
How true is all the claims in this picture? was gaddafi really based or was Obama right?

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Gaddafi was a terrorist in the past. That, as we look at the terrorist who have received the Nobel Peace Prize, is no big deal.
His crime was going to a interest free gold standard and not using a Rothschild bank. For that, he had to die. He had to be made an example of.

He was based as fuck and the Israelis had him killed because they're demons.

I doubt it was super great but it was a functional country at least. Now all the countries that had "uprisings" are no-go places to travel.

Gaddafi was leading the fight to create a unified Africa, he wore a pin of the Continent on his clothes he was so proud of it, which was made fun of by Western media. He warned the UN if he fell there'd be boatloads moving to Europe. Then what do you know, he got decapitated a few months later.

He's the iron man the middle east and and Africa need to keep their masses in line.

Shame all his gold went to France.

>tfw now that he's dead, Arabs are literally selling niggers as slaves in Sirte for Black Friday specials




everyone we go to war with ends up being a good guy. really makes me wonder the truth about noko

He was a good boy. (Insert group name) set him up. Fuck onigger

This man was a criminal even seeing through the lens of arabic values and laws. There is no doubt about it.

With that being said tho, he was far better for whole region than the absolute chaotic mess we have now. Interventions of west were inaporpriate and without post-plan.

Noone would really care about Gaddafi but he started to mess with bank system and Rotschields...that was his downfall

He was based.

Like Hussein and Assad; do or did some pretty bad things to their own people, but it is or was a funcctioning country that operated pretty well given the cultural climate of the region.

People don’t understand that peaceful government cannot exist with the Middle East. There’s far too much in fighting from the hundreds of tribes that live there. You need someone willing to stomp down uprisings and resist isalmification ala ISIS and the taliban.


itt: newfaggots who don't know that Gaddafi was a manufactured baddie installed by the west and used as a boogeyman when convenient, then murdered by the Clintons when deemed necessary

I listened. I started listening to him after his isratine speech at the UN.

He was necessary evil.

What is a Central Bank for $1000 Alex

He wasn't even evil. He just didn't play the stupid cover-up games of appearances.

I'll redpill you real quick. They don't use a centralized bank so are constantly receiving threats from other countries. Because of this they have started defense mechanism that they test fire to make sure they work. The west acts like they are doing some hostile horrible event and will one day kill us all. North Korea however only ever tests their rockets in the ocean where no one is. I have also never heard them threaten to make a direct attack only in self defense.

pretty much this

what more do you need to know about him?

He was an Arab pan nationalist, killed a lot of people to get to power, and had a bunch of really bad ideas.

(((They))) needed to overthrow him to create the situation we have today where Libya is the nation that is being used to flood Europe with economic migrants from Africa.

He was right about one thing

he vowed to house every single citizen in his country before even his own father, he kept his promise and his father died homeless before eventually every single citizen in his country had a home

He was based as fuck. That's why they killed him (that and all the gold he had).

>tfw it was our fault

Tried to take on the banksters by creating a gold backed Dinar for the continent of Africa and the banker attack dog fixed that (((problem)))

He was as good as it gets in Africa. Obongo was the worst possible option in the civilised world. Go figure.

This is why whites must escape to Space.
Drown the Jew and their pets in gold, dropped in billion ton rods from high orbit.

Him and Saddam were the only things keeping the middle east from exploding into the shitfest it is now. Then the US war machine came in and created a power vacuum to feed the military industrial complex through endless war in against ideology.

I recommend this book to all on Sup Forums, the West supports radical islam everywhere it exist.