Sweden right and push the overton window. And we have just under 9 months to make this possible.
/SWEG/- Swedish Election General- PHASE 2
Other urls found in this thread:
Welcome to phase 2. Who’s up for some data gathering?
.We need a list of Swedish laws concerning immigration from 1970-now. It doesn’t have to be comprehensive, but it does need the breakdown of votes from the 2 major parties.
.We need a list of European mandates & regulations that Sweden has passed into law.
.We need a list of contact information for Swedish news outlets. DO NOT put it in the thread. Send them to me on twitter via DM’s or drop them off in the discord.
In the meantime, we’re going to need to format the information we already have.
.If you have a reddit/flashback account, we need to start mining information. Specifically, we need to create & bump threads asking people’s opinions on the EU. We’re going to need that data, and you’re going to need the practise.
.We also need to start trying to grab Pewdiepie’s attention. We’ve built up quite a collection of Skurt memes, & we know where to spam them. Keep tuned to these threads for more material!
/ reddit.com
Update on how it went with the posters are also welcome.
My cousin lives there and is swimming in blonde pubes. How will this affect his sex life?
He will be deported.
That sounds pretty racist. You don't want to be racist, do you?
That was a hit below the belt.
No, this would have been a hit below the belt
Just kidding user, power to you. I've been following the Sweden Democrats for a long time and I hope they win and get to be a part of the coalition Government.
>I hope they win and get to be a part of the coalition Government.
Yup me too.
Have you ever read gatesofvienna.net? It's a US based site that's very Eurocentric about the islamic invation.
an actual ethiopian user that isn't a black activist?
No I haven't read it, I'll check it out thanks. The islamisation is real but our criminals aren't really religious though, but they use Sharia as an excuse to not follow Swedish law. And the mosques are basically brainwashing factories.
Btw are the muslims causing problems in Ethiopia too? You have quite a few of them.
Gatesofvienna has been consistent in pointing that out for many years. I've been reading them since they were on Wordpress or Blogspot or something years ago. It was basically my pre-pol site. I highly encourage you to read it, it's where I first learned about the Sweden Democrats and Jimmy Akisson (sp?).
I'm not in Ethiopia user, just playing with a new toy.
Yup, started reading it and what really interested me was this picture. Does it mean our immigrants don't care about religion as much as France, i.e.? After all we have a lot of gettos with people from islamic countries.
> Sweden Democrats and Jimmy Akisson
Åkesson*. Yes he's been right from the beginning and he's great in debates because he has logic on his side. The other parties argue with feelings, although I think it's more behind their agenda than just to be nice and help poor refugee"children".
I think you have to look at the source of the picture. I haven't read today, but I think you are much better off than France or The Netherlands based on what I have seen and read.
Åkesson has actually been an inspiration to me, basically from what I've read on that site. He, Wilders, Frau Petry. There's an awakening going on in Europe that gets squashed by the media and drowned by "slide" threads here. I'm excited for the future of Europe if only the voters will elect the great leaders who are running for office.
That picture is 100% bullshit.
>Åkesson has actually been an inspiration to me, basically from what I've read on that site. He, Wilders, Frau Petry. There's an awakening going on in Europe that gets squashed by the media and drowned by "slide" threads here. I'm excited for the future of Europe if only the voters will elect the great leaders who are running for office.
Yes he gives me hope as well. The problem we have now is that one of the parties (M) that started this whole invasion is now stealing SD's rhetoric, and thereby stealing votes. I don't trust them at all. Their leader is a globalist. And they also refuse to collaborate with SD. I hope Swedes can see through M's bullshit, I really do.
Probably, but I doubt our muslims are that religious. They aren't obeying the Quran, but still, they are like a cancer. They've adopted American nignog culture.
How's it going with you new friends over there in Oceania btw?
Can they? Despite the posts here Hillary did win the popular vote. Thanks to our electoral system Trump is the President, but absent that.....
It's a bit scary how close to the brink even we are, and the US is filled with sharting gun nuts.
>t. Ethiopia.
Well the so called intellectuals don't want to see Sweden run by SD because they say the party is full of idiots (they seem to like Jimmi though). This might be a factor that destroys it all.
What we have to do is to really discredit the other parties, then we might have a chance.
I believe this is a Finnish author. Makes for very good reading.
SD would be considered a radical leftist party in the US, which I find amusing. I have hope for Europe, I'll leave it at that. I hope the citizens of Sweden make good choices in the election. I don't know that they will, and I'm not saying this for lulz on a thread, but I'd really like to see the seed of freedom that is trying to grow in Europe flourish.
Sorry, Norwegian. I always get you guys mixed up.
Thank you. I hope we'll make good decisions as well. At some point it has to get better.
At the end of the day they'll find better weather and gibs elsewhere, right?
No joke, though, I think within the next two or three elections we are going to get a Victor Orban in a Western country and that will be the tipping point.
Let's hope so.
This map means all about nothing
Thats generally how they are but they are still culturally Islamic and to some degree respect religious law/leaders. Sweden has 5 or so mosques that preach child marriage ffs. Sweden's Muslim migrants are radical as fuck. There's just ALSO a nignog crime culture interwoven.
Let's hope the military has to go in. The "muslims" has to do something really dramatic and force our politicians into action. Let them burn.
As if. It would be spun as an attack on "Muslim Swedes". Your own politicians would peotest over it. Your Muslim police officers would dissent. Entire areas would be blockaded and run as independent substates from which guerilla terror would flow. On top of that at least a hand full of Muslim countries like Turkey would at the very least threaten with war and funnel weapons and troops in.
What if they attacked politicians en masse?
Why would they? All they need to do is breed and wait and in 10 years comfily vote in a radical Muslim party (Germany, Belgium and Netherlands already have migrant pzrties openly tied to erdogan). My gfs mom is a teacher in a niggerschool and during an argument one of her Turkroach students said this:
>We are finally doing what we never could as the Ottoman empire. We are taking over Europe. And we don't even have to lift a sword.
He said that with a straight face. A 16yo kid. Every group knows the rules of the game and the outcome. It's only among Europeans that the ones who admit it are isolated as conspiracy theorists or far right radicals.
Yeah I guess. Too bad roaches are so resilient.
That's a beautiful sight.
That looks like the African transformer they managed to build, I think we're fucked.
how come the noble families are nowhere to be seen, considering their country is going to shit?
did all of them die out or did they leave?
Seems like they're pro multiculti, unfortunately.
all of them? there has to be some die hard feudal nutcases left, no?
I haven't heard of a single criticism against the invasion from their side.
M leader may have realised that his predecessor played right into SD's hands by giving free healthcare to illegals. Now wants to mitigate that.
C, KD and L want the current system of free healthcare to illegals to remain.
sånt här gör mig så satans jävla förbannad, it ens 13 åringar går säkert, och över en jävla jacka. fy fan.
>De hotade pojken med att söka upp honom om han gjorde en anmälan.
Jävla odjur är vad dem är.
Minus tjugo grader ute, borde ju vara misshandel också.
oja, förtappade djävla stolpskott
om det nu var en inhemsk lulebo så är -20c inte så farligt, vi är ju inga sörlänningar du vet =P
Undrar när svenskarna ska börja ge igen.
Problemet här i norr är att vi har inte mycket förtroende för staten, sånt går i arv också speciellt hos alla hemmans ägare (som blev knullade av staten under 60talet).
Vi har inte så stora förhoppningar om att det kommer bli bättre heller., Många vill inte ha att göra med Svenskarna ens.
Jag menar jag får it ens av verka min egen jävla skog hur som helst utan att fråga staten om lov först, får it sälja mark heller hur som helst.
Men men, till slut lär tålamodet ryka. Får hoppas att alla kan ena sig från norr till söder innan det händer.
Vi har ju en gemensam fiende nu i alla fall, eller ja antagligen flera (Islam är en av dem). Sedan har ju staten svikit oss alla, att sakna förtroende för dem borde vara norm nu tycker man.
Jo det är väl sant.
Man kan ju tycka att hatet mot staten borde vara högre men.
Jag tror att vi fortfarande har det för bra här i Sverige, måste bli mycket sämre ställt för alla innan vi överväger att ta till det drastiska.
Normal Svensson går ju inte hungriga direkt.
>Jag tror att vi fortfarande har det för bra här i Sverige, måste bli mycket sämre ställt för alla innan vi överväger att ta till det drastiska.
Ja kanske, problemet är att man börjar vänja sig vid att läsa om skjutningar, gruppvåldtäkter och annan skit nu. Känns lite som att svenskarna är som en kokad groda, vi kommer inte fatta vad som händer förrän det är försent. Och någon kastar in en handgranat genom ens eget fönster.
Vill minnas att såssarna sneglar på att beskatta din skog bara för att du har den. Centern kommer att släppa igenom den eftersom före detta Bondeförbundet numer handlar om att pimpla dompa vid Stureplan.
Blir så glad när jag ser detta på trending i Sverige. Samt liknande videor varje dag.
Jo nog äre så, har däremot märkt att fler har börjat vakna upp pga vansinnet. För 20 år sen så behövde man bara oroa sig för galna Överkalixbor och hasafötter från Lule.
Då fick man bara stryk, man blev it rånad, knivhuggen eller mördad (hände väl, men inte så ofta som idag)
Ja tacka fan för det, skattar ju it tillräckligt redan på allt. Fy fan. Är redan i en marktvist med Svenska staten över en liten bit mark, då dom beter sig som att dom äger all min mark och all min skog. Och allt hejna jävla byråkrati helvetet gör it saken enklare heller.
å it nog med det, Svea Skog averkade en del av min skog utan att fråga för ett par år sen också. Fick visseligen ersättning för det men. Fult gjort.
>Ja tacka fan för det, skattar ju it tillräckligt redan på allt. Fy fan. Är redan i en marktvist med Svenska staten över en liten bit mark, då dom beter sig som att dom äger all min mark och all min skog. Och allt hejna jävla byråkrati helvetet gör it saken enklare heller.
Det börjar väl bli tomt i statens plånbok nu när dem ska ta hand om alla migranter. Måste prioritera dem före allt annat. Samt polis och militär måste rustas upp för en massa pengar, pga av dessa fredliga människor.
Jo så är det, väntar bara på den dagen Staten bestämmer sig för att beslag ta allt, i sann kommunistisk anda. Då blire andra bullar, det kan jag lova.
Mm, tror de beskattar bort din skog och köper den av dig för en struntsumma när du är pank. Sen kränger de den till utlänningar.
Tror dock att militären skulle ha problem med det, då dom har diverse saker i skogarna runt omkring.
Jimmie in Stockholm right now. For meetings, interviews and media appearances.
SD anordnar framtidskonferens den 10e feb.
Tråd på Flashback:
Spännande. Nu drar det igång på riktigt.
The man in the red swater is Richard Jomshof, he's a pretty cool guy. He was a highschool teacher and played in the synthpop band Elegant Machinery.
He was also excluded from the Swedish animal rights organisation "Djurens Rätt" because of SD's "EXTREME opinions".
It is all so fucking tiresome.
Umeå cuts budget for the elderly and chucks money at romanian street warmers.
When will we leave EU. "Shelters for EU citizens". Pay for a hotel room or go home.
If Sweden succesfully leaves the EU, do you then think that countries such as Denamrk will try and leave as well?
>If Sweden succesfully leaves the EU
That's never going to happen.
One can dream alright
Instead of leaving the EU which has benefited countries like Sweden, Denmark and Germany, wouldn't it be logical to reform the EU as whole and dramatically change the policy on refugees and immigration?
>the UK
For the UK, they don't need the EU as they have OUR backings(Anglosphere).
>Probably, but I doubt our muslims are that religious.
>Being this naive
Okay, mate. Whatever you say, but when they rape your daughter and blow up your mother, don't cry for help. You have been warned.
Well it's either EU or NATO. Or both, Sweden seems to be heading to joining NATO as well.
Which means we'll be fighting Israel wars along with USA and Denmark lol. And also having to deal with Merkel and the rest of the people who wants to destroy Europe from within.
Denmark seem to be doing quite well now, I heard about S proposal to not let the invaders ask for asylum at your borders, but to do it in Africa instead. Let's hope that will happen and that Sweden will follow suit.
Most of the criminals aren't practicing "good" muslims. Do some research. We have islamists as well but they aren't doing petty crimes like dealing drugs and raping (yea this isn't petty but you get what i mean) randoms on the street. They have bigger plots.
Reforming would be the best option yes, but at this point there is a better chance of the migrants inside the EU just packing up their stuff and leaving them selfs than of a succesful reform of the EU
Oh and yes the EU has benefited Denmark, but that is no reason for a patien to keep taking a drug after it has cured the ill it was desigened for. The main reason Denmark joined was for economic growth and now that this growth has expired, i atleast find that it would be best to move on
USA and Norway*
I have not heard of this immigration legislation reform please expand on that point
Danish Social Democrats want to tighten up the opportunities for asylum in the country, reports Denmark's Radio (DR). According to the proposal, asylum at the border or at the country's largest asylum reception center, Center Sandholm, should not be possible.
The party instead wants asylum seekers to be sent to a third country, for example in North Africa, where reception centers are to be established and to be taken care of by Danes. Where the asylum seekers will be staying while their application is being processed.
(I used google translate)
Thanks sven
The danish news have not really reported on this and finding information that is not from Swedish or German sources is quite hard
your workers party is running for parliament with a more sensible strategy. But i warn you, the pretense sounds nice to us but the consequence will be to hand the decision over to the UN ("kvoteflyktninger"). this means the UN can basically tell us who to take in and how many. The worst years might see fewer nogs showing up at the borders, but its basically a guarantee that you will always get more nogs every year.
So this would necessitate a new set of laws to be tolerable, for example sending everyone home no matter how long they stay, no family reunification and so on
It's in the norwegian news, out workers party is "reeing because the danes are racist lol
Well im glad that citizens of other countries has a better understanding of what our parties are doing than danes have
yep im lolling hard as fuck. Jonas Gahr Store, basically globalist shill no. 1 in norway was very concerned about the intolerant danes. Point is, youre still being cucked by the UN, even if the leftists are mad and thats very amusing. So whenever this comes into fruition and you have remote monkey-camps, you'll have to keep an even closer watch on nosy international entities because the people who are coming are "vetted" by god knows who even before entering denmark. So NGOs are rubbing their hands very fast at the prospects of this.
In the short term its nice to see the overton window has shifted to such a degree that even the commies see the need to discourage nogs from coming (just to stay relevant)
I also liked the language used by the party spokeswoman of the socialist party. She said the ambition was to reduce "ikkevestlig" immigration, which at this point is codeword for nonwhite in everyones heads.
To be fair at the current moment Im more concerned by the legislation proposals about legaly binding gender quotas as set up in Iceland
Swedish official twitter right now.
Honestly what culture do you guys have besides muh vikingz? That's why you have a lack of national pride, you have nothing to be proud of.